Random Music Talk LXI: In Which PFan and GAF Drink a Lot

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Masterful imbibers. Peef, are you strictly a beer guy or do you like spirits as well?
I drink a lot of vodka as well as the beer. The best way to be a cheap college student is to drink a lot of liquor before heading out. It saves money to drink your own, store bought stuff as opposed to the drinks out at the bars.

How about yourself?
I've never had anything approaching good vodka in my life, like Grey Goose, Ketel One, etc. It's all been shit. Based on that, I greatly prefer gin as far as clear liquor goes.
I drink a lot of vodka as well as the beer. The best way to be a cheap college student is to drink a lot of liquor before heading out. It saves money to drink your own, store bought stuff as opposed to the drinks out at the bars.

How about yourself?

I'm a fan of the brown liquors, especially whiskey and bourbon. I usually drink them in cocktails though, like Manhattans, Old Fashioneds, etc. Gin can also be great in something like a Negroni. I haven't been drinking too much beer lately.
Beer man here, just because it's so much easier when going to a mate's house or whatever. Up for most spirits as well, Wild Turkey American Honey being my favourite. I hate tequila, I had a really bad and embarrassing night on it before I turned 18, but somehow it's probably the drink I've done the most shots of. Have to chase it down quickly with beer.

The only stuff I won't drink is the high percentage stuff, like Bacardi 151, absinthe, etc. You might as well just do shots of petrol.
Are the restrictions on alcohol in Utah state wide? I was reading to drink in a bar you have to be a member and everything shuts at 1am? And the beers are weaker?
The only stuff I won't drink is the high percentage stuff, like Bacardi 151, absinthe, etc. You might as well just do shots of petrol.

I'd say I'm a fan of absinthe. It has a pretty distinct flavor profile.
I like how Interference's Facebook page is just now asking if people are liking U22. Right on time, guys.
Doing shots of absinthe is moronic on several levels.

1) It's like 150 proof, what the fuck
2) It's fucking expensive
3) It actually tastes good when you dilute it
Apparently there's a whole preparation process involving spoons and sugar and fire. Too much effort.

Ha, yes, some will claim that there is some kind of alchemy involved with enjoying it. I think that is a bit of a legend and it tastes fine on its own, but, as LM said, it certainly is not a drink for shots. I had a tremendous cocktail a few weeks ago comprised of whiskey, absinthe, bitters, and lemon juice. Great stuff.
Sipping absinthe slowly gets you closer to stoned than drunk. It's so mellow and pleasant, and it never makes you want to puke or anything.

Like tequila, only the exact opposite.

iron yuppie said:
I had a tremendous cocktail a few weeks ago comprised of whiskey, absinthe, bitters, and lemon juice. Great stuff.

I won't rest until we find a bar that makes us one of these.
I like vodka drinks in the summer. Now if I'm drinking liquor, I like whiskey or bourbon. My current favorite is Maker's Mark + ginger ale. Mmmm.
Franz Ferdinand announced a Lollapalooza aftershow, with Jane's Addiction. $15. I might leave before Jane's can rape my ears with their shitty new material, or I may not. But Franz will probably be on first, since they're the "special guests."
Unpopular opinion, but too lazy to bump the thread: Metals is my favorite Feist album. I had a marathon listening session before I see her tomorrow, and while I've decided that I like all of her music (1234 notwithstanding, that one is still obnoxious), Metals is her most assured, languid and dense album. All the twee has been stripped away. Great production too, her least dependent on indie rock cliches.

The second half of Let It Die gives it a run for its money though. Boy oh boy, does she do an amazing Bee Gees cover. Now At Last makes my heart hurt.
The second half of Let It Die gives it a run for its money though. Boy oh boy, does she do an amazing Bee Gees cover.

I love Let It Die, and thinking about it now I can't believe I forgot to put it on my best of the 2000s list. Perhaps the sultriest album in my collection.
The last time I drank, it was whipped cream flavored vodka in cherry Coke. Oh, and screwdrivers. :drool:
Are the restrictions on alcohol in Utah state wide? I was reading to drink in a bar you have to be a member and everything shuts at 1am? And the beers are weaker?

Yes, yes, and yes.
martha, wherefore art thou in Mexican Hat tonight?
Didn't that shit end last year?

Well, there's bars that serve beer and only beer where you don't need a membership, but if you want spirits, you have to buy a membership to a private club.
I love Let It Die, and thinking about it now I can't believe I forgot to put it on my best of the 2000s list. Perhaps the sultriest album in my collection.

It sounds like a Nouvelle Vague/Serge Gainsbourg/The XX orgy. Great stuff.
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