Random TV Thread II: Television, Continued

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I'd actually agree with your final line there. I liked this quite a bit more than the Lost finale, though I certainly respected the latter for being as bold as it was. I was also a bigger fan of BSG as a series by the time the final episode rolled around than I was for Lost, so that might have something to do with it. The first 2 or 3 seasons of BSG/Lost respectively are still some of my favorite television ever as it stands.
I'm surprise you weren't a fan of the "time travel" season of Lost (5, I think), as they were doing some of the most ballsy things with narrative I've seen on network television (he 6th season turned out to be more gimmicky once its true nature was revealed). That they were willing to challenge the audience to get on board with that kind of thing was surprising.

BSG was daring as well obviously, but their audience was more niche and familiar with sci-fi tropes. And I felt that it did get a little too convoluted as it went on. But still fantastic television overall.
Convoluted was one word for it. I found the writing in season 3 of BGS from about the midway point on to become incredibly ponderous, too morose, a bit indulgent, a lot un-exciting. Stayed that way for me till near the last part of season 4 which I admire obviously. I can't speak at all for season 5 of Lost, because I stopped watching a handful of episodes in, having hate the fourth season aside from a handful of stand-out episodes. Caught a couple episodes in season 6 and the finale, and discovered I hadn't really missed anything to fill in all the gaps.
Damn, there were some pretty amazing episodes in Lost Season 5, which I think was a definite step up from Season 4, not to mention towering over Season 6.

The finale was batshit crazy.

Oh well.
Yeah, that's a bit regrettable to hear. I might go back some time and revisit the last three seasons if only for that reason.
It was so great thinking
Juliet was dead
, only to be proven wrong later.

Also, The Variable? The Life And Death Of Jeremy Bentham? This Place Is Death? Eloise Hawking?? Shit, cat.

any takers?

the pilot muddled through a few cliches, but there was enough there (and enough raw acting power) to keep me coming back next week. Deborah Messing. Katharine MacPhee (why on earth did she bleach her hair for Community? she looks fine brunette). Jack Davenport.

apparently they've got original songs performed each week, from one of the Book of Mormon collaborators.
I tuned in after The Voice just because I wanted it to be an entertaining train wreck like the pilot for The Firm turned out to be, it was just bad though. What are great people like Anjelica Huston, Jack Davenport and Raza Jaffery doing in this? And how on earth did NBC think this would attract any viewers outside the small musical theater niche long term? I couldn't take it for more than 30 minutes.

The one thing I appreciated was the lighting in the show makes NYC look like a real place rather than the explosive color correction on shows like Ugly Betty.

any takers?

the pilot muddled through a few cliches, but there was enough there (and enough raw acting power) to keep me coming back next week. Deborah Messing. Katharine MacPhee (why on earth did she bleach her hair for Community? she looks fine brunette). Jack Davenport.

apparently they've got original songs performed each week, from one of the Book of Mormon collaborators.

I'll check out the pilot at some point. I've always really liked McPhee.
House finishes with season 8.

A few years too late (strike 1: replace your entire team with very weak replacements, strike 2: kill off the one replacement that would have worked - Amber, strike 3: make Huddy), but still.

That is an entirely fair assessment.

The second episode wasn't as great as the first, but I still am excited to see where they take this.
I didn't realize until the credits that this stars Jason Isaacs. Best known as Lucius Malfoy, but I know him fondly from his dual role as Hook/Mr. Darling in that magnificent Peter Pan film from a few years back.
or one could put on big boy pants and check out the series Brotherhood.

glad NBC put the episode up early, they've been quite good IIRC about being open to the internet and not being overly provincial.

Awake was just as great as I'd expected. It wastes no time getting down to business; the cold open to the episode is basically the trailer. And oh my god is the writing staff biting off a lot at once; they're basically twisting every knife they could think of in for the guy. The new hot tennis instructor Tara, the wife wanting to move, the psychiatrists- I loved the Blue Psychiatrist printing out the Constitution and having him read it, you can tell the creator Kyle Killen sat down and thought through some logical implications of the premise.

Dustin Hoffman Jason Isaacs has a serious Jon Hamm vibe in those sunglasses. Besides orange/blue filters, I'm trying to figure out how they're approaching each reality visually- I tried keeping an eye on the framing, but so far the biggest connection I can find is that the male psychiatrist = son died, female psychiatrist = wife died.

As it's NBC I'm going into it with no expectations about longevity, but at the very least this is a fascinating short story. Here's hoping they can spin it out for an entertaining 13 episodes.
I'm not sure actually. Was wondering the same thing.

Either way, the words "Don is back" are enough to work myself into a positive tizzy.

Best show currently on TV. No competitors.
There is definitely competition. But I do prefer it overall to Breaking Bad, for example. I think Matthew Weiner at his best is hard to top. The cast is deeper and richer (especially w/r/t the women), the canvas is bigger, and the humor is a lot more consistently funny. Specifically, Mad Men's occasional slapstick (the guy getting his foot caught in the tractor thing, Lane & Don watching Godzilla) work a lot better than Breaking Bad's, the latter often eye-rolling for me.
I'm not about to shoot down any well-expressed defense of Mad Men, as it's one of my favorite shows. But yeah, just wanted to say there's plenty out there on the same level of sophistication, plenty of shows operating in often very different ways that demonstrate just as much artistic merit right now. It's really a fantastic time for television.

Mad Men
Breaking Bad
Parks and Recreation
Game of Thrones

my two personal favorites right now, Treme and Luck. Lots of other stuff I haven't even gotten around to yet. Spoil of riches.
stop watching The Simpsons after Season 10

I'm watching Season 11 at the moment and loving it :shrug:

Also, cori, did I see you mention somewhere you caught an episode of New Girl and liked it? I just watched one and enjoyed it. No laugh track and Zooey helps a lot, but yeah, I could get into it. Light and inoffensive.
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