Live8 Setlist Party Thread 5

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Lila64 said:
afraid of losing my feed if I refresh. Should I even bother? I only want to see Audioslave and Roxy Music

open another browser window with live8 aol webcast and just keep refreshing that page while you keep the other one running.. this is how I am figuring out who is up next.
Diane L said:
99 Problems and my biggest one
Is that Jay-Z & Linkin Park still ain't done
They are showing lousy music on my TV
And this is not what I want to see
Give me Velvet Revolver any day
At least Scott Weiland and Slash
Know how to play...

Diane L said:
99 Problems and my biggest one
Is that Jay-Z & Linkin Park still ain't done
They are showing lousy music on my TV
And this is not what I want to see
Give me Velvet Revolver any day
At least Scott Weiland and Slash
Know how to play...

You've got the idea! Except I really don't care for Velvet Revolver...

Without looking like too much of a dork/idiot, is there a download of the video for U2's performance earlier? Was busy until around 12 today, and forgot to TiVo it :(
i love how there have been so many amazing performances, and mtv decides to show an hours worth of linkin park
mkdominatr said:

hmm that worked ive been watching at the highest quality all day. now im at dial up??? who knows

I have broadband and a couple of times my feed bled and I slowed down then sped it up again and all was good again.
U2phan said:
Velvet Revolver should play some Gun N Roses songs, like when Audioslave played Killing in the Name Of earlier

Sweet Child of Mine, and Civil War sounds good

i remember them saying theyve tried some but scott can only sing a handful
audioslave played Killing in the Name of?
I would have loved to hear that.

I have AOL, I should be using the live feeds, but I'm also on dialup so it's useless, too much breakup
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