Random TV Thread II: Television, Continued

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Speaking of HBO comedies, the new season of Life and Times of Tim has been fantastic as ever.
Hell yes. Shit's gonna be great. The previews have looked promising, so far. Kenny seems to be up to his same old tricks. I read something a few months back about how this is probably the final season of the show, though. So that's a bummer. But they could just be wanting to go out on a high note. Better to burn out than fade away, and all that.

Re: The Wire...I've said this before, but Seasons 1 and 2 are definitely my two favorite seasons of that show. Season 2 is so unique to all the others, and it's really brilliantly done. Agreed with the praise for that season's finale.

My Wire season rankings are actually in order...each season is fucking awesome, please don't get me wrong...but I cared for each season slightly less than the one before. (Even though my favorite episode of the entire series is the penultimate ep of Season 3. GOD DAMN.)

Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

It almost seems silly to rank the seasons, because they're all so great. But if I could only watch one more season of The Wire for the rest of my life, it would be either S1 or S2, with S1 taking the slight lead.
I pretty much just consider the Wire one long work.

Speaking of random things on TV, anyone see the pilot for NBC's The Firm series, it was awful. Also, I thought it was weird enough they were adapting a 20 year old generic thriller into an ongoing series, but it's even weirder, the series is ostensibly a sequel to the Tom Cruise movie, with the timeline all messed up. OK... also I'm pretty sure a 10 year old wrote the dialog.
Imps, have you seen rumors that a Party Down movie is getting talked about? Supposedly Megan Mellally said pretty much everyone is confirmed to be in it (aside from Glee lady who they aren't sure on).
I pretty much just consider the Wire one long work.

Speaking of random things on TV, anyone see the pilot for NBC's The Firm series, it was awful. Also, I thought it was weird enough they were adapting a 20 year old generic thriller into an ongoing series, but it's even weirder, the series is ostensibly a sequel to the Tom Cruise movie, with the timeline all messed up. OK... also I'm pretty sure a 10 year old wrote the dialog.

the Firm was not good, began poorly, but it did manage to pick up a bit

the 25 yr old Godfather, has to be one of the stupidest ideas, ever.
Why not make him 30-35, he could have been 20 when his dad went to prison.

as bad as it is, it is better than many new shows, supporting cast is pretty good, I will give it a little more time.
u2popmofo said:
Imps, have you seen rumors that a Party Down movie is getting talked about? Supposedly Megan Mellally said pretty much everyone is confirmed to be in it (aside from Glee lady who they aren't sure on).

Yeah I heard. Not sure it's necessary, but I'll welcome it.
For me The Wire seasons rank in this order: 4,3,1,5,2.

Making my way through Downton Abbey. It's outstanding in every way. :drool:
Kindof a lull for TV right about now, huh?

I guess we have Breaking Bad to look forward to, comin up soon.

All this Wire talk has me thinking I might have to do a re-watch. I don't do re-watches very much, but this one would be worth it.
We'll have Luck, Mad Men, Game of Thrones and Treme before that, so it's not all bad.

Anyone been watching the new BBC version of Sherlock? Season 2 just finished in the UK and I'm about to boot up episode 2, great stuff.
Anyone been watching the new BBC version of Sherlock? Season 2 just finished in the UK and I'm about to boot up episode 2, great stuff.

YES! Last episode was great, wasn't it? My favourite of Season 2. Although this season was great, I still think I prefer the first one.
I had no clue season 2 was out, that show handled the character soooo much better than the silly movie franchise. How many episodes this time? More than 3, hopefully....

Anyone know if that Alcatraz show that's on tonight is supposed to be remotely decent or not?
Finished S1 of Bored to Death last night. Great stuff. I'm disappointed it took me so long to get around to it.
I guess we have Breaking Bad to look forward to, comin up soon.

If I'm not mistaken, Breaking Bad won't be back all that soon. I'm not even sure if they've finished writing the remaining episodes, let alone filmed them.

Remember, Season 4 didn't begin until late July 2011, so I would put July 2012 as just about the earliest possible starting point for Season 5 of BB. And I wouldn't be surprised if it's pushed back further than that. That's a full six months from any more adventures with Walt and Jesse.

I guess it depends on what you mean by "soon". To me, six months (potentially more) is not really all that soon. I could just be weird, though.

Either way, we gots a bit of a wait, still.
Finished S1 of Bored to Death last night. Great stuff. I'm disappointed it took me so long to get around to it.

I haven't seen the first 60 or 70 % of that season, and I watched none of this most recent season. I am the reason shows I like get canceled. :sad:

the article I read in my morning paper, suggests that it falls under 'decent+' category

'Alcatraz' will lock you up: Television review - latimes.com

Cool, I'll try to check out the premiere tonight.
u2popmofo said:
I haven't seen the first 60 or 70 % of that season, and I watched none of this most recent season. I am the reason shows I like get canceled. :sad:

No worse than my coming to it too late to make a difference. It's a shame though. The show is really well done. I might start S2 here in a second.
I just watched the first 10 minutes or so of ALCATRAZ on Fox.

Nice to see Hurley back on TV, nice to see Dr. Alan Grant has ultimately survived his numerous run-ins with living dinosaurs, and the lead girl is super cute...

...but no. Don't think I'll give it any more time.
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