Radiohead discussion continues

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When was the last time Radiohead did something with straight up guitars though?

The album before last...

-Weird Fishes has an amazing arpeggiated guitar line
-Bangers + Mash
-Jigsaw Falling Into Place has a very typical rock band arrangement with prominent rhythm guitar
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God, the predictions for a May 1st release or even just an announcement had better be right, this is excruciating!
Why does this thread keep getting bumped? There is literally nothing going on in Radiohead land! There is no album! There will never be any album! There never was any album! It's a head fuck!
I'm just as excited for it as I've been for any U2 album. That's to say..super fucking stoked.

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Still no sign of land... how long is it?

That's rather a personal question isn't it sir?

No, no! Start again...

Still... no sign of land. How long is it?

Thirty-three days, sir. I... don't think the men can hold out much longer.
... No touching

I am really fucking sick of this forum's cute little workaround to kill any 'ALL CAPS' posts. Sometimes it serves a purpose. Thanks interFERENCE.
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"Dawn Chorus" is a great album title, assuming there is any significance to those domain names.
I don't think they'll use it, there's already a classic Boards of Canada song by that name, and they're surely aware of it.

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I don't think they'll use it, there's already a classic Boards of Canada song by that name, and they're surely aware of it.

Sent from my MotoE2(4G-LTE) using U2 Interference mobile app

I'm a huge BOC nut too. So I'd love it if that is a nod back to Geogaddi..which did also have some environmental themes.

Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
Tomorrow announcement, Friday release.

Or not.
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