random questions

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New Yorker
Nov 20, 2001
the mountains of southwest VA
why is it that dogs hate it when you blow air on their noses, yet they love to stick their heads out the window of a moving car?

why is it that us guys get all excited when we see women out in public in a bikini top, yet when we are at the beach its not such a big deal?

why do people like mayo and sour cream?
DiGi said:
why is it that dogs hate it when you blow air on their noses, yet they love to stick their heads out the window of a moving car?

Maybe because their ears flap about when they stick their head out of the car window & they enjoy it :shrug:

Why do people have accents??
Why do people like mayo and sour cream? Easy.


It's a holdover from times when we couldn't get enough from our hunter/gatherer diets. Of course, now we eat WAY too much.
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MissVelvetDress_75 said:
how come i cannot find a part-time job working retail for Friday, Sat, Sunday and Monday? :down:
I don't know because my store is desperately seeking people for exactly those days...

Is anyone willing to relocate and work at 7 on a Monday morning?
you dont have gills

how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Its the honeycomb and the chocolate :drool:

Why does it always rain on me?

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