even more things i hate

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^ have a couple more :hug: . . . will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers :)

Many :hug: to you and your family. Losing our grandparents, then our parents, is really rough stuff! :sad: Please know there are peaceful thoughts coming to you and yours from this little corner of the world, too.

Thank you both. :)

I visited her today and made sure to give her about 785 kisses before I left and told her I love her.
walking through a big fat bad assed spider web on the way out to the clothesline, in the dark (cuz I'm too lazy to turn on the outside light) and then doing that dicky arms flailing like a loon *i just walked through a spider web* dance whilst simultaneously making stupid yippy yelpy noises . . . and then realising that your every move has been caught by your next door neighbour cux its not quite as dark out as it first appeared :doh: *there goes my cool* :laugh:


I'd have informed the whole neighbourhood with my screaming if that were me.
. . . the news I just found out about my Grandma. I can't believe it looks like I may lose my favorite grandparents . . . really the only people I consider my grandparents . . . within less than a year of each other.

I don't think the "sad" or "sigh" emoticons even come close to describing the suckiness of it all.

I'm sorry to hear that mate. :hug:
Thank you both. :)

I visited her today and made sure to give her about 785 kisses before I left and told her I love her.

:love: . . . that is gorgeous Fitz :hug:

Pipes that constantly back up :sigh:

:yikes: . . . drano is your friend :D


I'd have informed the whole neighbourhood with my screaming if that were me.

:lol: . . . I think you need to give me the number for your super dooper spider killer man - there are webs everywhere *shudder* !!!!!

< feeling slightly seedy on a workday morning :crack: toooooooooooooo much red wine and not enough dancing isn't always a winning combination :lol: :angel:
Think what it's doing to my innards! I have pretty much stopped drinking sodas. I just have one every now & then, like after a big salty buttery bowl of popcorn, or an In N' Out Burger :drool:
^ :giggle: . . . what is this 'In N' Out' burger of which you speak . . . we don't have that here :)

< not listening to that little voice, thereby messing up dates big time and having to deal with the chaos that follows as a result :sigh: . . . I need a holiday
It's a delicious burger/fries place on the west coast of the U.S. You must try it if you come to America :drool:
I know. lol. I'm just saying. That's something I hate actually. Pictures of fast food never look anything like what you actually get. :angry:
Oh that's so true. Though I have to say, In 'N Out burgers really impressed me positively for fast food chain burgers. They actually tasted like something. I'd prefer them over any other chain.

Oh, this is the hate thread: I hate all those misleading junk food chain's advertisements of burgers looking delicious which in fact are way overprized and taste like ten year all rolls with something unidentifable in them. :angry:
get ready peeps . . . i'ze in the mood for the mother of all rants

* that I f***ed up the dates for my car rego and insurance so royally that consequently it has now lapsed and I am essentially carless :doh:

* that my hublet is just about ready to kill me . . . and ^ is just the icing on the *happy marriage* cake :sigh:

* that I am trying to recitfy this situation on line and every bloody site, from my bank, to the insurance company and the rta site are all telling me they are currently unavailable :angry:

* that I keep missing the *classic rock riff* thing on triple m so my chances of winning tix to see the lads in LA this year are still frickin' zero . . . well failing a lotto win :scream:

* that my chances of seeing the lads anytime in the forseeable future are zero - full stop :sad:

* that it is p***ing down rain for the third morning in a row which means no big butt burning walk again :gah:

* that the lack of exercise, and associated adrenalin rushes, is contributing to the essentially foul week I am having :angry:

* that my other, umm, :shifty: exercise outlet :whistle: would rather watch Survivor

* that stupid winter time clock winding backedness is messing with my sleep cycles and no amount of herballness and meditation is clearing it

* that stupid winter time clock thing has messed up time zone diffs so I keep missing all my fun friends on line :angry:

* that my life, which felt fabulous a couple of days ago feels all small and stoooopid again :(

* that I am so delirious with fatigue that my perspective has completely disappeared and I am ranting like a lunatic here over stuff that in a few days time will seem completely irrelevant and inconsequential and I am going to come off sounding like a spoiled little princess when I usually try to keep all princessy behaviour well and truly in check

< is now going to go and kick a tree or punch a pillow or throw something

/end of rant
PR - :hug: Sorry you're having a bad day/week/etc. Might help to try an equally long "rant" in the "things we love" thread :kiss: I'm sure you could find plenty of fabulous things to write about. :)
I hate that hottie yoga instructor is only a sub and won't be teaching Thursday night classes anymore :sigh: I really enjoyed his help with my.. positioning :shifty:

I am just terrible :tsk: I'll go straight to my room now.
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