Yeah, this thread is a bit early...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

SpanishEyes21 said:

Ok now for my scans

OMG, OMGl , OMG! Wowzers! Look at that pic.... they BOTH look sooooooooooo :censored: hot!!!!!!!!!!


:bow: Thank you Esther!

Yay for you and your scanner!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

And have fun in Spain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We'll miss you! :hug:
SpanishEyes21 said:
Hi guys:wave: I have 2 announcments to make

1) Im leaving for Spain on Dec. 24. Im going to Madrid with my family to meet up with some family members that I have never met before, and I'll be gone for 15 days, so I should be back like on the 8th of Jan.
2) Since I'll be leaving the 24th, Christmas came a little early for me this year. On Wednesday a family member gave me some money for Christmas and it was just enough so I could buy myself a SCANNER :hyper: I am now able to share all my U2 pics with you guys.

Merry Christmas! to my fellow Edge & Larry/Edge Girls

P.S. dont drink and drive:no:

Awww, Esther! Thank you so much for the pic! :love:

Oh, and have fun in Espa?a! :wink: I'm dying to go there, that's were my great grandfather and grandmother on my father's side were from.

We'll miss you while you're gone!!! :hug:

Merry Christmas to you too!

SpanishEyes21 said:

He has the most amazing bone structure! Look at those cheekbones, just outstanding!!!

Aw, Baby Edge!! So, so cute :love: Thank you for further fueling my Baby Edge infatuation.
PS Cool pants! Edge in his glam rock phase.

Spanish Eyes -- Happy Christmas! Happy New Year! Have fun on your trip. I have a feeling these Edge threads may be a little sad over the next few weeks with everyone on holiday :(
I'm not sure what's on the VHS version of the Best Of, but on the DVD is the making of One, the making of ES, director's commentary for most of the videos, two versions of One (bar and drag), two versions of SIAM (football and kidnapped Bono), two versions of SATS (light and Miami) as well as Lemon, The Fly, LNOE, Wild Horses and a couple of other videos for songs not on the CD.

Speaking of the DVD, if any of you really cool tech-savvy girls and boys out there could possibly do screen captures from The Fly, I will seriously be your best friend (or just be really, really grateful)!
If I've been a good girl this year...

dsmith2904 said:

Speaking of the DVD, if any of you really cool tech-savvy girls and boys out there could possibly do screen captures from The Fly, I will seriously be your best friend (or just be really, really grateful)!

I'm praying Santa brings me a DVD-ROM for my puter... and if he does, I'll be able to make screen captures from the DVD :wink:

*closes eyes real tight, crosses fingers, toes, etc. and hopes Santa brings a DVD-ROM*


dsmith2904 said:

Spanish Eyes -- Happy Christmas! Happy New Year! Have fun on your trip. I have a feeling these Edge threads may be a little sad over the next few weeks with everyone on holiday :(
I'm not sure what's on the VHS version of the Best Of, but on the DVD is the making of One, the making of ES, director's commentary for most of the videos, two versions of One (bar and drag), two versions of SIAM (football and kidnapped Bono), two versions of SATS (light and Miami) as well as Lemon, The Fly, LNOE, Wild Horses and a couple of other videos for songs not on the CD.

Speaking of the DVD, if any of you really cool tech-savvy girls and boys out there could possibly do screen captures from The Fly, I will seriously be your best friend (or just be really, really grateful)!

Im gonna miss all you girls also. Thisis my 3rd New Years in Madrid and I kinda get bummed out cuz I dont get to see my friends here in FL, but Madrid is beautiful and the city goes crazy on New Years Eve.

So anyway the Best of VHS has Even Better Than.... Mysterious Ways, Beautiful Day, ES, One(drag version) Miss Sarajevo, Stay, Stuck(Football version), Gone, UTEOTW, Hands, Discotheque, HMTMKMKM, Staring at the Sun(dont which version it is) & Numb.
It doens't any video commentaries:( darn I want to see Lemon and Wild Horeses:scream: Well I also hope to get a DVD player soon and than I will buy the DVD.
dsmith, maybe Kristie is working on some still of the Best of videos.


absolutely gorgeous





I just have to say that Stay is the most beautiful video and Edge looks so sweet and adorable when he starts playing with that little wind up gaget. He like so facinated with it.


