Old Photo Thread - Time To Say Goodbye

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Headache in a Suitcase

Site Team
Staff member
Jul 16, 2000
Opinions are my own.
Hi folks.

The old Interference Photo Thread is, well, old. Most of the links are broken, most of the members in there have moved on, and frankly it's just taking up space at this point.

Will give it a few days to make sure there isn't a big yearning by those still here to keep it - but plan is to delete the thread on Friday.
Hi folks.

The old Interference Photo Thread is, well, old. Most of the links are broken, most of the members in there have moved on, and frankly it's just taking up space at this point.

Will give it a few days to make sure there isn't a big yearning by those still here to keep it - but plan is to delete the thread on Friday.
Sniff….i’m 63 and a new U2 fan of about 30 days. I’m trying to find the U2 places where people are still talking, but sadly, like Led Zeppelin from 3 months ago, many of the things i would love to talk about have been talked about for 30-40 yrs now and put to bed so there’s not many to share mutual respect at the same level around. And yeah, I’ve used music! I started working at a record store in high school (1977) and remember Elvis and Lennon dying, and the madness around music on those days, and I put out LED Zeppelin albums and was working when Bonham died, but not an single cell of memory of that day/time. I remember when the young band from Ireland hit, and I stayed in the business (not at a record store) until 1990, but all I can say now is “I was blind. I’ve missed 30-45 years of some incredible music, but off to pop through this forum as fast as I can!!
welcome to the forum. there are some big led zeppelin fans here too lol. what are some of the U2 songs that sparked your interest in the band?
I figured after 24 years it was time to update my forum profile picture from the one I had of me where I was 23 years old to a current 46 year old me… and my dog.
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