NLOTH: Do You Feel Leaked???? Leak Thread Part XI

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where is our hero, the king of interference, who showed us the light? The glorious man who gave us the link, the key, of destiny? the one who gave us NLOTH?

try to put the newness factor aside, is it living up to the hype?

well I like it so far, Bono's vocals on Moment of Surrender are beautiful. He sounds the best he has since, I don't know, the late 80's? seriously.

it's gonna take a few listens to really take it all in
Can't you see you're killing him?

Stop before you become just another dirty pirate!

Guys use the request thread please!! I'll go there as soon as its finished uploading to send space.. its kind of slow.
where is our hero, the king of interference, who showed us the light? The glorious man who gave us the link, the key, of destiny? the one who gave us NLOTH?

Yeah, he deserves all the credit for this.

Well, him and the dumbasses altruists at who leaked it.
could anyone send something over here, as well?
on my way to the brit awards, would love to have my first listen on the road...

u2neat [at]

For those losing your download check your emails, I got an email with the download link you should be able to resume.
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