Things I love: Part XVII

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And I actually just listened to "October" again the other night... it falls apart near the end, but the first half is really good! :up:

:huh: *likes the 2nd half as well as the 1st...apart from Scarlet, and I Fall Down* I like pretty much all of the album, though sadly I'm not gonna relisten to it this month bc it's so far from the type of stuff I'm listening to right now...

I love that my dormmate and I now have a fish named Iggy! (he's spazzy and acts like he's on drugs, therefore he's been named after Iggy Pop) (oh and he's rainbow)
I am not going anywhere except for home! It's 7:00 and I am ooouuuttaaaa heeeere :wave:

See you guys on the flip side (and maybe I'll even give October another listen tonight... for your sake :wink:)!
I like the second half of October too, ESPECIALLY Stranger In A Strange Land. :crack: But the first half is better...

And yes, things are going well between my... boyfriend? Not sure if I can call him that yet... and me. I love talking to him- he was the only person who didn't annoy me yesterday when we hung out. :)
Oh Catman. I don't know what you have against Stranger In A Strange Land. It's one of the best tracks of the album, IMO.

I love that I may be starting on the mural on my wall...! :) (drawing where everything's gonna go...)
stranger in a strange land is good! the clunker on the album for me is with a shout. i actually like october more than war.

i got my pizza again today :drool: i put a note on requesting extra cranberry sauce and boy did they come through. i opened the box and there's a huge purple swirl, i love it. sprinkled on a little chicken salt and holy shit, my taste buds aren't just dancing, they're...dancing and uh, being super happy and all. that kinda fell apart, oops.
Not you, too, Khan... :sad:

It's like Invasion of the Pod People or something, where everyone's been infected with the deadly "Stranger in a Strange Land" virus and can no longer function :faint:

and damnit, I want some of that pizza :madwife: sooo huuuuungryyyy
Ohhh I forgot With A Shout. I :heart: that one too.


I like October more than War me it has more personality.

Catman—get pizza dough, they have the stuff pre made at stores, put olive oil and a little salt on it, prosciutto on top, and bingo, focaccia. I plan to at some point...

I love my now-cleared-of-crap, mural-ready wall. And random inspiration to make a weird collage.
Not you, too, Khan... :sad:

It's like Invasion of the Pod People or something, where everyone's been infected with the deadly "Stranger in a Strange Land" virus and can no longer function :faint:

and damnit, I want some of that pizza :madwife: sooo huuuuungryyyy
:grumpy: i mean it's not my favourite on the album, but it's better than like a song*.

sorry, i ate it all! :wink: it was even better with all that extra cranberry sauce, zomg. when i go back to america to visit my parents i'm so going to miss all the weird stuff you can get on pizza. i'm used to tomato sauce, meats, and veggies. not things like cranberry sauce and chicken salt.

:grumpy: i mean it's not my favourite on the album, but it's better than like a song*.

sorry, i ate it all! :wink: it was even better with all that extra cranberry sauce, zomg. when i go back to america to visit my parents i'm so going to miss all the weird stuff you can get on pizza. i'm used to tomato sauce, meats, and veggies. not things like cranberry sauce and chicken salt.
How dare you.

But moving on, I saw that you mentioned cranberry sauce earlier, but just thought you meant to say tomato but had cranberries on your mind. Cranberry sauce. On pizza. Huh.

i don't even know what thread I'm in now, so I'll just say I'm indifferent towards turkey.

EDIT: apparently it's the "love" thread. I stand by my previous statement.
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