The 2010-2011 NBA Thread

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Yeah, but Oakley had more balls in his pinkie than there is on that Cavs roster. Who's gonna deck Lebron...Varejao? Of course they're all a bunch of bitches, look who their leader was?

Last night was a catharsis for LeBron, a moment in which he could vent the frustrations of the past six or so months on a hapless team. I don't think that it means anything about the direction of the Heat.

As for the comment above, I'd like to know what exactly the point would have been in "decking" LeBron. Was the Cavs roster expected to just take turns committing flagrant twos against him? The Cavs' effort was certainly embarrassing, but I see absolutely no reason for them to have attempted to inflict physical damage on him. The fans were able to express their anger, which was the point from the beginning. The outcome of this game never mattered.
i'm not saying anderson varejo, who has made a career out of cheap shotting people, should have cheap shotted lebron.

what i'm saying is that the cavilers demeanor and performance was void of any sort of competitive pride. long story short... they have no balls.

this is a guy who more or less said "i'm going to miami because you guys all suck," and did so in the most disrespectful way possible. and here he is, back "home" again, and you spend the game cracking jokes with him and letting him talk shit to your bench while he torches you?

i, for one, was disgusted... and i feel really bad for the cav fans that their own team didn't feel it was important enough to at least play with the same pride that they have.

the knicks/heat had a huge rivalry in the late 90's, for one reason and one reason only; pat fucking riley.

pat riley snaked his way out of new york, quitting on the knicks by fax. riley's return to the garden the next year was the closest thing to last night that i can ever remember. riley even went out on the court and waved his hands, egging the crowd on as they booed.

i remember ewing and harper and maybe a few other players went over and gave him the courtesy hug. and then they went out and tried to rip the heat's hearts out, at the start of what became a bitter, intense rivalry for the next 4-5 years.

there was no joking, no smiling, no fucking around... it was a war every time the teams played. the way it should have been.

the cavs complete lack of heart, balls, toughness last night falls under the same umbrella as lebron joining up with wade and bosh to begin with; we have a generation of players who have grown up without that competitive fire that the generation(s) before them had. it's sickening.

why? i think it's pretty simple. used to be you played your 20+ games in high school, and in the offseason you went to camps and played at the park, where if you lost you'd have to sit for an hour, so you had to fight tooth and nail every play just to stay on the court.

now the kids all go off to their AAU tournaments, where they have 6 games in a weekend, so they learn how to coast at times so that they can make it through the weekend. it's a culture where players bounce around to form superteams, rather than sticking together and trying to work their way up. sound familiar?


once the older generation of players in the league now... the kobe's, pierce's, KG's, duncan's, etc. etc... retire, the NBA is in for a world of hurt.
i'm not saying anderson varejo, who has made a career out of cheap shotting people, should have cheap shotted lebron.

what i'm saying is that the cavilers demeanor and performance was void of any sort of competitive pride. long story short... they have no balls.

this is a guy who more or less said "i'm going to miami because you guys all suck," and did so in the most disrespectful way possible. and here he is, back "home" again, and you spend the game cracking jokes with him and letting him talk shit to your bench while he torches you?

i, for one, was disgusted... and i feel really bad for the cav fans that their own team didn't feel it was important enough to at least play with the same pride that they have.

I agree with almost all of that. The only point that I want to make is that the fans did not care about the outcome of the game. They just wanted to rain contempt on LeBron. No Cavs fan, with the possible exception of Dan Gilbert, believes that the Cavs are on a competitive level with Miami. I at least expected that game to be a blowout.

That is really a sad commentary on the state of Cleveland sports, as we are more happy to play the jilted, vindictive lover than we are to expect performance from our teams. It's nothing of which to be proud, but I would bet that most of those fans were satisfied when they left the building last night.
I sure miss the Ewing/Oakley Knicks. I miss the intense wars the Knicks would be involved in. Especially against teams like the Bulls, Pacers and Heat. Plus, when Shaq was still on the Magic, they had some awesome battles too. I remember the pussy ass way Riley left NY. :angry: He looked like a real shitbag telling his players to be wary of "the disease of me" and then he shows them that he only gives a shit about Pat Riley and not his players.
Despite him being a douche, he would have made a nice duo with Amare in NYC. I actually like watching the Knicks as they are now, but out of all the options Lebron had, the Knicks are more and more looking like the best one.
Shit, I think the NYK have met their quota as far as douches. Marbury, Isiah Thomas and Sprewell are a few names that come to mind, but obviously, there's more. :wink:
Absolutely... but I don't want to give up the farm to get him. I would prefer to wait until free agency. There are other stars that will also be available so they shouldn't feel pressured into giving up too much to get him.

The play of landry fields has certainly created more trading chips, and makes gallo or chandler easier to lose.

But yea... I want melo.
Hey nam and philk, tell me you were watching that game on Saturday night when Derrick hit the three to tie it and send it to overtime. God damn, that was beautiful.
Is Blake Griffen the best rookie PF since Tim Duncan in 1997?

if you're simply referring to what he's doing as a rookie, then yea, probably. i'm not exactly ready to put blake ahead of amar'e, dirk and pao, all of whom came into the league after duncan, but yea, he has been very impressive, which is not a surprise to me at all.

but, alas, the clippers still suck.
Tyson Chandler FML.

Time for my lunch:

Wow, that's some freakish ability on display. He looks as though he will be a monster on the pick-and-roll if he hooks up with a strong point guard.
At least he's not a Blazer...

Yep, I saw it. Loved it. Also loved that Booz had his first good game in a Bulls uniform.

I thought he looked pretty good against Boston too. Boozer will help them a lot but they could sure use a real shooting 2 to spread things out a bit and give Rose a little more room to work.
CTU2fan said:
At least he's not a Blazer...

I thought he looked pretty good against Boston too. Boozer will help them a lot but they could sure use a real shooting 2 to spread things out a bit and give Rose a little more room to work.

Korver is lights out... no shooter is lights out when they don't get to catch in rhythm... nobody is in rhythm when they stand around watching someone else dominate the ball...
i do like what i see from rose since boozer's returned... and i do like what i see from boozer.

but alas, let's discuss the hottest team, and player, in the NBA right now...


10 of 11 wins, 5 straight 30+ point games from amar'e.

Stoudemire is the first Knicks player with multiple player of the week wins in the same season since Patrick Ewing won three times in 1992-93.

new york knick basketball.
He's had some impressive 4th quarters, that's for sure. I really like these Knicks.
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