** All Get On Your Boots VIDEO Discussion HERE ** (No DL Links Please!)

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What do you think of the video?

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...Bono looks to be in a slightly uncomfortable warm-up mode, but the rest of the guys are great!

What? If THIS is Bono's warm up mode I want to see his FULL mode, please. :drool:

Certainly not uncomfortable, Bono's badass rockstardom and energy is what makes this video work. Of course the others are good, too. Maybe except Larry, who looks bored as always. But Edge and Adam ... lots of energy.
I always found that Adam seems much more into the groove ever since the Vertigo tour started.

He seems to enjoy himself a lot more onstage as well, he was much more prominent then in the tours before that.

What? If THIS is Bono's warm up mode I want to see his FULL mode, please. :drool:

I think he needed one more take! ;) It’s like he’s trying to get comfortable in finding his new moves, and in deciding which of the older ones to channel. I could be wrong! It’s just a sense I have...
Bono is too Bono in it. Its pure cheese. Its going to give the Anti Bono camp plenty of ammo
The video is simply mindblowing, astonishing. Kind of a musical painting, moving and rocking. A journey though space and time, pure surrealism with a lot of Salvadore Dalí in motion in it, 3-D art (a hint to to, what we may expect on stage?), wow - :applaud::applaud::applaud:
I disliked GOYB a bit and I never thought it was amazing at all......until I saw this video.
Because right now I totally love it, brilliant videoclip; their best ever.
Bono is too Bono in it. Its pure cheese. Its going to give the Anti Bono camp plenty of ammo

WTF :huh: Bono is Bono, and if the Anti Bono camp hate it, they know where they can shove it! :wink:

There can NEVER be too much Bono :rockon: He is just letting people know he is BACK to take his crown :flirt: :lol:
Bono is too Bono in it. Its pure cheese. Its going to give the Anti Bono camp plenty of ammo

How about "fine cheese"? ;) That's how'd describe the entire video. In spite of its flaws, its weirdness is compelling.

Secondary observation *

I'm also noticing, after hanging around the airport all morning, that the song itself sounds infinitely better when I'm tired. Why is that?
Eastlink has always been a very controversial site, to say the least, but, please, be grown ups, who's going to censore you? if the web has leaked a copyrighted piece of work you may be facing legal issues, I don't know if Universal has taken that step, but that's not censorship, it's justice procedures and the webmaster should have known what he was risking.

please tell me why would you thinkg East Link its always been a "very controversial site"
...A journey though space and time, pure surrealism with a lot of Salvadore Dalí in motion in it, 3-D art (a hinto to, what we may expect on stage?), wow - :applaud::applaud::applaud:

"Space and time." :drool: Giant globes, and backdrops filled with constellations...I'd certainly go for that.
This video displays what Bono does best, show boating, kinda over the top.

That's part of why I like the video.

Well said. Bono pulls it off very well, much better than Chris Martin or Brandon Flowers. I think it has become increasingly uncool to showboat (in the rock/alternative/indie world at least). That's why I fucking love Bono.
I commented on the video yesterday, but I've got to say again today: incredible, incredible, incredible video. :applaud: SO many reasons why it's amazing, absolutely the best video they've done in a very, very long time (and I like the BD video). I don't think we'll see too much changed from it---first off, I can't see why, and second, it's gotten such an overwhelmingly positive response on all of the boards. There are spies everywhere, folks, even here. :shifty: :wink: They know we like it.

Here's my take on what's going on:

Why the video's delayed
1. To fix the Getty Images watermarks
2. Possibly to fix the nipple slip, though I don't know. Actually, I bet that they would have only fixed the Getty stamps, but now that so many people everywhere are commenting on the nipple slip, they'll probably fix that, too.
3. To kick some major ass. It's clear that they're investigating U2Eastlink. Universal is probably all over Universal Spain (though I kind of doubt that story...why would a Universal representative show up at a fansite's owner's/mod's/whomever's place and decide to show off some gagged material?). They're probably also hounding the Independent, as well as every step of the production line team....all to find the leak.
4. I don't think they're going to wait to find the leak before they publish it. My guess is that we'll see the official release sometime mid-next week.

