Video Game thread II: Super Scumbo Bros

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Anyone going to get Resistance 3? Looks pretty good and is getting good reviews
I really, really want to, looks like a very pleasant surprise. I'm hoping to find the time to play the campaign this weekend, which is meant to be excellent. Haven't heard much about the multiplayer yet.
Deus Ex was awesome, one of my favorite games so far this year.

Dead Island is crazy awesome as well. Couldn't stop playing last night.
Pretty sure the Xbox is about to red ring again. Eleven days before the chainsawpocalype. Fuck.
Dead Island looks really, really good.

However I think a combo of Elder Scrolls and MW3 will keep me more than busy for a good 6-8 months, with school and all. I think it's best if I simply don't buy any other games.
Back in April I used this Minecraft seed:


to start a new world (has some pretty dramatic cliffs and seas) and spent a lot of time building around, but I'm waiting for the new 1.8 release to boot it up/ start exploring again on my new computer (which I got in late July). I can't wait for the ravines, rivers, and biome enhancements.
u2popmofo said:
Deus Ex was awesome, one of my favorite games so far this year.

Dead Island is crazy awesome as well. Couldn't stop playing last night.

Is that out? have to at least rent it soon.
Back in April I used this Minecraft seed:


to start a new world (has some pretty dramatic cliffs and seas) and spent a lot of time building around, but I'm waiting for the new 1.8 release to boot it up/ start exploring again on my new computer (which I got in late July). I can't wait for the ravines, rivers, and biome enhancements.
The developers actually "leaked" a pre-1.8 build to 4chan. I'm playing it right now and for all intents and purposes it's 1.8. The new binomes and lighting system are the big highlights. You're gonna love it, whenever the official release is out later this week.
Snow Leopard natively recognizes PS3 controllers through bluetooth :cute::heart::applaud:

I may or may not be able to play Final Fantasy VI Advance on my imac while sitting on my bed. :shifty: The next best thing to sitting in front of the living room TV/SNES in 1994. FF6A has a much better/literary translation, although the music is a bit lower quality than the original.
I've heard that PCs can do that as well, I just never got around to trying it.
I assumed it was out in October. It was a nice surprise to see it's less than a week away
Nothing good comes out until Rage on Oct 4th. I don't know how I read that month wrong :sad:

Nah not really... it's just changed.

Instead of artists featuring with their own game it's turned to downloadable content.

That being said, Rock Band is overdue for a new installment to a band series of the game in my opinion. Although they're probably holding off... I'd imagine they make next to nothing on the game disc itself because of all of the royalties being paid out... they probably bank on the equipment though.
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