things i hate part 2874892742

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i hate thinking that i've got a year and a half to go and it's not really been fun at all, i've learnt little and i'm still not 100% on what i want to do!

i watched waaaay too many American college movies too many times growing up :sad: :lol:

^that pretty much. Though I've at least three years left to go. sigh.
i hate thinking that i've got a year and a half to go and it's not really been fun at all, i've learnt little and i'm still not 100% on what i want to do!

You think that's bad -- I graduated 25 years ago and still don't know what I want to do! :ohmy:

I did have fun though. :)
that some bitch ran into the back of my PARKED car this morning at the servo. i'd just paid for petrol & gas and went out to find my bumper bar hanging off. "me! that was me! sorry!" she exclaims. "what happened?" i ask. "i don't know!" oh, right. fair enough! "what do you mean you don't know?" "well i was just drivin' in and i musta hit the accelerator instead of the brake". some other bitch (they were both feral) gets out of the car and looks at it, which has a couple of scratches and her left front light has been broken. then she looks at my car, which is massively dented, and the bumper bar is lucky to be hanging on. "oh well at least yours isn't as bad as mine!" she smiles. she's missing a front tooth. i get the details (amazingly the driver is insured) and then she takes off. i go to take off, and oh, what's that ear-achingly grinding noise when i move the steering wheel? it's the panel, scraping on something. so i can't drive my car, and i need to get to uni for an assignment. the lady who works in the servo informs me that a truck driver told her that this idiot of a woman drove into the servo at 20 or 30ks, not looking.

mum had to drive me to uni and now i've gotta spend two hours on public transport to get home as opposed to 35 minutes in a car :happy:

:hug: that is so many shades of awful I can barely look

*putsonmummyhat* . . . at least you weren't in the car Danny

That's f**ked up cobl! :hug:

All I was gonna "hate" on was the fact that I have a flat tire. We'll find out tomorrow if it's of the fixable nature. Oh, and taking my 80 year old dad to the market today :banghead: :crazy:

what she said and oh . . . have one of these :hug: . . . elderliness really does push the limits of frustration . . . akin to having a giant, very unruly and unreasonable 3 year old really :hug:

Ugh damn those bogans! :hug: Sorry to hear that. So at least you'll be getting the car repaired on her account right?

I hate it when I hear a song on the radio that I like, but they NEVER tell you what song it was or by who. And this morning they finally did, but now I cannot remember what it was. :scream:


fixed :D

oh and zooey . . . I hear ya on the apple people . . . some are okay but the majority are the shiniest happiest dudes on the planet when you wanna extol the virtues of your ipod / iPhone etc but the minute you have a problem . . . you can almost visibly see them retract :madspit:
:lol: THanks. I'm afraid that now I'm in front of a computer and able to google at least some of the lyric my brain's completely fried. Now I cannot remember the lyrics. :doh:

Oh figures. YOu showing up in this thread. :tsk:

:cute: I love how europe / usa diplomacy is at an all time high at the minute :wink:

I just had a *ping* moment, remembered a line and googled it. :D Score!

:applaud: . . . so what is the name of the song then missy . . . :waiting:!

"The Boy" and everything I do for him and how he's so selfish and unappreciative! F***K HIM!

I'm so done going out on a limb for him!


I'm so sorry Fitz . . . just please don't stop being your beautiful self on account of him :hug:

< that my heater has chosen the coldest night so far this year to go on the fritz :grumpy: and I'm sitting here in my loungeroom with a basquillion doonas and blankets all settled and ready for UK v USA shivering like a loon . . . fffffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrkkkkkanal it's cold :wink:
:cute: I love how europe / usa diplomacy is at an all time high at the minute :wink:

:applaud: . . . so what is the name of the song then missy . . . :waiting:!

Well it's not much a EU/US thing, more a Carlos being a stalker kinda thing. :wink:
But he's cute, so that's ok.

It's called Need you Now. But don't ask me the artist cause I can't remember it! :lol:

:hug: sorry to hear that Fitz. Sometimes it may be best to choose for yourself than trying to keep amending to another.
Yes that's it! :D

It's a random song... but it just has been stuck in my head for days! Though it's been replaced by John Mayer and Taylor Swift now... My head's like a freakin' jukebox, I always have a song in my head.
That it looks as if I'm right about something I would rather not be right about. :(
Friends who live out of state and you can't hang out with like you usta. I miss them, especially the ones that just had babies :sad:
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