things i hate part 2874892742

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being on the fringe of a social group that i'd really really really really really like to be a formal part of.

i've got my good mates, but i never have as much fun with them as i do when i'm with this other social group, as horrible as that sounds.
Are the groups related in any way? It can be pretty hard to juggle, my connection to the arty hipster students pretty much fell apart because I kept concentrating on keeping friends from back home, but looking back it probably wouldn't have been as hard if I'd put some effort into it. I dunno how similar that is to your situation, but I sort of know what you mean.

That Westboro "Baptist Church" is bad news. They are well known across the U.S. for "protesting" at the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq/Afghanistan--their gig is that the soldier's death is "punishment" for the U.S.'s tolerance of homosexuals. Doesn't sound very "church-y" to me! :sad:

Don't worry, I've read all about those pear-shaped saps. I found out this guy actually doesn't approve of the church, which is refreshing to hear. He's not a Christian, after all (sorry, not trying to imply that all Christians believe in that madhattery). I went and told him that through this common ground of thinking that the WBC is insane, we will go on our merry way and ignore each other, knowing that two naturally argumentative people with vastly different political opinions are not meant to talk to each other. I trust my friend (who's more like a brother to me) isn't stupid enough to listen to his hate speech - he's gay, after all, and he knows that I'd take my Jewish heritage all the way to the synagogue if it weren't for the fact that I don't want to be categorised with NSW in any way, and also the not believing in god thing. And pepperoni is too good to give up. Sure, I know they make a kosher one, but it tastes like plastic.

But anyway, I think it's gonna work out! I now know how to deal with neo-Nazis on the internet outside of FYM. Just kiddering!
Are the groups related in any way? It can be pretty hard to juggle, my connection to the arty hipster students pretty much fell apart because I kept concentrating on keeping friends from back home, but looking back it probably wouldn't have been as hard if I'd put some effort into it. I dunno how similar that is to your situation, but I sort of know what you mean.

nah. they all know each other, but i'm sort of in the middle. a good example, right, is when Future Music Fest was on in Feb, we caught a train in. present was both my two good mates, and this other group which i have a lot of fun with. anyway when we got on the train, we all walked in together, and this other group (four or five) all sat down at the end of one of the carriages. so why did my two good mates decide to go and sit in the other carriage, on their own? of course that meant i had to go and sit with them, because they kick up a fucking stink when i "ditch" them. we sat there for most of the 40 minute train ride talking every so often. i could see the other group, mucking around and laughing and shit. why not sit in there? really pissed me off. i ended up ditching good mates during the day to be with other group because i was having a helluva lot more fun and they got angry.
nah. they all know each other, but i'm sort of in the middle. a good example, right, is when Future Music Fest was on in Feb, we caught a train in. present was both my two good mates, and this other group which i have a lot of fun with. anyway when we got on the train, we all walked in together, and this other group (four or five) all sat down at the end of one of the carriages. so why did my two good mates decide to go and sit in the other carriage, on their own? of course that meant i had to go and sit with them, because they kick up a fucking stink when i "ditch" them. we sat there for most of the 40 minute train ride talking every so often. i could see the other group, mucking around and laughing and shit. why not sit in there? really pissed me off. i ended up ditching good mates during the day to be with other group because i was having a helluva lot more fun and they got angry.
Didn't know young blokes behaved like teenage girls ;)
that some bitch ran into the back of my PARKED car this morning at the servo. i'd just paid for petrol & gas and went out to find my bumper bar hanging off. "me! that was me! sorry!" she exclaims. "what happened?" i ask. "i don't know!" oh, right. fair enough! "what do you mean you don't know?" "well i was just drivin' in and i musta hit the accelerator instead of the brake". some other bitch (they were both feral) gets out of the car and looks at it, which has a couple of scratches and her left front light has been broken. then she looks at my car, which is massively dented, and the bumper bar is lucky to be hanging on. "oh well at least yours isn't as bad as mine!" she smiles. she's missing a front tooth. i get the details (amazingly the driver is insured) and then she takes off. i go to take off, and oh, what's that ear-achingly grinding noise when i move the steering wheel? it's the panel, scraping on something. so i can't drive my car, and i need to get to uni for an assignment. the lady who works in the servo informs me that a truck driver told her that this idiot of a woman drove into the servo at 20 or 30ks, not looking.

mum had to drive me to uni and now i've gotta spend two hours on public transport to get home as opposed to 35 minutes in a car :happy:
that some bitch ran into the back of my PARKED car this morning at the servo. i'd just paid for petrol & gas and went out to find my bumper bar hanging off. "me! that was me! sorry!" she exclaims. "what happened?" i ask. "i don't know!" oh, right. fair enough! "what do you mean you don't know?" "well i was just drivin' in and i musta hit the accelerator instead of the brake". some other bitch (they were both feral) gets out of the car and looks at it, which has a couple of scratches and her left front light has been broken. then she looks at my car, which is massively dented, and the bumper bar is lucky to be hanging on. "oh well at least yours isn't as bad as mine!" she smiles. she's missing a front tooth. i get the details (amazingly the driver is insured) and then she takes off. i go to take off, and oh, what's that ear-achingly grinding noise when i move the steering wheel? it's the panel, scraping on something. so i can't drive my car, and i need to get to uni for an assignment. the lady who works in the servo informs me that a truck driver told her that this idiot of a woman drove into the servo at 20 or 30ks, not looking.