If the story of the Universal Spain "representative" leaking it is true, then that representative was probably Bono dressed up with a fake mustache, hat and glasses. Leaking it on purpose, the same way he and Edge "just happen" to lose CDs of every album and blast new songs from their balconies. :wink:
:lol: I'm sensing a sig...

Ha! That's kind of what I think everytime I see someone post about "oh no, the Bono haters will hate this."

Who the hell cares what they think? They'd hate him if he was just sitting still, doing nothing! "Oh, that Bono. He's sitting quietly again. What a douche."
This video displays what Bono does best, show boating, kinda over the top.

That's part of why I like the video.

I'm also over the anti-Bono thing, as Cori obviously is. Nobody can doubt his earnestness or his compassion.

I just want him to be his 'best Bono!' One more take!! I still think he needed one...I'll bet that shirt was just off the rack, and not yet broken in. We are critiquing a video here. ;)
I commented on the video yesterday, but I've got to say again today: incredible, incredible, incredible video. :applaud: SO many reasons why it's amazing, absolutely the best video they've done in a very, very long time (and I like the BD video). I don't think we'll see too much changed from it---first off, I can't see why, and second, it's gotten such an overwhelmingly positive response on all of the boards. There are spies everywhere, folks, even here. :shifty: :wink: They know we like it.

Here's my take on what's going on:

Why the video's delayed
1. To fix the Getty Images watermarks
2. Possibly to fix the nipple slip, though I don't know. Actually, I bet that they would have only fixed the Getty stamps, but now that so many people everywhere are commenting on the nipple slip, they'll probably fix that, too.
3. To kick some major ass. It's clear that they're investigating U2Eastlink. Universal is probably all over Universal Spain (though I kind of doubt that story...why would a Universal representative show up at a fansite's owner's place and decide to show off some gagged material?). They're probably also hounding the Independent, as well as every step of the production line team....all to find the leak.
4. I don't think they're going to wait to find the leak before they publish it. My guess is that we'll see the official release sometime mid-next week.

Also, the "blowing up" gaff by Bono right before the gasoline/submarine line.
Here's my take on what's going on:

Why the video's delayed
1. To fix the Getty Images watermarks
2. Possibly to fix the nipple slip, though I don't know. Actually, I bet that they would have only fixed the Getty stamps, but now that so many people everywhere are commenting on the nipple slip, they'll probably fix that, too.
3. To kick some major ass. It's clear that they're investigating U2Eastlink. Universal is probably all over Universal Spain (though I kind of doubt that story...why would a Universal representative show up at a fansite's owner's place and decide to show off some gagged material?). They're probably also hounding the Independent, as well as every step of the production line team....all to find the leak.
4. I don't think they're going to wait to find the leak before they publish it. My guess is that we'll see the official release sometime mid-next week.

Good theories, but its also possible some of the animations are unfinished. If you notice, some of the middle eastern women are animated earlier on (with their clothes blowing in the wind), including one that has the getty images watermark! So it looks like they probably need to finish off those animations and remove the watermark. Plus we're seeing a low quality version, the compositing/rotoscoping might still be in a rough shape (which would make it look bad in HD) and they might need to fine tune it. And theres at least one or two places where theres dead frames.
Ha! That's kind of what I think everytime I see someone post about "oh no, the Bono haters will hate this."

Who the hell cares what they think? They'd hate him if he was just sitting still, doing nothing! "Oh, that Bono. He's sitting quietly again. What a douche."


Bono will never stop being Bono. He's part of what makes U2 and a U2 song or video great. I would never want him to be anyone else. He's a great performer and also a great actor. I'm sure we will see him in a totally different light in future videos for the new album.
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