** All Get On Your Boots VIDEO Discussion HERE ** (No DL Links Please!)

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What do you think of the video?

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i commented on the video yesterday, but i've got to say again today: incredible, incredible, incredible video. :applaud: So many reasons why it's amazing, absolutely the best video they've done in a very, very long time (and i like the bd video). I don't think we'll see too much changed from it---first off, i can't see why, and second, it's gotten such an overwhelmingly positive response on all of the boards. There are spies everywhere, folks, even here. :shifty: :wink: They know we like it.

Here's my take on what's going on:

why the video's delayed
1. To fix the getty images watermarks
2. possibly to fix the nipple slip, though i don't know. Actually, i bet that they would have only fixed the getty stamps, but now that so many people everywhere are commenting on the nipple slip, they'll probably fix that, too.
3. To kick some major ass. It's clear that they're investigating u2eastlink. Universal is probably all over universal spain (though i kind of doubt that story...why would a universal representative show up at a fansite's owner's/mod's/whomever's place and decide to show off some gagged material?). They're probably also hounding the independent, as well as every step of the production line team....all to find the leak.
4. I don't think they're going to wait to find the leak before they publish it. My guess is that we'll see the official release sometime mid-next week.

If the story of the universal spain "representative" leaking it is true, then that representative was probably bono dressed up with a fake mustache, hat and glasses. Leaking it on purpose, the same way he and edge "just happen" to lose cds of every album and blast new songs from their balconies. :wink:

It's not a coincidence, but is not for legal issues. Just a little AHCTUNG

Are you saying that U2Eastlink closed the forum themselves as a precaution, or that they were asked to do so as a wrist slap? I can see that. I can't imagine, though, that Universal hasn't at least dug a little deeper into where the original poster on Eastlink got the file from---and that would at least involve a little investigation of that person, no?
Well, all i know is that close the forum for precaution (maybe 'till monday). And i know that they have listened the album. But i don't know anything about internal affairs on Universal Spain.
no, no hay ni promo aun... el disco llego ayer a Universal bajo el cuidado de un tipo venido de Londres.
Grabado en Cdr y con varias copias... una de ellas no funcionaba y cambiaro a otro cd. Repartieron las letras en fotocopias y luego las retiraron

What does this say then?
I'll feel guilty if they start coming after Interference, although we did nothing to cause the leak...
This is why we dont allow any download links to ANYTHING U2 does. People can bitch about that all they want, but I'm sure they'd be bitching more if they couldn't get their blue crack fix.
"No, there is no promo yet, the disc came in yesterday to Universal under the care of an individual from London.
Recorded in CD and with several copies...one of them did not work and they changed to another cd. They shared the files in photocopies and then they retired them..."

that's what I got from it.
I dont like all this big corporation coming down heavy on the little man. It scares me.
What does this say then?

No, there is no promo yet...the record arrived at Universal yesterday under the care of a guy from London. Recorded on CDr and with a few copies...one of them wasn't working and it was recorded to another cd. Photocopied lyrics were distributed and later taken back.
I wonder how long its gonna take to fix this mess. I thought the video would still be out late yesterday, but it has been over 24 hours since the expected release and still there is no video. The band must be pretty irritated :ohmy:
I loved it! Very strong visuals and the band seems to be in shape and in good spirit. Reminded me a bit of the Staring At The Sun video but way more interesting. The POP era videos are the best to me. They seem to be the most creative and fun like this one. I really hope they have the same approach this time around and I think they will. Awesome!

A conversation was overheard between Chris Martin and Brandon Flowers, basically along the lines of: "What the f**k are we going to do now?"
The answer to that question between Brandon Flowers and Chris Martin, is absolutely nothing:), although the latest Coldplay video was decent.
This is why we dont allow any download links to ANYTHING U2 does. People can bitch about that all they want, but I'm sure they'd be bitching more if they couldn't get their blue crack fix.

Next on Channel 7 news reports: A bizzare series of mass suicides swept U2 fan communities worldwide yesterday. They marched into the ocean, lept off tall buildings and even immolated themselves. They were lamenting the loss of their 'blue crack'." We haven't been able to track down the meaning of this "blue crack". More at 11:00.
do we actually have confirmation that U2eastlink has been sent to Guantanamo Bay, or is that just speculation?
Besides the "getty images" watermarks in the background and whomever edited the video needs to be shot for it, it's good.

I realized that some of the "still" images were edited to animate in some parts of the video, so it looks like its just a non-finished version since those animations have to be completed. They probably are keeping the watermarks on until they finish the animations.
I realized that some of the "still" images were edited to animate in some parts of the video, so it looks like its just a non-finished version since those animations have to be completed. They probably are keeping the watermarks on until they finish the animations.

I would HOPE that they would take that out because :doh: if not...
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