You've heard GET ON YOUR BOOTS? - Post all thoughts, reviews, discussion HERE Part 3

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In your opinion, how does GOYB lack soul when compared to, say...Even Better Than The Real Thing?

If you think the two are even remotely comparable…

I will say this though, Even Better surrounded by Bomb songs would sound a lot more shallow. For sure. But surrounded by the rest of Achtung Baby – both musically and thematically - the breezy song about breezy casual sex suddenly gains a lot of weight. So I will give you this, Boots obviously could still gain or lose a lot based on the album surrounding it. Bomb II means this is Vertigo II. If it’s, say, Pop II (reaching far creatively while trying to keep it grounded commercially... while actually pulling it off this time) then Boots could gain weight.
If you think the two are even remotely comparable…

I will say this though, Even Better surrounded by Bomb songs would sound a lot more shallow. For sure. But surrounded by the rest of Achtung Baby – both musically and thematically - the breezy song about breezy casual sex suddenly gains a lot of weight. So I will give you this, Boots obviously could still gain or lose a lot based on the album surrounding it. Bomb II means this is Vertigo II. If it’s, say, Pop II (reaching far creatively while trying to keep it grounded commercially... while actually pulling it off this time) then Boots could gain weight.

They're likely not comparable because, if the descriptions are any indication, the goals of Achtung Baby and NLOTH are completely different. Regardless, it is important to note, as you said, that either song could gain or lose a lot from its context.

Personally, I suspect that any cohesion hinted at, lyrically or otherwise in NLOTH has been way overblown. I believe the album will be strung together from various vignettes, much like The Kinks' Face To Face; each song will tell an individual story, but they won't come together to tell a story collectively. The best we can hope for is an overarching theme, a la Boy, Joshua Tree, Zooropa, etc.
I had been listening to it a lot on repeat through (good) headphones and I liked it. But I liked it even MORE when I finally got to listen to it loud through speakers. :up: So it's good both ways. This one definitely is growing on me.

And it's fun to sing.
Wow, it feels like years since I posted here. Oh wait...

I'm not sure how I feel about the song. My first thought was that it's the "Vertigo" of the new album. A rockabilly song that won't reflect the rest of the album. I say this, by the way, being completely unspoiled for the new songs. I know virtually nothing about them, not even their titles.

As for Boots? I think I like it. I'm still not sure yet.
tough crowd in here........its a fun song.....not supposed to change the world. the lyrics are better than vertigo...edge sounds great...larry has a great drum song..the bass is driving. the song blasts out of the speaker without being overbearing. the production on this is way better than anything on htdaab. several parts stick out. the chorus of "beautiful" gets stuck in your head. the part at the end where edge lets loose with the riff and larry's drumming during "let me in the sound" its way better than most of the crap on the radio today.:wave:
Certainly a good track albeit not a classic which is kind of disappointing considering most of their singles fall into that category. There's nothing really to complain about here except that it definitely lacks that "U2 spark".....just don't really feel any of the chills when I hear this one as I did with "City" or "Vertigo" or even "Electrical Storm" for recent examples...

And I don't think this is going to win over anybody on the fence or excite too many people. It's a little too convoluted and musically involved for the average listener while lacking any key hooks aside from the semi-catchy riff.
will larry's drumming sound like that on tour.....or is it a production thing?
Whoever said it sounds even better listening on on!! :up:

It sounds even better listening through!:D

I reckon, it sounds mouthwatering on my iPod, the guitar sounds fantastic. :up:

I think the purpose of this song is to get peoples attention that U2 are back to their creative best, its like a warning sign for even better things to come imo. :up:
Can i just ask something, people are saying they are dissapointed that it doesn't fall into the "classic" catagory etc etc, then mention vertigo, but forgive me if i am wrong, but didnt people start bitching about HTDAAB and vertigo after a few months?

but now all of a sudden its a classic again :,

"you dont get it do you"
Ive now played it to 3 casual fans/indifferent people.

Person a) - That will be huge, very catchy

Person b) - It's ok, I can tell I'll love it, seems like a grower

Person c) - This song is amazing, the hook! LEMME IN THE SOUND!!
Can i just ask something, people are saying they are dissapointed that it doesn't fall into the "classic" catagory etc etc, then mention vertigo, but forgive me if i am wrong, but didnt people start bitching about HTDAAB and vertigo after a few months?

but now all of a sudden its a classic again :,

"you dont get it do you"

I am at epace with the fact that there will always be bitchers. "we want innovation", they get innovation "i dont like it". whaddaya want?

Unfortunately, those who were screaming for innovation were a bit general. You cant say you want innovation and not be more specific about directions. This is definately innovation, and if you are not satiated then maybe your expectations were set unattainably high?
Ive now played it to 3 casual fans/indifferent people.

Person a) - That will be huge, very catchy

Person b) - It's ok, I can tell I'll love it, seems like a grower

Person c) - This song is amazing, the hook! LEMME IN THE SOUND!!

Yeah i'm gonna play it to two friends and see their reaction.
the problem with vertigo was that it was overplayed. got sick of it after a while. was different. that song kicked ass live...way better than the studio version. have to see if boots is the same. right now it sounds good. here in los angeles ive heard it about 10 times already on the radio.
Hmm. It certainly won't make the splash that Vertigo/Beautiful Day did. But then, The Fly wasn't on everybody's lips when it came out, either. It's an interesting tune.
Can i just ask something, people are saying they are dissapointed that it doesn't fall into the "classic" catagory etc etc, then mention vertigo, but forgive me if i am wrong, but didnt people start bitching about HTDAAB and vertigo after a few months?

but now all of a sudden its a classic again :,

"you dont get it do you"

Someone just pointed out that people got sick of "Vertigo" because of its overexposure.....but I can say that I liked that song A LOT from the very first listen and still like it as much as ever. "Boots" definitely hasn't had the same level of response that "Vertigo" had when it was first released may go down as their most disappointing single ever, even. It just could've been done by somebody else and doesn't really have any U2 hallmarks that make this band so fascinating....
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