even more things i hate

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I've left her home before during the day, but for some reason the night seemed different. Maybe I'm over protective, I dunno. At what age is it "ok" to leave a kid home alone? :shrug: :scratch:
I think my parents started leaving my sister on her own at night around 16-ish. If they'd go to the movies or to a concert or something like that. Not the whole night or for a weekend getaway. Just for a few hours, until maybe Midnight or so.

I think my sister and M are pretty comparable: both good girls, get great grades, both work hard at extracurricular activities (drumline, basketball). My sister just got into UC Riverside, UC Santa Cruz and University of Oregon. I'm sure M will do the same, if not even better. :)

P.S. Oh, and my parents are verrrry overprotective too, but I guess you have to start sometime. :wink:
i was left alone at night at age 12 - though that was late night stuff, i'd go over to someone else's house if it was an overnight thing. though that was the last time really my parents have ever had the time/money to go overnight anywhere without me, so i don't know at what age that would've been cool. :lol:
It depends on the kid(s) and the area you live in, I guess.
I'm not sure when it was that my parents left me and my brother home alone for the night. But I know my brother, who is 3.5 years older, was well below 14.
Ok, we might have stayed up a little longer (but not all night, just maybe two hours), but we were responsible enough not to do anything irresponsible.
Thanks for the input - I was pretty sure it would have been okay to let her be alone last night, but I didn't want to be one of those parents you hear on the news who leaves their kid alone :blah :blah: :blah: She's very responsible, and it was a week night and she knew what she had to get done and what time she has to be up in the morning. And it turned out the show ended early as well, so it would only have been 3-4 hours at most, as it turned out. It's all good. I got some work done & watched my TV shows, etc. :up:
^ it is such a hard call . . . I'll leave the oldest kidlet at home for a couple of hours on her own during the day but not all 3 . . . and she wouldn't stay at home at night on her own so I don't even need to worry about that one. . . she is a big fat chicken :lol: . . . sorry you missed your show Lila :hug:
I wonder about this too. I mean my son won't be old enough for a long time. But even like, going to the grocery store. How old does he have to be before I can go to the store and leave him home alone?

And by Jr. High I was home alone all summer - rode my bike to theatre camp - rode home so I was home alone for about 4 hours each day. I think I'd be left alone at night by then too.

In high school my parents went away for a week and my brother was supposed to stay with me (he was in college) but I stayed at my friend's apartment instead - big mistake :giggle:
I hate it when you're eating a carton of Haagen-Dazs cookie dough ice cream and you get a quarter of the way down and STILL haven't hit cookie dough yet. WTF! :angry: Someone will pay for the atrocity.
I wonder about this too. I mean my son won't be old enough for a long time. But even like, going to the grocery store. How old does he have to be before I can go to the store and leave him home alone?

And by Jr. High I was home alone all summer - rode my bike to theatre camp - rode home so I was home alone for about 4 hours each day. I think I'd be left alone at night by then too.

In high school my parents went away for a week and my brother was supposed to stay with me (he was in college) but I stayed at my friend's apartment instead - big mistake :giggle:

Well, he is old enough when he is responsible enough. There is not this one age. Some you can leave on their own for a bit sooner, others later.
I hate it when you're eating a carton of Haagen-Dazs cookie dough ice cream and you get a quarter of the way down and STILL haven't hit cookie dough yet. WTF! :angry: Someone will pay for the atrocity.

I know!! I bought some butter pecan ice cream last week and it had loads of pecans in it. But the package of butter pecan ice cream I bought yesterday has hardly any (at least so far). :angry:
the strange, inexplicable and overwhelming sadness that comes from nowhere and engulfs me

Hang in there PR :hug: It's hard to explain, but sometimes it is just very overwhelming and just needs to be let out. Sending you lots of sunshine and many hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:

< hates daylight saving time :crack:
:hug: :cute: :hug: . . . thanks lovely people :hug: . . . no crying Purrl cuz there's a danger I might never stop . . . curled up on the lounge with a book and got lost for a while and then called up a friend, invited her and her beautiful family for dinner at the local pizza place . . . funny how hugs from afar and a bit of a giggle with good people can clear away the cobwebs . . .still feeling a little wonky today but I know I'll be okay :) :hug:
:hug: :cute: :hug: . . . thanks lovely people :hug: . . . no crying Purrl cuz there's a danger I might never stop . . . curled up on the lounge with a book and got lost for a while and then called up a friend, invited her and her beautiful family for dinner at the local pizza place . . . funny how hugs from afar and a bit of a giggle with good people can clear away the cobwebs . . .still feeling a little wonky today but I know I'll be okay :) :hug:

If you need to "talk", you know where I am! :hug:
...having a kid who is sick/under the weather. And she has a big test tomorrow and wouldn't listen to me about starting to study or do her other homework yesterday. :sigh:
Yeah, she's staying home tomorrow. She better rest up, get better and study! We have a family dinner on Tuesday night too!

If you need to "talk", you know where I am! :hug:

Hang in there PR. We're all here for you :hug:

For Purple :hug: :hug:

For Lila Awww, she can take the test a day or two later, when she gets back to school. It'll all be good. :)

:) thanks angels . . . *storesupallthegoodvibesandputstheminmypocket* . . . you lot are entirely too gorgeous for words :hug: :cute:

...having a kid who is sick/under the weather. And she has a big test tomorrow and wouldn't listen to me about starting to study or do her other homework yesterday. :sigh:

:( . . . sick kiddies is awful . . .hope she's feeling on top of things again soon Lila . . . sending you both rainbows and happiness :hug:
the strange, inexplicable and overwhelming sadness that comes from nowhere and engulfs me

I definitely understand the feeling. :hug:

I hate that I have nobody to go to the hockey game with tomorrow night. Everyone seems to be busy, and my friend that I was going to go with has a school thing that she can't get out of. It will suck to go on my own, but I will, if it comes down to it. I just hate that I've spent a huge chunk of cash that I can't really afford on these tickets, and I may end up going alone. :sigh:
I definitely understand the feeling. :hug:

I hate that I have nobody to go to the hockey game with tomorrow night. Everyone seems to be busy, and my friend that I was going to go with has a school thing that she can't get out of. It will suck to go on my own, but I will, if it comes down to it. I just hate that I've spent a huge chunk of cash that I can't really afford on these tickets, and I may end up going alone. :sigh:

:hug: . . . if I was a few oceans closer I'd be there in a heartbeat Thora :)
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