Have you guys noticed his beautiful hands and perfectly groomed nails
Since I can't post pics I have to entertain myself somehow

SpanishEyes21 said:

Have you guys noticed his beautiful hands and perfectly groomed nails

I got to shake one of those lovely hands :sexywink:

*erised runs and hides so Edge girls don't pounce on her*
SpanishEyes21 said:

I LOVE that picture so much!!!!

I just have to say that Stay is the most beautiful video and Edge looks so sweet and adorable when he starts playing with that little wind up gaget. He like so facinated with it.


The Stay video is so great. I admit that I can be like super clueless, but I had no idea that Edge had long hair during Zoo times. I knew he had that little braid thing in the back, but in the Stay video he has this totally long ponytail. Thanks to the lovely DVD I'm getting to see all kinds of things I never noticed before (*coughSIAMcough*).

Have you guys noticed his beautiful hands and perfectly groomed nails

Yes I have many, many, many times. It's pretty unusual that someone who works with their hands would have such nice ones, usually you end up with gross scrawny, veiny hands (such as I'm going to have because of all the typing I do :yuck: ).
This is so sad but wonderful at the same time!! All these beautiful Edge pictures...:combust:, but then news that Iwasbored is already gone home :( :sad: and that Spanisheyes will be gone too! *sighs* I must come on more often! Spanisheyes, i hope you have an awesome time in spain too, i really want to go there (New york will have to be my big trip this year for now...but i'll bring a sharpie and hope to find Bono!) so have a great time! Pardon the rambling, lets get on with the pics! :hyper:

O yeah, thanks for the pics you guys found for me!

Bono: So there was this one time when Larry and I accidentally got a bit of super glue in Edge's beanie...and its been stuck since!

I rule the world!!!


More later!!!
Jam Jar said:

oh my gawd! what a great picture of Edge in drag

These pics from the GONY premier are like my new favorites


Snapfish shrunk my nice big scans:madspit:



dsmith, do you have the Flygasm pic? I just thought of that picture. I dont think the Larry girls have seen it.
SpanishEyes21 said:

dsmith, do you have the Flygasm pic? I just thought of that picture. I dont think the Larry girls have seen it.

I think Kristie was the person who had that but I'm not sure. That scene is part of the reason I was angling for screen captures from the DVD, that and the gorgeous shoulder shots.

Niamh -- Who is the woman in this picture? Is it Aislinn?

SpanishEyes21 said:

dsmith, do you have the Flygasm pic? I just thought of that picture. I dont think the Larry girls have seen it.

:yes: I know what pic you're talking about... :evil:... but I don't think I have it saved anywhere :(

*goes back to praying for DVD-ROM from Santa...*
Re: I haven't a clue what you're talkin' about

erised said:

Yeah, whatever shifty. You keep on playing innocent!!

I will cross my fingers that you get your DVD-Rom for Christmas. Just the thought of a ton of beautiful, crisp, clear Numb stills :drool:

Back to The Fly still for a minute, I feel like I haven't seen it in ages. There was the Flygasm one and this fantastic overhead shot of Edge's guitar solo and all the muscles in his arms and shoulders were so well highlighted. And Bonochick had a little animated gif of Edge's solo as well. Hm, where has all The Fly stuff gotten to? :scratch:

Just as I thought, Kristie is the wonderful genius who brought us this maginificent still.


Dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drool: :combust:

Off to find the shoulders and perhaps call it a night...
Last edited:
Found the shoulder shot! Thanks to Jam Jar for originally posting this way back when...


Wow The Fly is a great video. May have to watch a few minutes of the DVD before going to bed. Should give me sweet dreams for sure :cute:

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