The Super Terrific MLB Thread - Part 2

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MrPryck2U said:
Uhh, the point being that the Yanks will always have the highest payroll and saying so is redundant, you dig? The Yankees operate on a different financial plain then most of MLB with the exception of a handful of teams. When Boss George was pissing away good prospects for washed up free agents back in the 80's, people we singing the same song.

I don't understand how it doesn't affect this argument though. Yes, they've been doing that for a long time. But it still is just as relevant. They should be winning more because they can spend more. In fact, the thought of them not being wildly successful with that kind of payroll is laughable.

The discussion was over letdown. If you spend that much and don't succeed, redundant or not, that's a huge, huge letdown in and of itself.
Well fans of teams with high payrolls might be able to understand that money will not buy good health, chemistry or even luck. Just ask Orioles owner Peter Angelos. Back in the mid-90's, he tried to be like Boss George and buy a title. No such luck and his team hasn't even smelled the playoffs in almost a decade. The Mets are another team that has and will continue to try and buy a championship. They've gotten better over the years, but still no title. The BoSox tried to stop buying a championship after they finally won in 2004, but then they realized that coming in second really sucks so they said the hell with that idea. Now, the Cubs are trying to play with the big boys and spend a lot of money, but so far the results aren't as good as hoped.

Finally, it's a long season. Both the Cubs and the Yanks aren't playing well, but there's still time for them to clinch a playoff berth.
MrPryck2U said:
Well fans of teams with high payrolls might be able to understand that money will not buy good health, chemistry or even luck. Just ask Orioles owner Peter Angelos. Back in the mid-90's, he tried to be like Boss George and buy a title. No such luck and his team hasn't even smelled the playoffs in almost a decade. The Mets are another team that has and will continue to try and buy a championship. They've gotten better over the years, but still no title. The BoSox tried to stop buying a championship after they finally won in 2004, but then they realized that coming in second really sucks so they said the hell with that idea. Now, the Cubs are trying to play with the big boys and spend a lot of money, but so far the results aren't as good as hoped.

Finally, it's a long season. Both the Cubs and the Yanks aren't playing well, but there's still time for them to clinch a playoff berth.

I'm going to be completely honest. I have no idea what side of the issue you are on. What you just said sounds like something two people arguing would say to each other, not one statement.

All I know is that to compare the Cubs as big spenders to the Yankees is stupid. They spend about 100 million, the Yanks 225 million.

The bigger letdown is the 225 million.
I'm not really arguing. If you wish to call it a letdown, then so be it. I'm going to evaluate what a letdown the Yanks' season was or wasn't at the end of October when the season is over.

As far as payroll discussion. It's all relative. The Cubs are finally starting to spend some of that money they've had stowing away and now they aren't playing well. As a result, because they are the Number 3 media market in the US, the microscope on their season has been magnified.
It's relative if you are comparing the MLB to the NHL or something like that. But we're comparing teams not just in the same sport, but in the same league! Major League Baseball! It's a completely fair comparison. People have much different expectations of a 99 million dollar payroll compared to a 225 million dollar payroll.
No spoken words said:
But you were rooting for the Mets then.

that joke was not funny...



it's a double not joke! :happy:
trying to buy a championship does not work.

the yankees of the mid 90's did not buy any championships... they built a core of good young players in their farm team, made a number of key trades and then used their gigantic resources to fill in the parts around them.

once they started trying to buy championships... starting with giambi and mussina, they have not won one. they've still been succesful, yes. but they have not been able to win a title because when it all comes down to it they are a fundamentaly flawed team.

their team this year sucks. they suck... i watch 'em all the time. they suck. they have good, but old, starting pitching. their bullpen sucks. even rivera hasn't been good. posada got hot, but his average hsa dropped 40 points in the last 3 weeks, and he'll be below .300 by the end of july. cano's taken a step back, they have no firstbasemen, their centerfielder got old fast, throws like a girl, the right fielder is a friggin' pansy who pisses his pants if he gets within 50 feet of a wall, their manager is so obsessed with trying to win games before the all star break that his already shitty bullpen is going to be that much worse down the stretch due to over-use, their lineup is stacked with lefties and those lefties thus far this year have been god awful, and they've spent sooooo much money on aging, over-rated, over-paid veterans that, when the injury bug hit, they had guys who couldn't start on your local beer league softball team on the bench.

and then there's jeter and a-rod... who frankly are so good this year that they just might be able to over-come all those faults and sneak the yankees into the playoffs as the wild card...

but i wouldn't bet the house on it.
Game-winning walks make baby Jesus cry.