mum had to drive me to uni and now i've gotta spend two hours on public transport to get home as opposed to 35 minutes in a car :happy:

That is a massive bummer! :angry:
That's f**ked up cobl! :hug:

All I was gonna "hate" on was the fact that I have a flat tire. We'll find out tomorrow if it's of the fixable nature. Oh, and taking my 80 year old dad to the market today :banghead: :crazy:
that some bitch ran into the back of my PARKED car this morning at the servo. i'd just paid for petrol & gas and went out to find my bumper bar hanging off. "me! that was me! sorry!" she exclaims. "what happened?" i ask. "i don't know!" oh, right. fair enough! "what do you mean you don't know?" "well i was just drivin' in and i musta hit the accelerator instead of the brake". some other bitch (they were both feral) gets out of the car and looks at it, which has a couple of scratches and her left front light has been broken. then she looks at my car, which is massively dented, and the bumper bar is lucky to be hanging on. "oh well at least yours isn't as bad as mine!" she smiles. she's missing a front tooth. i get the details (amazingly the driver is insured) and then she takes off. i go to take off, and oh, what's that ear-achingly grinding noise when i move the steering wheel? it's the panel, scraping on something. so i can't drive my car, and i need to get to uni for an assignment. the lady who works in the servo informs me that a truck driver told her that this idiot of a woman drove into the servo at 20 or 30ks, not looking.

mum had to drive me to uni and now i've gotta spend two hours on public transport to get home as opposed to 35 minutes in a car :happy:

That is so WRONG! I feel for you, man! BIG HUG TO YOU! :hug:
that some bitch ran into the back of my PARKED car this morning at the servo. i'd just paid for petrol & gas and went out to find my bumper bar hanging off. "me! that was me! sorry!" she exclaims. "what happened?" i ask. "i don't know!" oh, right. fair enough! "what do you mean you don't know?" "well i was just drivin' in and i musta hit the accelerator instead of the brake". some other bitch (they were both feral) gets out of the car and looks at it, which has a couple of scratches and her left front light has been broken. then she looks at my car, which is massively dented, and the bumper bar is lucky to be hanging on. "oh well at least yours isn't as bad as mine!" she smiles. she's missing a front tooth. i get the details (amazingly the driver is insured) and then she takes off. i go to take off, and oh, what's that ear-achingly grinding noise when i move the steering wheel? it's the panel, scraping on something. so i can't drive my car, and i need to get to uni for an assignment. the lady who works in the servo informs me that a truck driver told her that this idiot of a woman drove into the servo at 20 or 30ks, not looking.

mum had to drive me to uni and now i've gotta spend two hours on public transport to get home as opposed to 35 minutes in a car :happy:

Bogans are such idiots. :down:
thanks fitz! and others.

the (maybe) worst part? i had Silent Alarm ready to go as my album to listen to on the way to uni. instead i had to put up with AM talkback :crack:

Ugh damn those bogans! :hug: Sorry to hear that. So at least you'll be getting the car repaired on her account right?

I hate it when I hear a song on the radio that I like, but they NEVER tell you what song it was or by who. And this morning they finally did, but now I cannot remember what it was. :scream:
I hate thinking I've only got a year of my degree left, it's literally been the best time of my life, I will be so sorry to actually grow up and do something with my life. :sigh:

customer service ppl who can't really help

wasting gas driving all the way across town (40 min) to the Apple store, waiting 25 minutes, and then being told that they don't know what's wrong with my f'ing ipod and that there's nobody who can really tell me what the problem is. "But we can give you 10% off a new one if you want to trade it in" :madspit:
Ugh, that's so frustrating, zu. :hug: Stupid iPod people. :tsk:

I hate it when you get random voicemails from a person you've never heard of before and from a number you don't recognize. Leave me more info than just "Hi this is so and so No-last-name-given, call me back at this number." I called just out of curiosity's sake, and their mailbox was full. :shrug: Whatever. Stupid randoms not leaving any info. :tsk:
I hate thinking I've only got a year of my degree left, it's literally been the best time of my life, I will be so sorry to actually grow up and do something with my life. :sigh:

i hate thinking that i've got a year and a half to go and it's not really been fun at all, i've learnt little and i'm still not 100% on what i want to do!

i watched waaaay too many American college movies too many times growing up :sad: :lol:
In my experience, support and encouragement are almost always the life savers that get friends through their really rough times. I think those are wonderful gifts you have to offer your friend. :hug:

Thanks, I really appreciate that. :yes:

I talked to my friend on the phone tonight and a sympatic ear did seem to be appreciated, so I feel as if I'm helping a little. I figure even if I'm just someone to vent to, that's important.
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