The (RED) Thread - Discuss Products Only! (#2)

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A quick response to the PS from butter7 - apologies for the delayed response.

You are right that changing labor practices throughout the global supply chain of the technology industry is going to be hard, and take some time to drive meaningful change. The supply chain of our industry is broad, very interrelated, global, and, as you point out, very competitive.

I disagree that we can't make changes though -- two thoughts - 1) we're placing contractual requirements on first tier suppliers re our expectations around workplace policies - performance is reviewed constantly and a supplier can risk losing business with us if they do not meet expectations.

but 2) perhaps more importantly - this is an industry wide issue to address which is why we helped found EICC -- it's one thing for Dell to have expectations, it's quite another when Dell and every major OEM has the same expecation of any supplier. If you visit eicc dot info there is some more information that may help.

thanks for the question though and please do keep sending questions and comments - this is a very important issue and Dell is committed to responsible operations. thanks
i for one have dells at work and at home.. never ever had any problems with them!

hey bryant,
any free (RED) laptops that become available for us u2 fans??? :D

just kidding!
I just got a new Dell, my 2nd Dell and I've never ever had any problems with them either :up: I only wish I'd waited just 2 weeks to buy this one then I could have taken advantage of the (RED) products!
BryantatDell said:
A quick response to the PS from butter7 - apologies for the delayed response.

You are right that changing labor practices throughout the global supply chain of the technology industry is going to be hard, and take some time to drive meaningful change. The supply chain of our industry is broad, very interrelated, global, and, as you point out, very competitive.

I disagree that we can't make changes though -- two thoughts - 1) we're placing contractual requirements on first tier suppliers re our expectations around workplace policies - performance is reviewed constantly and a supplier can risk losing business with us if they do not meet expectations.

but 2) perhaps more importantly - this is an industry wide issue to address which is why we helped found EICC -- it's one thing for Dell to have expectations, it's quite another when Dell and every major OEM has the same expecation of any supplier. If you visit eicc dot info there is some more information that may help.

thanks for the question though and please do keep sending questions and comments - this is a very important issue and Dell is committed to responsible operations. thanks

Is BryantatDell an alter?
Sorry I've fallen behind on these threads. Is this new (RED) Dell just a normal Dell Inspiron with the red Vista theme applied? The case doesn't look any different than the Inspirons I repair on a daily basis...
That should be pretty easy to find out.

Bryant Hilton, Dell Public Relations,

There are telephone numbers also (which I won't post here) using a simple google search, so I guess a simple email or telephone call should be able to get to the bottom of it.
Liesje said:
Sorry I've fallen behind on these threads. Is this new (RED) Dell just a normal Dell Inspiron with the red Vista theme applied? The case doesn't look any different than the Inspirons I repair on a daily basis...

At least one of them is that new all-in-one XPS model that's designed more like a Mac than a PC.

I believe they're selling them at Best Buy as well as through Dell. Next time I'm over that way I think I'll stop and look at one, even though if I get one I'm still going to buy it online so I can get my educational discount. I may not have this job past May (still waiting to see if my contract gets renewed...), so I want to take advantage of the discount while I can.

I don't think I'd be going out of my way to buy a new computer just to support (RED), but since I'm planning on getting one this year anyway and was already considering a Dell, this could be a good chance for me to support (RED).
BryantatDell said:
A quick response to the PS from butter7 - apologies for the delayed response.

You are right that changing labor practices throughout the global supply chain of the technology industry is going to be hard, and take some time to drive meaningful change. The supply chain of our industry is broad, very interrelated, global, and, as you point out, very competitive.

I disagree that we can't make changes though -- two thoughts - 1) we're placing contractual requirements on first tier suppliers re our expectations around workplace policies - performance is reviewed constantly and a supplier can risk losing business with us if they do not meet expectations.

but 2) perhaps more importantly - this is an industry wide issue to address which is why we helped found EICC -- it's one thing for Dell to have expectations, it's quite another when Dell and every major OEM has the same expecation of any supplier. If you visit eicc dot info there is some more information that may help.

thanks for the question though and please do keep sending questions and comments - this is a very important issue and Dell is committed to responsible operations. thanks

Thanks for the reply.

Good to know that Dell is pushing the right direction. I believe that with Dell's leading position in this industry, what Dell could achieve would quickly become a model that other companies would willing to apply.

Like I said before, I understood why Dell did it (both the good and evil), but I don't understand why (RED) made this move. The whole IT production related industry is not having a good reputation on fair trade and labor practice right now, and nobody could ensure that there would be no future explosion for this issue.

Never used Dell laptop though, always go with IBM. Hopefully next year could say goodbye to Windows and run on Linux only. For me spend that much of money on hardware upgrading just to get the vista system to do what I could do with XP without any upgrading at all is just not worthwhile. Don't even mention I still have to pay for the system. If only for the look, I'd rather get a mac instead.

