Random TV Thread II: Television, Continued

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I don't do FB, or any gaming. I do watch TV almost every night. with a dvr to zip through the commercials.
I prefer watching the shows when they air. I caught BB on its debut and every new show as it aired. I started posting on it by the first or second episode.
Saw Alcatraz last night (only the first hour). I thought it was absolutely terrible.
Justified is back with a vengeance people. Why is it this awesome show gets too little credit?
I caught the last episode of last season
and this season's premier.

I don't feel completely out of it. That I have to go back and watch all the rest.
I caught the last episode of last season
and this season's premier.

I don't feel completely out of it. That I have to go back and watch all the rest.

Syntax does not compute... either way, I'm just gonna say do yourself a favor and watch the rest.
So I plan to rotate The Shield, Six Feet Under and Dexter after I eventually finish The Sopranos, which one should I line up first?
six feet under, i think

the shield, will go fast, if you like it.

i tried dexter (twice) and did not find it worth my time. michael c. hall is much better in 6 feet under.
That does seem to be the most prestigious, been looking forward to it.

With Sons of Anarchy between seasons I'm hoping The Shield can get me my testosterone fix.

All the cool kids on my FB seem to dig Dexter.
I will admit to not being a 'cool kid'

SFU is just real solid.

The Shield has even more adrenaline than Sons.

and Dexter, from what I have read is not consistent, even for it's fans.
Yep, Six Feet Under is one of the best dramas I've ever seen. And if we're only counting ones that are no longer on the air, it's one of the best of all time.

Everyone should see Dexter, just don't watch past the fourth season. There's literally no point whatsoever and you'll only be wasting your time. But the first two seasons are unlike anything else out there and practically flawless. When it comes to television, no show should really be downgraded for later, crappier seasons if they still managed to put out fantastic content for at least a few years. Just stop watching The Simpsons after Season 10 and The X-Files after Season 6 and you'll never have to complain about these shows and can save your time to watch other good ones.

The Shield is a consistently good show that was never truly in the realm of greatness. Like so many others FX dramas (like Justified or Rescue Me), it will end up being forgotten quickly because a decade from now there will be at least 50 better dramas that will have graced our screens. Still worth checking out if you have the time though, but not in the same league as, say, The Wire or Northern Exposure or Twin Peaks or the bajillion things on television right now.
Everyone should see Dexter, just don't watch past the fourth season. There's literally no point whatsoever and you'll only be wasting your time. But the first two seasons are unlike anything else out there and practically flawless. When it comes to television, no show should really be downgraded for later, crappier seasons if they still managed to put out fantastic content for at least a few years.

Absolutely. I put off watching Dexter for years, and when I finally did, I couldn't get enough. I also agree that after Season 4 things went a bit south.
I'm only going to see one episode before having to leave for Europe.

Oh well. Hopefully I'll be cutting my own Draperesque path through the continent.
I cannot say enough about the show, and how excited I am for it to start back. I love it so.

My marathon run through the first four seasons was easily the most rewarding thing I did with my life in 2011. And that's no joke.
I just finished the pilot episode of Gossip Girl. Going in, I really wasn't sure how I'd feel about a show knee-deep in NYC upper-socialite intrigue, but found by the end of it I was buying into what I assume is going to be a huge cold war clash between Blake Lively and Leighton Meester, while the 90s Rock Band family gets caught up in the middle.

also, almost-rape? A, uh, bold choice for a character I'm assuming sticks around for the duration of the series.
Yeah, I think once they realized how popular Chuck Bass was among the viewers, they backed off that a bit, and he never did anything else quite so evil (that I remember). I think it got brought up again at some point a few seasons later, but don't remember the context.

I'm so behind on that show it's not even funny. One of my favorite TV shows of all-time, without question. But I only got about 7 or 8 episodes into Season 4 and wasn't able to keep up with it. So I'm more than an entire season behind on it. I believe they're in the middle of Season 5 right now. I've unfortunately been slightly spoiled, on accident, and saw some recent plot points that I wish I hadn't. But, oh well.

Once Season 5 comes out on DVD, I'll check out both S4 and S5 and have a marathon and catch up.

The thread I started on the show back at the start of S2 is one of my favorite threads I've ever started on this forum, for what it's worth.
I thought the first handful of seasons were ridiculously fun, but I finally let it go sometime during the last season because I stopped caring about almost everyone on it.
It's almost certainly run its course. I haven't even looked it up, but this current season has to be the final season, right? I'd be shocked if that cast wants to keep going much longer, even with the (most likely) large amounts of money they're getting.

Still want to catch up on it, though. Gotta see what my girl Blair's been getting into.
So I didn't get to see the Luck pilot when it aired in December but I just caught it in its normal time slot, and all I can say is whoa, well that and a few other things: loved it, this cast is absolutely stacked, and it was bizarre to see 2000's Michael Mann's trademark visual style during so much day light haha.
I guess put me in the camp that thinks the Battlestar finale is actually pretty good. Despite at least 40% of the series on the whole being kind of shit.
I had issues with both the BSG and Lost finales, but overall I enjoyed both a lot.

I'm sure the ones for Mad Men and Breaking Bad will also have some people up in arms.

Bottom line, if a series finale isn't divisive, they probably didn't try hard enough.
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