Blue Crack Addict
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Since a week ago I finally beat Deus Ex Human Revolution start to finish for the 1st time.
What did you think?
There has been a lot of improvement, the non-Roman factions have been given a lot of new units and buildings and it's been balanced out a bit better to give non-Roman players a better shot. They listened to the players and did things like adding seasons, and a lot of battle improvements have been made too, although I don't play too many battles unless they are important ones so I honestly couldn't say for sure what specifically was done there. It does seem that there was a lot less "unit blob" in the battle I played last night than in my first couple of campaigns.
I didn't think it was quite worth what I paid for it at first but now I think it's about as good as it's going to get. It's a lot of fun and no it's not perfect but neither was the original RTW, despite how some people put it on a pedestal.
Rome marches on. The Tylians managed to use a combined cavalry army to trap the III Legion in the forested hills of Macedonia and wipe it out. The next year the II Legion entered the region and in an epic battle where they were outnumbered almost 2 to 1 against two separate armies the 2nd held fast and utterly wiped out the Tylian raiders. They sued for peace and offered to become a Roman client state but I need the port of Tylis on the Black Sea too badly to accept. The 2nd took the initiative while Tylis was weakened and quickly struck to take their two inland cities. The 2nd now threatens Tylis while two more full legions make their way ashore on the Adriatic to assert Rome's status as the new superpower in the Balkans.
Cool, I'll give it another shot. Agreed on the original - it was the mods that made that game, I haven't played vanilla since it came out. It seems like RTW2 is more mod friendly than the last few in the series, so hopefully there's a lot more life in it yet.
Out of curiosity, anyone here do any coding or worked on their own games?
I have the new Infamous as well, but need to finish Infamous 2 before.
That Sub Pop sign in Infamous: Second Sun![]()
You're in for disappointment, then.