Random TV Thread II: Television, Continued

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Anyone here dig Home Improvement back in the day?

Just realised Harry from Harry's Hardware was the pool teacher who liked shorts in Community.
Did anyone catch the new show Angry Boys on HBO last night? It's Chris Lilley's new show - he was the awesomeness behind Summer Heights High, in which he played three characters (drama teacher, angry young teenaged boy, and a teenaged mean girl).

Loved Summer Heights High, looking forward to watching this new one.
I'm not sure whether the premise of this show is overly melodramatic or gutwrenching:


Awake is coming in March on NBC. it looks perfect for a British-style 6 episodes a season, although I read it's clocking in at 13. Here's hoping it doesn't get too much filler.
Did anyone catch the new show Angry Boys on HBO last night? It's Chris Lilley's new show - he was the awesomeness behind Summer Heights High, in which he played three characters (drama teacher, angry young teenaged boy, and a teenaged mean girl).

Loved Summer Heights High, looking forward to watching this new one.

I loved SHH too but found the new one pretty boring.

The series finished here like three or four months ago. Don't waste your time. It gets old very quickly and S.Mouse is horrendous.

Very disappointing after Summer Heights High, which was great.
Damn, what a bummer to hear that. I'll give it a shot and see what I think.

Also, have finished the third season of The Wire. DAMN. I mean ... DAMN.
I recently started it up again, and it's been a much quicker pace than my previous slog through it. I'm a bit over halfway done with S2.
Yep, apparently it's real. I've read stuff online and in magazines about it, and I'm surprised it even got a green light, because it's been getting slammed every which way. I've yet to hear even one slightly positive comment about it.

I remember when I first heard of the show, I thought, "So...it's an exact ripoff of 'Bosom Buddies', then..."
Eh, everyone has their bad spots on their resumes. This show's probably not going to last very long anyway (which begs the question why they're even bothering, but...), so he can go on and do something better.

I've still not seen "How I Met Your Mother". There's so much TV I'm not up on. But I've been skimming the thread for it-I'll have to sit down and watch it sometime.
Staying with my parents for the next couple of weeks. Can anyone recommend a new TV show that is mother and father friendly? Swearing and/or violence is not a problem, but sex/nudity is a big fat no. Think Game of Thrones/Boardwalk without the boobies and incest (I can't afford therapy).

The Wire has only a few sex scenes that I can think of, but if they're perfectly happy to watch 5 seasons of the foulest language imaginable and violence out the wazoo, then I'm sure they'd love it.

Speaking of which, I've got only 4 more episodes to go of the whole series. I think 3 was my favorite. 4 was too depressing to be my favorite, and so far 5 has just got me way too nervous to see how this shit's gonna hit the fan for McNulty and Lester.
I think I watched the last 6 hours of The Wire straight through in a marathon stretch.

Such great stuff.

Whenever the show comes up I feel compelled to mention again how much I love Beadie Russell. :heart:
I finished S2 in a marathon of my own yesterday. Can't wait to get cracking on the next one. And yes, Amy Ryan is a sweetheart.
Yeah, it was really well done. I'd heard from a lot of people that S2 was perhaps the weakest, but I found myself more invested in it than S1. So if that holds true, I'm in for a treat. I was going to get after S3 tonight, but it's too late to start an episode.

Also, Brother Mouzone reminds me of Gus Fring.
Finishing the last four seasons of the Wire would have been a worthwhile new year's resolution, but I forgot. Oh well, maybe I'll actually do it now.
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