Things I love: Part XVII

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finished my lame paper hours ago. everything's been proofread, printed, and stapled together so i can put it in a stupid little box.

you know, for a class all about conservationism and reducing our footprints, i sure have had a lot of paper for this class. you'd think they'd do everything electronically.

I love that the Pleban Christmas Card exchange is up and running here already! That should be fun!:heart::shifty:
Pumpkin scones.
That hockey is back in Winnipeg, even though the game didn't go the way I'd wished.
New haircuts.
Catching up with friends I hadn't seen in a LONG time.
Pumpkin scones.
That hockey is back in Winnipeg, even though the game didn't go the way I'd wished.

It went my way though!:love:

I must admit I did cry at the beginning. I'm so happy for that city. :hyper:
Date went well, and after seeing Dolphin Tale I must proclaim I love dolphins, a lot. They are soooo cute... and the guy was cute too :giggle: so much taller than me it was a little awkward though!
^ :cute:

I love...the radio! :heart: They were playing a lot of Roxy Music this morning which for some reason made me really calm and happy...
Date went well, and after seeing Dolphin Tale I must proclaim I love dolphins, a lot. They are soooo cute... and the guy was cute too :giggle: so much taller than me it was a little awkward though!
It's such a euphoric feeling when a date goes really well; happy to hear you're feeling positive about it :D

...and on a somewhat related note, a friend and I went to see "The Ides of March" (decent movie; solid 7.5/10, I s'pose). We got there a little early and was very surprised by the general age of the audience... certainly not one we pegged to fall under the targeted demographic. A young mother even stroke up a conversation with us, talking about how this is her daughter's "first trip to the theaters." Weeeeeeell, it was about this time we decided to double-check what movie we were about to watch... and yeah, it was "Dolphin's Tale" :huh:
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