Random Music Talk LXI: In Which PFan and GAF Drink a Lot

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Washington just transitioned from state-run to privatized liquor distribution last month. Overnight we went from being able to buy liquor only from official state stores to it being available everywhere, and I mean everywhere. It wouldn't surprise me to find Toys R Us stocking Jack Daniels.
Gin can also be great in something like a Negroni.


I've never had absinthe directly, but I think it was in some super expensive cocktail I had when I was in London.

I tend not to mix my whiskey with anything aside from ice. And I don't drink anything American. Scotch or Irish only.
joyfulgirl said:
My current drink of choice is coconut water. :reject:

Oh dude, I LOVE coconut water, but you gotta get the unsweetened kind. With pulp or without? I like the pulp, but I can see how some people might not. The flavour really seems to vary from brand to brand. I think Blue Monkey is the best. And their cans must be made of hardened steel, because it's nearly impossible to squish them
Oh, and that Father John Misty really knows how to put on a show. The mix wasn't quite as good as the previous show, but they've really figured out how to play some of these tunes since. Especially Hollywood Cemetery; They do this wall of noise thing toward the end that totally kicks ass. I feel bad for the headliner.
Hell, why don't I give you guys a special un-subbed sneak peek. ;)

Crippled by depression and losing interest in his own music, Josh Tillman did what many writers before have done – he hit the road.

“I got into my van with enough mushrooms to choke a horse and started driving down the coast with nowhere to go,” he says.

“I was really sick of what I had been doing musically for most of my 20s and I had no motivation to do it.

“I was struck during a strange moment at like 3:30 in the morning that I just needed to leave. I couldn’t walk around feeling like this all the time.”

During the time off the former Fleet Foxes drummer, who has been releasing solo albums since 2003, adopted a new moniker – Father John Misty – and found salvation when he started writing a novel.

Tapping into his “narrative voice”, he wrote and recorded Fear Fun, released in May this year. A vibrant, often hilarious album, he is touring and will be in Australia for Splendour in the Grass and sideshows.

The album comes packaged with two poster-sized sheets featuring lyrics and a 31-chapter treatment for a fictional video game called ‘‘’Bed Bug Mountain’’.

He says “finding my voice” was one of the revelations of his career. “The novel is just so fun to write,” he says.

“I realised I had this whole skill set that I’d been too vain to use before because I didn’t trust my own impulses.

“Once I stopped caring about whether or not my sense of humour made its way into the songs, I realised not only that they were funny but they were also more useful or profound than anything I’d written before.”

The album has been well received by critics, and lead single “Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings”, which features actress Aubrey Plaza, battered and bruised, stumbling through a party, attracted attention.

Tillman says the pair share a similar sense of humour. “We’re both crazy busy. I met her at a party a few years ago,” he says. “I felt she would be perfect in this cathartic role. She’s basically playing me in the video.”

As for his songwriting, which has been influenced by Loudon Wainwright III, Harry Nilsson and Oscar Wilde, he says he wanted to inject personality in his lyrics.

“I don’t like wound-licking music. I want to listen to someone rip their arm off and beat themselves with it,” he says.

“Singer-songwriters are meant to be confessional or whatever, with a lot of language about loss and so on.

“I see that as sort of funny, these stupid 20-year-old kids just wildly romanticising their own everyday experiences … how much of your life mirrors your music?

“Everyone seems to want to downplay the humanity or there is this real ‘aww shucks’ sense of propriety around performance.

“A lot of new music doesn’t grab me. What grabs me is interesting, vivid details or a sense of humour. The songwriters I’m into are people you want to hang out with, they have personality.”

Father John Misty plays at The Corner on July 28. Fear Fun out now.

Heavily edited for language.
Very cool cobbler.

Is the title of your article going to be "Don't Fear Fun, It's Father John Misty"? :wink:
Oh dude, I LOVE coconut water, but you gotta get the unsweetened kind. With pulp or without? I like the pulp, but I can see how some people might not. The flavour really seems to vary from brand to brand. I think Blue Monkey is the best. And their cans must be made of hardened steel, because it's nearly impossible to squish them

Shut up.

