PG(and sometimes B)P: The Good, The Bad, and THE EDGE

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I've heard of Beirut...they're on the ridiculously indie college radio station here a lot...:)

Currently working on a paper due Monday. What the hell is up with there being no sources online. Gah. Plus, this thing's on Warhol (specific exhibit though). Seriously—there should be more sources.
I've heard of Beirut...they're on the ridiculously indie college radio station here a lot...:)

Currently working on a paper due Monday. What the hell is up with there being no sources online. Gah. Plus, this thing's on Warhol (specific exhibit though). Seriously—there should be more sources.

I haven't really listened to them much. I suppose I will be this weekend, though. She loves them and said the show was one of the best she's ever seen, and she goes to a significant number of concerts.

Yay for math being done, GG! After 7 hrs, your brain should be dripping out of your ears. ;)
Brain? I have a brain left? :sad: I think it left hours ago, because it doesn't like maths. At all.

Thank feck these assignments have a 'view example' button. That example shows exactly what you have to do, making it MUCH easier for me to do. Tho I still make mistakes though. I just suck ballz at math. :crack: I need a 7/10 to pass this time. I usually get 5/10. I must get this damn subject now, it's the third time I'm doing it and I want my darn degree by may! :scream:
Now THAT would be a sight to see.

:shifty: In the meantime I'll entertain his friend for him...

I bet Edge would actually be better at these assigments than me. :lol: That's pretty sad.
Bahaha. At least I didn't die it anything too weird. And everyone's hair is weird colors suitemate bleached her hair a while ago and since bleach doesn't take away a sort of orange-y color, we were hair twins up til yesterday...

I can't believe how few proper Warhol articles there are with the piece I chose :grumpy:
So I'm a big nerd. I spent the last hour remaking my workout playlists:
10K race day
workout to guitar stuff
workout to live U2
workout to goofy stuff
Get up off yer big fat ass now (thank you Bono)

The 2 hours before that, I was sorting my son's legos :nerd:

Last week I tried to update the music on my ipod shuffle and itunes just deleted everything and then booted my ipod off the computer. :scratch: But now it seems to be doing okay "copying 99 of 194" *crosses fingers*

I've always been around! Just most weeknights I get home and I'm either too rushed to come on, or I'm so burned out that I'm not capable of conversation, even the online kind. :lol:

I know what you mean. I'm not on here nearly as much as I used to be. :shrug: How you been? You still haven't shared pics of you at your fancy work party with your fancy dress and fancy tights.
I know what you mean. I'm not on here nearly as much as I used to be. :shrug: How you been? You still haven't shared pics of you at your fancy work party with your fancy dress and fancy tights.

I'm pretty well, thanks! How about you? I'm counting the days until the holidays. Feeling really burned out lately, by Christmas I'll have been working essentially 9 months without a break. We're open for three of the days between Christmas and New Year, and I'm taking one of those days off for sure, probably two. Can't wait. :drool:

Sarah took some pics on her phone after we got home. The ones that were taken of me at the party are too dark to see my dress. I haven't seen Sarah's pics yet, but she said I'd hate them all (like I usually do). I'll get her to send them to me, and if there are any that aren't horrible (unlikely) I might post one.

So, after tracking every freaking morsel I put in my mouth and working out like a bandit - I got out of bed and thought....I feel like I lost weight. Things don't jiggle as much (oh they still jiggle). I step on the scale. Up 1.5 pounds. WTF??? I'm with Bono. I'm tired of the gym and eating healthy. Bring on the burgers and fries and bottomless beers.

But will I be getting up to do Insanity Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs tomorrow? Yes. Next week, I take my measurements and hope to see some NSV.

Tonight, I am saying FUCK IT and having pizza.

So, after tracking every freaking morsel I put in my mouth and working out like a bandit - I got out of bed and thought....I feel like a lost weight. Things don't jiggle as much (oh they still jiggle). I step on the scale. Up 1.5 pounds. WTF??? I'm with Bono. I'm tried of the gym and eating healthy. Bring on the burgers and fries and bottomless beers.

But will I be getting up to do Insanity Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs tomorrow? Yes. Next week, I take my measurements and hope to see some NSV.

Tonight, I am saying FUCK IT and having pizza.

Sounds like you're getting toned! And muscle does weigh more, so maybe that's it?

One time I dieted and worked out heavy duty (for me), I didn't lose any weight either, but I lost several sizes and felt better.
I know I'm probably getting toned - I can see something - I just hate the numbers on the scale. They taunt me. I moved it to my husband's side of the room. It was hurting my feelings too much.

So, after tracking every freaking morsel I put in my mouth and working out like a bandit - I got out of bed and thought....I feel like I lost weight. Things don't jiggle as much (oh they still jiggle). I step on the scale. Up 1.5 pounds. WTF??? I'm with Bono. I'm tired of the gym and eating healthy. Bring on the burgers and fries and bottomless beers.

But will I be getting up to do Insanity Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs tomorrow? Yes. Next week, I take my measurements and hope to see some NSV.

Tonight, I am saying FUCK IT and having pizza.

Aw Grace, I feel ya, sistah! But yeah, go by what your measurements are next week, AND by how you feel. Scales are deceptive and SOOO many other things go into how much you weigh.

The other night I saw the Insanity infomercial and totally though of you. I'll really be interested to hear what you have to say after the 60 days. Like I said, I have a couple friends who swear by P90X, but they're online friends and I don't have photo proof :giggle:
Muscles are heavier than fat. Don't let the scale bother you. :hug:

:crack: My laptop decided it needed a reboot. And then that it needed a disc scan which took 30 minutes.
Aw Grace, I feel ya, sistah! But yeah, go by what your measurements are next week, AND by how you feel. Scales are deceptive and SOOO many other things go into how much you weigh.

The other night I saw the Insanity infomercial and totally though of you. I'll really be interested to hear what you have to say after the 60 days. Like I said, I have a couple friends who swear by P90X, but they're online friends and I don't have photo proof :giggle:

Wikipedia said Insanity was harder than P90X. I ran today. Tomorrow, I am back to Insanity. I have noticed some cuts in my core. If Shaun T can make my pooch go away, I will change my religion and political affiliation to Shaun T-ism. And my calves are starting to rock. You really do get a full body work out unlike most of the DVDs I've used. I've done the Jillian Michaels and Jackie Warner DVDs.

Muscles are heavier than fat. Don't let the scale bother you. :hug:

:crack: My laptop decided it needed a reboot. And then that it needed a disc scan which took 30 minutes.

So don't let the scale...drag you down!

I was just annoyed. I know this happened the last time I started an intense workout program. I've noticed my stamina increase.

Yeah, I'll have to let you know what my overall loss is next week. This will take me through January as a 60 days program.
Grace—you're going to be working off the pizza anyways. And same thing again about muscle weighing more than fat. And you're probably healthier overall from doing the workout, even if you do gain a few.
Grace, it's nice that Mr.GR is doing it too. This morning, I had to make eggs and sausage for Mr.Z and Little Z... even though all I had was low fat yogurt. :angry: On that note, off to the gym to run 4 miles for the first time in about a year.
Grace, it's nice that Mr.GR is doing it too. This morning, I had to make eggs and sausage for Mr.Z and Little Z... even though all I had was low fat yogurt. :angry: On that note, off to the gym to run 4 miles for the first time in about a year.

Good job! Do you have a 10K coming up?
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