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    • Sicy
      Sicy reacted to Hewson's post in the thread Survivor 46 with Wow Wow.
      It was actually 5 idols that went home including 4 in a row. (Jem went home with one early, then the 4 in a row of Hunter, Tiffany...
    • Sicy
      Sicy replied to the thread U22.
      • 1716862602441.png
    • Sicy
      Sicy replied to the thread Survivor 46.
      OMG So glad Kenzie won. That was a crazy season. I am friends with Marty Piombo and I talk to him all the time about Survivor lol. He...
    • Sicy
      Sicy reacted to MrPryck2U's post in the thread Survivor 46 with Like Like.
      I don't see Liz returning. Too many allergies. Lol! Jeff has said Season 50 will be returning players. I could see Charlie returning...
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