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I find it incredibly affecting - but yes, also unsettling. Very much life like itself.

I've had an eerily similar recurring dream - a nightmare - involving looking for someone who passed away, and I don't find them, and I wake up crying. I guess it's an archetypal kind of nightmare.

A positive version of the dream is one where I keep opening doors and discovering new spaces filled with possibilities.

Anyway, I like the music, but overall my first reaction is similar to others'. It kind of drags. I love a lot of their slower songs but this sounds like a b-side.
I have a reoccurring nightmare in which I'm trying to save a child, but can't move fast enough. By the time I get there the child has died and everyone arrives with me holding a dead child. It leaves me with the same feeling, I assume, that shuttlecock have about this last album. #obamamicdrop
Oh god. We need group therapy.

There's also the one where I've gone on a trip for several weeks and forgot to arrange a sitter for my cat or dog who will now starve to death.
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Oh god. We need group therapy.

There's also the one where I've gone on a trip for several weeks and forgot to arrange a sitter for my cat or dog who will now starve to death.

My only other reoccurring nightmare is that it's the last day of finals and I realize that I forgot to drop a class and I will now not be able to graduate either hs/college. Mrs. Dalton dreams that her teeth are falling out, but she's a sick kitty. Therapy indeed.
I like it, it's soft and pretty and there's a profound ache to it.

But, like many of you, I'd like to hear some more uptempo stuff on the record.
It's a fucking great song, really. Not quite on the level of Nude or Codex right off the bat, but it could get there.

Both songs slay. I don't even miss the guitars yet.
It's gotten better with more listens. Definitely a mood piece. Still feels like a Thom solo project song than full band.

But I'm more than curious about the album now as this is two very distinct sounds they've shared with us.
Listening to it without watching the video is definitely a different experience of the song for me. Maybe it's a grower.
It's a fucking great song, really. Not quite on the level of Nude or Codex right off the bat, but it could get there.

Both songs slay. I don't even miss the guitars yet.

Yeah, this. Some of the vocal effects in Daydreaming really take me back to Kid A, but the music itself is very clean and almost inviting, in an IR mode. I really love it.
Hopefully this song grows in me. I like Burn The Witch much more. And hopefully there are guitars on this album.

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They do have a couple of the best guitarists in rock. Kind of a waste to not use them once in a while.
The last minute of this song is really really fascinating the more I listen to it. Could grow on me. This album is going to be utterly strange though, and I can't wait.
I've enjoyed both of the new songs considerably more on first listen than the vast majority of the last album.

I listened I both of the post-King of Limbs singles at the gym this morning. All 4 of those songs are good.
I think the video made a bad impression the first couple times for me. It's kind of terrible.
Yeah, this. Some of the vocal effects in Daydreaming really take me back to Kid A, but the music itself is very clean and almost inviting, in an IR mode. I really love it.

I agree. I kind of got a Motion Picture Soundtrack vibe with those bright strings that sound right out of a film score. Plus the fucked-up vocal effects at the end are very much in line with Kid A. But it's got a nice warmth to it too, like IR, despite how heavy the material seems to be. I think the song is absolutely gorgeous.
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My only other reoccurring nightmare is that it's the last day of finals and I realize that I forgot to drop a class and I will now not be able to graduate either hs/college.

I have this one, or pretty close to it. End of the semester and I realize that I registered for a class that I never attended.

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Hopefully this song grows in me. I like Burn The Witch much more. And hopefully there are guitars on this album.

Same here. Burn The Witch sounds fresh, a new direction for them. Love the strings.
Daydreaming has a Kid B vibe, which is not my favourite Radiohead.
Interesting in that Virgins is his most critically-acclaimed. What turns you off about it?

I find it incredibly affecting - but yes, also unsettling. Very much life like itself.

It's good, but I find it a bit boring. Still like it though

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This one took me a few plays to really appreciate. But now..HOLY SHIT this one is powerful.

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Yeah I'm starting to come around to it after a few more listens.

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"Daydreaming" sounds a lot like the closing track on an album. I feel like bands don't usually release their closing tracks as "singles" before album release but this is a different band.

It just has that finality. That slow, longing, stately feel of a closer. I hope that makes sense.
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