You've heard GET ON YOUR BOOTS? - Post all thoughts, reviews, discussion HERE Part 3

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Someone just pointed out that people got sick of "Vertigo" because of its overexposure.....but I can say that I liked that song A LOT from the very first listen and still like it as much as ever. "Boots" definitely hasn't had the same level of response that "Vertigo" had when it was first released may go down as their most disappointing single ever, even. It just could've been done by somebody else and doesn't really have any U2 hallmarks that make this band so fascinating....

that was me. fact if i hear that song on the radio now i may actually turn the station because it doesnt do anything for me. however, if i hear the fly...i crank it up. i also think i have heard vertigo live too many times either in concert or on bootlegs and have been spoiled. it sounds way better live with the snippets, etc
How can people say it wont make the splash? jesus if the kings of leon have a chance then, i am pretty sure this has.
person b's reaction was the one that got me going. Becuase in 3 weeks, a and c will be sick of it, and B will be going bananas for it

I'm trying to not listen to it that often, i've only played 4-5 times to keep it sounding fresh. I don't want to overplay it. GOYB really is a grower, little by little its growing on me!

I personally think Get On Your Boots is a sign of even bigger and better things to come on the album, it's been put out to show the public that U2 are back at their creative best.
How can people say it wont make the splash? jesus if the kings of leon have a chance then, i am pretty sure this has.

exactly.........for christ sakes the songs been out for only one day. give it some time.:lol:
I personally think Get On Your Boots is a sign of even bigger and better things to come on the album, it's been put out to show the public that U2 are back at their creative best.

If they wanted to do what you just mentioned, wouldn't they have put out a better song? :wave:
Someone just pointed out that people got sick of "Vertigo" because of its overexposure.....but I can say that I liked that song A LOT from the very first listen and still like it as much as ever. "Boots" definitely hasn't had the same level of response that "Vertigo" had when it was first released may go down as their most disappointing single ever, even. It just could've been done by somebody else and doesn't really have any U2 hallmarks that make this band so fascinating....

What exactly is a "U2 hallmark"? I've always assumed one of them was that feeling of utter confusion you get when you first hear a U2 track, but deep down, you know it's going to be one of your all-time favorite songs anyway.

In that sense, I think GOYB is far more "U2" than Vertigo was, which literally could have been made by anyone.
The more I listen to it the more I like it, definite grower. The people who are criticising it/don't like it seem to have had other expectations, wanted something else or haven't given it enough time yet.
I wasn't a big fan of Vertigo or Beautiful Day really, but I realise they are great songs.
The only slight qualms I have with GYOB is that I'd like to hear Edge doing more during the verses, as that is where the Vertigo comparisons come in.
Also, during the Let Me In The Sound part I would have liked to hear Edge's guitar given more prominence, the drums and bass are great, as are the vocals, I just really like the AB type guitar sound and felt it was kind of hidden or a bit low in the production, but I can't way to hear how Edge will play that part on tour.
Lastly, people are also going on about the song not having U2 hallmarks or sounds, but wasn't that the whole point of the album and this single? It might not be as successful as Vertigo or Beautiful Day because it is different and the band were probably aware of this during the recording process. I would rather have a single like this and it get to no 10 in the charts, than a safe song along the lines of Stuck In A Moment that gets into the top 2.
I had a feeling people would be divided over this song, but for me just to hear something a bit creative, not stripped down or sounding like Coldplay in anyway at all is a good thing.
I'm trying to not listen to it that often, i've only played 4-5 times to keep it sounding fresh. I don't want to overplay it. GOYB really is a grower, little by little its growing on me!

I personally think Get On Your Boots is a sign of even bigger and better things to come on the album, it's been put out to show the public that U2 are back at their creative best.

probably the only one they could release first too, because its the only one thats not over 4:30!
Eeew Kings of Leon. Anyone who likes "Sex on Fire" but doesn't like GOYB has something wrong with them :crack:

I think I'm going to stop listening to GOYB for a while, I don't want to play it to death (however tempting that may be!)
Also, during the Let Me In The Sound part I would have liked to hear Edge's guitar given more prominence, the drums and bass are great, as are the vocals, I just really like the AB type guitar sound and felt it was kind of hidden or a bit low in the production, but I can't way to hear how Edge will play that part on tour.

