Vancouver II Setlist Watch and Thread Party.

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neutral said:

If you're going to Chicago 1 we can cry in GA for Sometimes together. :| Not sure if I'm really looking forward to hearing it. :slant:

I'm looking forward to hearing Sometimes live and in person...and start balling...i know i will cry at some point ...did last tour....usually during or after Walk On tho...hehe :)
No spoken words said:

I've lived in SoCal for 7 years now, I pobably take it for granted. I miss The Bronx, though, believe it or not. Nobody is gonna believe that, but still. :)

I believe it! NYC is my favourite city on the planet!
I'm going there in a few weeks for the U2 show and then again in October for a show at MSG...any excuse to go there!

NYC & California...*sigh*...lucky you!

Apparently Bono spoke for a long time before Miracle Drug but Jquirt couldn't make out what Bono was saying...the connection isn't that great.
Dalton said:

Oh ho, someone just painted themselves in the ignorant corner.

Yeah, and it wasn't timothius.

I say again: BEST. POST. ON THE THREAD. Even over NSW's great one.
angel_28 said:

I'm looking forward to hearing Sometimes live and in person...and start balling...i know i will cry at some point ...did last tour....usually during or after Walk On tho...hehe :)

When I saw them in 1987, I was 16, was my first concert of any variety, and the band were at this point already my favorite of many years. Wanted to hear "Bad" more than anything else.....remembered the Live Aid rendition and how great it was. Anyway, the entire show was soooooo fucking amazing to me, was on a real natural high. Then Bad started, and, well, I fucking lost it, I was on overload, my body did not know whether to cry, convulse, shut down, pass out, etc.....I recovered quickly, but, wow, never will forget that night. I'll stop rambling now, sorry.

* Vertigo (kinda crazy almost Stories snippet)
* Elevation
* CRY/ELECTRIC CO. (Clowns/Miles snippets)
* An Cat Dubh / Into The Heart
* Beautiful Day
* Miracle Drug

p.s. the edge is SO ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No spoken words said:

Awwww, you miss the Whale.

Yes I do, very much...though they play the fight song at Sox games when they get a big hit late in the game...kind of cool.
PearlJam_U2 said:

Apparently Bono spoke for a long time before Miracle Drug but Jquirt couldn't make out what Bono was saying...the connection isn't that great.

Sometimes I dont even think Bono can make out what he is saying himself...he is just that way. Stick with him thought.:wink:
No spoken words said:

When I saw them in 1987, I was 16, was my first concert of any variety, and the band were at this point already my favorite of many years. Wanted to hear "Bad" more than anything else.....remembered the Live Aid rendition and how great it was. Anyway, the entire show was soooooo fucking amazing to me, was on a real natural high. Then Bad started, and, well, I fucking lost it, I was on overload, my body did not know whether to cry, convulse, shut down, pass out, etc.....I recovered quickly, but, wow, never will forget that night. I'll stop rambling now, sorry.

My first time is coming up. Though I've been a fan for years, for various reasons, this tour marks my first shows. I imagine I'll be the same. Or worse, probably. :reject:
PearlJam_U2 said:

* Vertigo (kinda crazy almost Stories snippet)
* Elevation
* CRY/ELECTRIC CO. (Clowns/Miles snippets)
* An Cat Dubh / Into The Heart
* Beautiful Day
* Miracle Drug

p.s. the edge is SO ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

let me guess, this is from zootopia?

every freakin night they say "the edge is so on!!!!"
Chizip said:

let me guess, this is from zootopia?

every freakin night they say "the edge is so on!!!!"

Yes I've said 3 or 4 times already that credit goes to jquirt and sheepsomethingorother (forget his username) from zootopia. I m cutting and pasting from there
Axver said:

Who's worse, Vaalies or Aussies?

Hmm, that's definitely a tough one. On one hand, you've got the bloody Vaalies going to the beaches, walking around in awe going "Ag, lekker man! Kyk! Kyk!" and pointing at the waves as though they're some kind of extraterrestrial lifeform...then you've got the Aussies, who think they're the next best thing to sliced bread.

...well, I'm going to have to go with the blunders from down under.

* Vertigo (kinda crazy almost Stories snippet)
* Elevation
* CRY/ELECTRIC CO. (Clowns/Miles snippets)
* An Cat Dubh / Into The Heart
* Beautiful Day
* Miracle Drug
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