You've heard GET ON YOUR BOOTS? - Post all thoughts, reviews, discussion HERE Part 3

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Yeah listening to the song on headphones with a frequency response of 38500Hz really does make those layers shine!:D
If you say it, he will come.


wait, that's Dalton, right?

it fucking better be ...
It figures that all the cool kids show up when I give up on the thread and go do other things. corianderstem tells me you've been making Wilco references without me :sad:
It figures that all the cool kids show up when I give up on the thread and go do other things. corianderstem tells me you've been making Wilco references without me :sad:

*raises hand*

many many pages back, long before people started posting weird pictures of lathery african american men.
Wow. U2 have finally, successfully become a vapid party band to compete with and for the young folks.

While I can recognize this as the same band that came up with "Elevation" and "Vertigo", I cannot believe this is the same band that made "Bad" and "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" and "Until The End of The World". Where did the class and maturity go? The striving for genuine spiritual and artistic transcendence? Were the '70s, '80s and '90s just a big fluke? Were those records rescued by the stellar efforts of in-their-prime producers who clearly no longer give a shit what this band does with itself?

You would hope that the guys that came up with The Joshua Tree in their 20s would be able to come up with something better than this empty tripe in their late 40s. You would hope that all of their experience would give them better taste. You would hope that their friends might step in and offer some needed criticism. I want to believe that if you let Bono listen to this song in 1987, he would have vomited and smashed the record to bits. I want to believe that this is a clever joke, like Bono's adoption of the "Fly" persona in '91.

But, the truth is, we're left with four middle-age guys trying desperately to be hip and have hit records that teenyboppers might buy instead of a new Justin Timberlake album (something that will never happen). Sadly, U2 have officially become the dads who try too hard to fit in with their kids' friends, and end up only embarrassing their own children until they won't even speak to them anymore.

And this is the song that is supposed to generate hype for the new album? This is a sad day, folks, so recognize it for what it is. What was once a beautiful and dignified career is coming to a screeching, shuddering halt with this empty, soulless bubblegum shit.

So the first single from the album didn't give you a fucking orgasm, isn't it kinda early to write off the rest of the album as bubblegum shit?
Ok I just finally listened to it turned up loud in my car on my way to work. I like it even more now :hyper: (and I already liked it a lot.)
have i posted about the "sex as epiphany" brilliance of the lyrics to "elevation"?

the mole is the male member. start from there.
I've heard so many people say it's a "grower", but I loved it from the first listen.

Same here :up: And people keep saying that you pick new things up on other listens. Nah, got it all the first time and still love it!
Okay, listened to it a bunch of times now. My take:

It’s not Vertigo Part II, but it is Vertigo Take II. I think it hits closer to the mark of what they were going for on Vertigo. It’s an energetic, instantly catchy, made for the masses pop-rock single. Where it differs from Vertigo is that it throws a few bones out for the faithful, and there is logic in the music. It’s not as completely 100% shallow, mindless and meaningless as Vertigo was. It does not however – not by a long, long, long, long shot – come close to matching the Achtung Baby singles for that perfect mix of commercial catchiness mixed with creative excellence and depth. I also don’t hear Achtung or Pop in this. This is straight, 110%, no doubt about it, standard U2 circa 00’s. Vertigo, Fast Cars and Love and Peace got drunk and shagged, and here’s the offspring.

There is a lot of cleverness to it, and, while the first 2/3 really have you thinking it’s Vertigo all over again, the last third does have a lot more to it and in a sense saves it. Obviously they’ve weaved the Middle East into the music as well as the lyrics, and that’s great. It will go very well live. I don’t think this will be much of a single, or impact song. It won’t get the airplay and attention that Beautiful Day and Vertigo got. If you are the kind of U2 fan that needs them to do well commercially, win Grammy awards etc, none of that is coming from this song, it needs back-up to arrive soon.

But, in the end, I don’t mind it. I hated Vertigo very quickly. After a couple of spins I felt I knew it better than U2 songs I’d been listening to for years. I couldn’t believe it was a U2 song, that they’d do something so… useless. I don’t at the moment feel that way with this, I still feel like putting it back on and I don’t think that’s going away any time soon. Is it great, classic, brilliant, jaw dropping all time brilliance from U2? Of course it’s not, but I’m not sure that they’re there anymore. And it could be a sign that those of us who hated the Bomb need to prepare for this album being not much more than a slightly better Bomb, but it’s catchy, it’s fun, and it at the very least makes some sense, unlike it’s truly awful predecessor.

It’s a massive improvement, and that’s good enough for me for now.
I've heard so many people say it's a "grower", but I loved it from the first listen.

Me too! But something about it doesn't work? I LOVE it :drool: But in a way it is messy :shrug:

It's eclectic, it is like a road that spikes off then comes back? That probably doesn't make sense? but now I am thinking of Equus and naked nubile men thanks to a few posts back:lol:
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