You've heard GET ON YOUR BOOTS? - Post all thoughts, reviews, discussion HERE Part 2

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This song is not as good as Discotheque or the Fly but is far Superior from Vertigo & all the singles since 1997....the only thing that i'm not fan of is the guitar riff from the song....too easy 4 my taste!

Man, you must hate Led Zeppelin II then.
Really cool song in my opinion, I've thought a time now that this would be some kind of mix of everything they did in the 90's but with higher production values, and right now it seems like it.

I've only listened to it twice so I'll probably get a more detailed opinion later on. Sounds great so far! :up:
Don't worry, I'm not expecting the album to get anything higher than a 7, since it's not Animal Collective.

Wow, the ignorance you display is mindblowing.

But, I agree that it will probably get in the 6.8 - 7.5 range. U2's progression lately reminds me of Beck's - and P4K gave Modern Guilt, his best in ages, a 7.0.
Ok just played it on full volume because flat mate has just gone out and it just blew me out.
U2's 'Boots' Kick In At U.K. Radio

U2 returned to radio with "Get On Your Boots," which debuted simultaneously around the world at 8:15am GMT.

It was instantly added to Radio 1's B list, XFM daytime, Capital's C list, Absolute's A list and 6 Music's A list, and scored R2's Record of the Week.

The single is the first taste of forthcoming album "No Line On the Horizon" and will be available in the U.K. as a digital download from Feb. 15, with a physical release Feb. 16. The U.S. will follow with a physical release on Feb. 17.

"No Line On the Horizon" will be released March 2 in the U.K. and March 3 in the U.S. The album was produced by Brian Eno, Danny Lanois and Steve Lillywhite, and recorded in Dublin, New York and London.

Holy fucker this song is more and more better then more I listen to it. I wouldn't necessarily say its better then the fly (hardly any song could touch the fly thought) but its for sure better then discotheque and all of the singles since then! This is a fuck off rocker indeed! Almost has a heavy metal feel to it in parts!!:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:
Okay, here is my view.

I think the song does incorporate previous U2 song elements - but that is no surprise, nor is it unwelcome considering I am a U2 fan!

The scat "non-melodic" singing is reminiscent of Vertigo (especially Jacknife Lee 10" Remix)
The massively distorted guitar reminds me of The Fly and Discotheque (2m12s on 12" version)

However, I like the lyrics and vocal (especially the harmonies) and the overall vibe of the song is fresh and a bit dark. The guitar fill in the middle is creepy - in a good way. Drumming is hard and rare in U2's catalogue and the bassline is up there with Adam's best.

Production is much better than the "in-yer-face" Vertigo with wonderful little details such as synths, bells, fills etc. I don't think it is a better single than Vertigo but at the moment I feel it is the better song. As for how it will fare on the charts I'm not sure - it is not as immediate and "easy" as Vertigo but will appeal to a young crowd.

One thing to remember is that the world has changed a lot since September 2004. Electro, dance, R&B have all become more prevalent and the new song reflects that change. Vertigo if released now would feel stale.

Bono's voice is a bit whiney in places (as his new voice is prone to) but it gives me high hopes for the vocals on the rest of the album.

Cover is shit. We did better in the fake cover thread. Also the distribution is crap - sell the song to the people that want it!

It is fine that there are differences of opinion... but people seem to be bashing it for being derivative AND too different... can't have it both ways.

Roll on Magnificent

Couldn't bear to stay up late to listen so got up at 6:40 for the first play on our local station. Closed the doors & had the volume down as the rest of the house was still asleep.

Listen #1: cautious, don't like the silly "sexy boots ooh ooh" part at all
Listen #2: same formula as Vertigo, with some Beatles, B-52's and some other stuff in there, also reminds me of that song, I think it was the Tom Tom Club - Wild Wild West - that is not good
Listen #3: new guitar sound, it woke me up, I think I kinda like it
Listen #4: Getting the hang of the tongue-in-cheek silliness.

It's growing on me. I didn't love Vertigo when I heard it the first time either but wound up loving to dance around my living room to it so we'll just have to see.

Like others have said, it's just nice to have something new that doesn't totally suck (imo) after so long. (that christmas piece of poo they put out doesn't count)

oh, and I really wanna chant 'let me in the sound' with about 20,000 other people. That'd be cool. Takers, anyone?
Listen #1 (thru computer speakers which usually detracts from the experience)

I heard the 52s...The Wild Wild West (groan)..and Vertigo/ABOY

I liked it better when I read the lyrics while listening

It might grow on me I suppose. It's a good dance tune, and U2 don't normally go for that, so that's refreshing.

Going back for another few listens on a proper system now...

Now i've listened in big speakers and... i still think it's a weak song. No great chorus, inconsistant percussion, in a way, not brillant at all. If it wasn't U2 i think i would pass away from it.

Maybe just as another track from the album it could fit. As a first single poor choice. I hope that the rest of the album is made from stronger songs
You can still pass away from it :wave:

For me, the song has certainly some AB vibes going on. I like the processed sound. I also understand ppl who say it reminds them of vertigo or aboy. But, if you listen further than just the loud guitar, the resemblence isn't there anymore. So many details. :):up:
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