A (RED) mac, or....why not a (RED) ubuntu system? :drool:
Hi everyone-I have to admit I wasn't familiar with the term "alter," and started to ask some of my colleagues who work on our corporate blog

but, it looks like maybe the question is if I'm a real Dell employee - I absolutely am, full name is Bryant Hilton, I work in Dell's corporate communications department and partner with all of the various teams that work on corporate responsibility programs (for example product recycling).

my email is posted above but also if you google my name you'll see me quoted on behalf of Dell and on some Dell press releases.

I could say my name is Caroline Dietz at Dell. Google it, see I'm listed on the interwebs : points:

Doesn't mean much.

I'm curious as to why Dell employees are permitted to post on a fan sites. Doesn't make sense to me.

PS This site has a bit of an unfortunate reputation for fakes which won't help your case. (if you have one)

PPS Post a picture of yourself with todays newspaper please. There are pics of Bryant Hilton on the web. It should be easy enough to compare to this:
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fair point (though i can tell you that Caroline Dietz is a real Dell employee and happens to sit next to me). Unfortunately I'm way behind the times and don't have a facebook or myspace page. You can try my email at any time if that helps.

in terms of posting though - we participate in conversations wherever they happen -- we picked up the thread on labor issues in the supply chain after the RED launch and I jumped in to comment. We do have a corporate policy governing those online discussions including that we have to disclose we are a Dell employee at all times.

Hope that helps.
Thats my point. Anyone can pick up real employees names of the internet. Its not difficult to do.

If you email me the photo I'll upload it and post it in this thread. Deal?

My email is belilindt (at) gmail (dot) com
thank you - i was just about to ask as I could not figure out how to upload -- sending right now.

and that photo you found of me from a Houston event is not my best look ever :)
Wow, I haven't been to this thread in ages. Regardless of whether or not Bryant is who he says he is, I think it is great that there is more discussion on labor conditions, something which is important to me but I feel as though it is being overlooked by some (and I don't mean in this thread, I'm speaking in general.) I've already spoken about my concerns with the other companies participating in RED. I think it's great that Dell is being discussed too. I believe poverty is all over and I hope eventually as a society we can address one impoverished community's needs without sacrificing another's.

In any case, welcome to the forum! :)
Why don't one of you just call him for crying out loud. :rolleyes:

Dell's phone numbers are readily available. Unless of course you think somehow this person has somehow managed to hack the Dell Corporate site and put a fake telephone number there in order to pull off this great hoax on interference to post some comments from Dell on our messageboard.

Hey Bryant, you're not claiming to be Bono's cousin are you? :eyebrow:
LOL to Ramblin Rose - I'm afraid the closest I can claim is that once on a business trip to Ireland, in a colleague's car driving to a meeting, we were in some neighborhood in greater Dublin and she said "Bono has a house somewhere around here." :)
ramblin rose said:
Why don't one of you just call him for crying out loud. :rolleyes:

Dell's phone numbers are readily available. Unless of course you think somehow this person has somehow managed to hack the Dell Corporate site and put a fake telephone number there in order to pull off this great hoax on interference to post some comments from Dell on our messageboard.

Hey Bryant, you're not claiming to be Bono's cousin are you? :eyebrow:


thanks rose.. For god's sake what is the big deal on all this anyways. Sicy already said he's not an alter.
BryantatDell said:
LOL to Ramblin Rose - I'm afraid the closest I can claim is that once on a business trip to Ireland, in a colleague's car driving to a meeting, we were in some neighborhood in greater Dublin and she said "Bono has a house somewhere around here." :)

well, I can top that.. I stood in front of the gates of Bono's house.. :D Also, stayed at the Clarence and hung out in front of Hanover Quay (their studios). *insert neener neener smilie* :evil:

oh yeah, I forgot... met Bono and Edge in LA/april 2005 at the staples center.. :wink:

Sorry for the thread derailment.. back to our regularly scheduled program....

>>> discuss (RED) :sexywink:
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beli said:
For me to make an international phone call it'd have to be for something important. :wink:

Seems like this is pretty important to you!

ramblin rose said:
Why don't one of you just call him for crying out loud. :rolleyes:

Really. This is pretty ridiculous.

Upon Ip tracking, BryantatDell is posting from Dell in Texas.
If you want more info email me in private, dont make such a spectacle about it on the boards.

Just curious...

Bryant, how did you find this discussion thread?

Did Dell pay people to run google search and see how people react after they partnered with (RED)?

@ beli:

No matter Bryant is really work for Dell or not, it's not the most important thing in this discussion. Just like unico stated, (RED) did recruited some companies which have labor practice problem (including Dell & Apple) into the campaign, which I think they shouldn't have done. But it is fact that currently the hi-tech product are not so clean in general. To improve the labour practice condition costs a lot of money and time. It's just impossible to see changes happening over night.

As a consumer, I think the basic is that every company really should have reveal the truth, which we have the right to know. In this incident, (RED) should have told their customers that some of their products are conflict with fair trade.
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