Oh, and that Father John Misty really knows how to put on a show. The mix wasn't quite as good as the previous show, but they've really figured out how to play some of these tunes since. Especially Hollywood Cemetery; They do this wall of noise thing toward the end that totally kicks ass. I feel bad for the headliner.

Shut up.

Seeing them in 15 days... My article will be out soon!

Shut up.

Hell, why don't I give you guys a special un-subbed sneak peek. ;)

Crippled by depression and losing interest in his own music, Josh Tillman did what many writers before have done – he hit the road.

“I got into my van with enough mushrooms to choke a horse and started driving down the coast with nowhere to go,” he says.

“I was really sick of what I had been doing musically for most of my 20s and I had no motivation to do it.

“I was struck during a strange moment at like 3:30 in the morning that I just needed to leave. I couldn’t walk around feeling like this all the time.”

During the time off the former Fleet Foxes drummer, who has been releasing solo albums since 2003, adopted a new moniker – Father John Misty – and found salvation when he started writing a novel.

Tapping into his “narrative voice”, he wrote and recorded Fear Fun, released in May this year. A vibrant, often hilarious album, he is touring and will be in Australia for Splendour in the Grass and sideshows.

The album comes packaged with two poster-sized sheets featuring lyrics and a 31-chapter treatment for a fictional video game called ‘‘’Bed Bug Mountain’’.

He says “finding my voice” was one of the revelations of his career. “The novel is just so fun to write,” he says.

“I realised I had this whole skill set that I’d been too vain to use before because I didn’t trust my own impulses.

“Once I stopped caring about whether or not my sense of humour made its way into the songs, I realised not only that they were funny but they were also more useful or profound than anything I’d written before.”

The album has been well received by critics, and lead single “Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings”, which features actress Aubrey Plaza, battered and bruised, stumbling through a party, attracted attention.

Tillman says the pair share a similar sense of humour. “We’re both crazy busy. I met her at a party a few years ago,” he says. “I felt she would be perfect in this cathartic role. She’s basically playing me in the video.”

As for his songwriting, which has been influenced by Loudon Wainwright III, Harry Nilsson and Oscar Wilde, he says he wanted to inject personality in his lyrics.

“I don’t like wound-licking music. I want to listen to someone rip their arm off and beat themselves with it,” he says.

“Singer-songwriters are meant to be confessional or whatever, with a lot of language about loss and so on.

“I see that as sort of funny, these stupid 20-year-old kids just wildly romanticising their own everyday experiences … how much of your life mirrors your music?

“Everyone seems to want to downplay the humanity or there is this real ‘aww shucks’ sense of propriety around performance.

“A lot of new music doesn’t grab me. What grabs me is interesting, vivid details or a sense of humour. The songwriters I’m into are people you want to hang out with, they have personality.”

Father John Misty plays at The Corner on July 28. Fear Fun out now.

Heavily edited for language.

Shut up.

Very cool cobbler.

Is the title of your article going to be "Don't Fear Fun, It's Father John Misty"? :wink:

Shut up.
Oh dude, I LOVE coconut water, but you gotta get the unsweetened kind. With pulp or without? I like the pulp, but I can see how some people might not. The flavour really seems to vary from brand to brand. I think Blue Monkey is the best. And their cans must be made of hardened steel, because it's nearly impossible to squish them

Oh yeah, always unsweetened, pure coconut water. And, I like pulp, too. I agree, the taste varies brand to brand which I don't understand, and it's got to be really cold. I buy the stuff by the case and was disappointed with a brand recently that was just bland and I was stuck with a case of it (which I still drank in like three days). Right now I'm loving Harvest Bay's little 8 oz single servings which I can easily throw in my purse. I'll pick up some Blue Monkey next. It's become quite the addiction.

Hell, why don't I give you guys a special un-subbed sneak peek. ;)

Good job. :up:
Oh dude, I LOVE coconut water, but you gotta get the unsweetened kind. With pulp or without? I like the pulp, but I can see how some people might not. The flavour really seems to vary from brand to brand. I think Blue Monkey is the best. And their cans must be made of hardened steel, because it's nearly impossible to squish them

coco story bro
And I don't drink anything American. Scotch or Irish only.

I'm all for the Scotch, but you're really missing out if you don't drink any American whiskeys. There are many great ones out there. Especially Templeton Rye.
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