:yes: This.
what exposure is are we talking airplay.......mouths hanging open...?
Eeew Kings of Leon. Anyone who likes "Sex on Fire" but doesn't like GOYB has something wrong with them :crack:

I think I'm going to stop listening to GOYB for a while, I don't want to play it to death (however tempting that may be!)

slopsy........actually like both songs:D
Well, I just heard this for the first time, and the word that comes to mind is: Psychadelic!!! The effects and melody sound like something you could have heard on top 40 radio in the late '60s.

Yes, it's definitely got grower potential.
How can people say it wont make the splash? jesus if the kings of leon have a chance then, i am pretty sure this has.

Well, I'm a fan of the Kings, so if you mean one really great band have a chance, so why wouldn't this awesome song from U2 then I agree!

I listened on the radio first thing, and was curious about Boots but couldn't quite get it. I listened to the live stream a couple of times before work, and started to get a little tingle of excitement. After a very long day, I've just given Boots a few more listens and now a rush of excitement is trying to escape through my throat and vomit out onto my keyboard!

GOYB is ridiculously catchy, it's fun, it rocks, and everyone in the band has brought something to the table - I stuggled with Beautiful Day, but eventually could acknowledge what a great pop song it was, I never quite fell in love with Vertigo, but this is a great lead single guys!
Well after the fourth time listening I'm not so sure...... I don't just LOVE it immediately, I was so freakin' excited to hear this and now that I have.... I don't know..... I really like the drums I can say that for certain. One thing that I do hear unfotunately is that very irritating song by some '90's band I think it's called "Wild Wild West". When they were saying Elvis Costello I guess a bit of that but alot of that other song. I think this will be one that will grow on me. It does have plenty of "Hooks" though......

Let Me In the Sound!!!
Well, I just heard this for the first time, and the word that comes to mind is: Psychadelic!!! The effects and melody sound like something you could have heard on top 40 radio in the late '60s.

Yes, it's definitely got grower potential.

:up: Good call and very perceptive first listen.

For the most part I've been shocked (in a bad way) by people's initial musical comparisons. I wonder if everyone's been listening to the same song?
my offical review, here goes...

Boots starts off with what sounds like a pretty generic guitar riff, although it sounds heavily processed which is the first hint of what is to come. Then the guitar halts as quick as it started and Adams thick fuzz bass takes over with some subtle electro drumming. Bono enters and the song takes off. I immediately picture Heath ledgers physcotic joker as he mentions that 'the devil loves a bomb scare'. It's all very dark and well, sexy. Some people have mentioned they think the sexy boots is the weakest part of the song. Let me tell you something about great music, it's about pay offs. Eno is a master at this, you don't just throw a song in someones face, you caress them gently into it and then BAM! You throw it at them and then take it away again. Just when they felt it was all getting so easy. Some have said there is no great hook on the song, I beg the differ. I think the beautiful line is the best hook u2 have had in 3 albums. Perhas they have spoonfed you the obvious arena rock for you to recognize this. With only two mighty choruses, the song leaves you wanting more. As a perfect lead single should. March 3 Ed baby, get your boots ready, you've been warned.
Its very Psychadelic and if people are not accustomed to that genre of music they are gonna miss this gem.
probably the only one they could release first too, because its the only one thats not over 4:30!

Make that 4:00, theres a few others less than 4:30 I think.

Maybe they could've made GOYB 10 seconds longer. :wink:

Eeew Kings of Leon. Anyone who likes "Sex on Fire" but doesn't like GOYB has something wrong with them :crack:

:yes: Kings Of Leon are garbage.

It's just a mixture of all the typical reactions you'd expect from people that don't like U2, or used to like U2, from other forums that aren't a U2 fan forum.
Well, the fact that I've stopped listening, but keep walking around the house singing, "Hey hey hey!" must mean I like it, after all. :)
60's groove was the way I first explained it to someone from the early clip, but then I changed my mind to 70's funky... but with some 80's wierdness thrown in... It's kinda unique :hmm:
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