Things I love: Part XVII

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I love that I am finally able to put something that has been bothering me for months behind me. :D

I also love that we are making serious plans for the next tour in pleba! :lol:
Edge - Love Is Blindness - YouTube

I love this. I haven't seen the documentary, but this brought me to tears. The Edge's voice has done that to me in concert (during Stuck). This is incredible.:love::heart::love:

:scream: trying to remain spoiler free as I'd like to try and watch the doco in its entirety before gobbling all the goodies . . . **

this pizza:


Turns out they were all very impressed with my final draft :) :)

:cabbagepatch: love this post :hug:
Khan, you are now obliged to share that pizza with me :drool:

i loooove pizza. mushrooms :drool: pepperoni :drool: bacon :drool::drool: cheeeese :drool:
eww, i won't now because you said mushrooms and pepperoni and drool-worthy! :yuck: :wink:

i also love that i get pizza tonight for dinner too. i found a place downtown that serves ny style pizza. i like the pizza here and everything but you can't beat ny style pizza. :combust:
I love thinking about all of the fun I had this summer! Nothing kicks ass like being in the pit with your best friends and going absolutely crazy when you hear those opening notes of Streets. :love: I was listening to the bootleg of the Minneapolis show and that song still makes me cry every time I hear it!:heart:
French fries. Good french fries improve my mood, oddly enough...

Nothing kicks ass like being in the pit with your best friends and going absolutely crazy when you hear those opening notes of Streets. :love:

Hear, hear! :yes: :love:

Opening notes of I Will Follow made me go pretty insane too :D
I love being finished this stupidly early-assigned art history outline (and bibliography) (we had to do all the research way before writing or even basic planning, which is not the approach I'm used to) because now after all that work I feel the tiniest bit ahead of the game, even if it's a day late; the work for now is done. No more research, just writing.
eww, i won't now because you said mushrooms and pepperoni and drool-worthy! :yuck: :wink:
Clearly you do not what is good for you! Try itttt... soooo goooooodddd :drool::drool:

Either that or buffalo chicken pizza :drool::drool::drool: pizzaaaaaa yumymumymumumasnoasnmfoamlsfd ah glsa

I'll add Out of Control and Zooropa too. Such an amazing summer!:love:
Zooropa was definitely a highlight for me - one of my all time favorite U2 songs :up:

I love being finished this stupidly early-assigned art history outline (and bibliography) (we had to do all the research way before writing or even basic planning, which is not the approach I'm used to) because now after all that work I feel the tiniest bit ahead of the game, even if it's a day late; the work for now is done. No more research, just writing.
I really, really, really, really don't like making reference pages. For all of my papers, we were assigned MLA format - which I thought was the standard, but apparently some colleges, I have come to find out, prefer APA... :no: And even worse, some papers I've been critiquing demand AMA, a horrible, bastard of a format that has me looking like a deer in the headlights anytime a student comes in asking for help :crack:

AMA format and sour cream - two of the most awful things in the world.
We had to do Chicago style format. It sucked. Took a long time to finish.

On the subject of things I've enjoyed today (not art history)...That 70s Show. And making scone cookies.
I love that I woke up to the radio playing Joy Division :heart: last time they did that, I requested it and knew it was coming...:cute: I feel loved.
I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
It goes like this
The fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah...

I love the absolute beauty of hearing Bono sing this in Montreal for the first time, and being in total awe. It was amazing to look at those with me and to realize we were all crying.:heart:
I am currently in love with U2: At The End Of The World.
Way to go! :D

I love October... really, I don't listen to it nearly enough, but I thought I should today because it was born today in 1981...

I love hearing new singles from bands I like... and I love many, many other things that I can't think to list... oh, I'll try.

1. Making new friends
2. Doing well on tests
3. Liking someone :cute:
4. Feeling good about myself
5. Listening to music :heart:
6. Laughing
Way to go! :D

I love October... really, I don't listen to it nearly enough, but I thought I should today because it was born today in 1981...

and I love many, many other things that I can't think to list...
3. Liking someone :cute:
I take it things are going well? :applaud:

And I actually just listened to "October" again the other night... it falls apart near the end, but the first half is really good! :up:

I love my friends. They are my backbone and my treasure! So important to have some people to lean on in tough times! :heart:
I've recently been sorta neglecting my friends due to studying, but decided to put a moratorium on all that and hung out w/ a few people I hadn't seen in a while... ultimately a good decision on my end :D

EDIT: I'm not a huge candy person, but I love the hell out of these...

they're like sex but i'm having it :drool:

EDIT #2: stop judging me, amy!!
^^thanks for everything my dear, especially the phone calls on the really tough days!:hug:

Good times ahead, right?

ETA: this was before Catman posted... :lol:
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