So does not bringing in the well-rested closer in the 9th inning of a tie game because it's not a "save situation".
MrPryck2U said:

As far as payroll discussion. It's all relative. The Cubs are finally starting to spend some of that money they've had stowing away and now they aren't playing well. As a result, because they are the Number 3 media market in the US, the microscope on their season has been magnified.

Um, the Cubs are not just starting to spend money. They've been spending money for some time now. They've also been under the microscope for, oh, I don't know, a while. :huh:
Yeah its not like the Cubs are some team with no national recognition.
They are probably like the 4th or 5th most widely known team behind the Yanks, Dodgers, Red Sox, and maybe Mets or Cards.
Of course much of the following is lore of the lovable loser, but they are still a very popular team and certainly under the spotlight.

Plus they are now .001 percentage points ahead of the almighty Yanks in the standings, so as of this morning the Yanks are with no question this season's biggest "joke" as our resident MetsYank fan put it.
I agree, you can't buy a championship. Ever since the Yanks signed Giambi, it just hasn't been the same. They haven't played this poorly since 1995, but that team did pull it together to make the playoffs. But, they were able to trade for David Cone back then to give the team a boost. No such luck this time around. Slowly but surely the Yankees are becoming the joke of the league because only a handful of guys are playing well. Meanwhile, the lovable loser Cubs still won't make the playoffs, but no one will care because the Yanks are having a worse season so far.
MrPryck2U said:
I agree, you can't buy a championship. Ever since the Yanks signed Giambi, it just hasn't been the same. They haven't played this poorly since 1995, but that team did pull it together to make the playoffs. But, they were able to trade for David Cone back then to give the team a boost. No such luck this time around. Slowly but surely the Yankees are becoming the joke of the league because only a handful of guys are playing well. Meanwhile, the lovable loser Cubs still won't make the playoffs, but no one will care because the Yanks are having a worse season so far.

So, now are you saying you think the Yanks are the biggest joke after you said it was "the cubbies by a nose" earlier? :huh:
Well, you even quoted me as saying that "slowly, but surely the Yankees are becoming the joke of the league...". Slowly but surely.
After last night's game against the O's, things are looking even worse. But, I'm not bailing on my team. I'm just saying right now, with all of the talented players on their team, THEY ARE SLOWLY BUT SURELY BECOMING THE JOKE OF THE LEAGUE. I'm actually agreeing with the anti-Yankee people for once by saying this. Are you able to comprehend this, Philly?
Dalton said:

I just sent my left testicle to Texas hoping that they will send Gagne to the Tigers in return . . . :|

Someday I'd like to see Chien-Ming Wang get traded for J.J. Putz. That would be too hilarious.
Hey, Putz is on a nice roll with saves for the Mariners. Don't be knockin' Mr. Putz. :wink:

I'm off in a few to see if the Ms can sweep the Red Sox! It's a plus of working just down the street from Safeco Field. :rockon:
MrPryck2U said:
Well, you even quoted me as saying that "slowly, but surely the Yankees are becoming the joke of the league...". Slowly but surely.
After last night's game against the O's, things are looking even worse. But, I'm not bailing on my team. I'm just saying right now, with all of the talented players on their team, THEY ARE SLOWLY BUT SURELY BECOMING THE JOKE OF THE LEAGUE. I'm actually agreeing with the anti-Yankee people for once by saying this. Are you able to comprehend this, Philly?

I comprehend things that don't contradict quite well.
With all due respect, I wasn't contradicting myself.
Anyway, how are the Phillies doing? When was the last time they were in the playoffs? Seriously, I can't remember. Was it 1993 when they went to the Series?
MrPryck2U said:
With all due respect, I wasn't contradicting myself.
Anyway, how are the Phillies doing? When was the last time they were in the playoffs? Seriously, I can't remember. Was it 1993 when they went to the Series?

In one post you said you can't buy a championship (using Yanks as example), but then that Boston did, and tried to stop, but didn't win without one, and then began towards buying one again. You essentially said it doesn't work, but it did with Boston. Unless you misspoke about Boston, which just would confuse me more then.

And then you changed to Yankees being the biggest joke after vehemently defending them as not being the biggest joke a day before.

Oh, and for the last part of your post, good one. I haven't heard that before. How original. :rolleyes:
If you guys get this thread locked and Barry Bonds beats us to 755, I will hate you forever.
speedracer said:
If you guys get this thread locked and Barry Bonds beats us to 755, I will hate you forever.

I'm not getting this thread locked at all.

Randhail, I digress, it does suck to have to endure that especially, especially from such an unreasonable bunch as New York fans.

I thought we were having a friendly one-upsmanship thing going. My fault.
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