Pleban Girls Party: We're tired of taking it slow...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Wouldn't mind getting my hands on one of those Fenders... and their owner :shifty:

I'd love to be his bass cleaner. :wink: sounds like a good job to me. Just carry them around, polishing them! Perhaps Stuart could use an assistant?

I would've gone for Gavin's too :lol: So how much did the guys freak when you said it was? :wink:

Well yeah, I would've if he stood near me. He was a bit further away and constantly in conversation, would've been rude to shout his name I think.
The guys went nuts, trying to get his autograph, sadly for them he moved to the back of the area.
too many ehhhhhh hours & days- :grumpy:

We had so much gray & rain skies all through from May most of June that my usual Spring Energy Lift was only sporadic, and not really a full booster. We BEAT SEATTLE in gray & rain this spring! :mad:

FINALLY we did have some blocks ( 2-4 days) of pretty weather~~ warm (78 - 85F) & dry since late June! (Except this past week plus we're now back to more thunder stormy, rainy and more humid days again- tho FREE from 95+F weather -thank the powers!:heart:

SO in the the nice times I could go out, stroll the city streets, the parks, gardens and World Financial Center area. It has it has parks (3 sections- all Battery City Park) and Espalande, beautiful Plaza & Cove for boats & fancy :love:Yatchs! It's WONDERFUL!:heart:

And then there's Battery park (the most southern Manhattan park) which has had some reworking/ re-landscaping, making it much prettier towards the walkway by the water!

The WFC is the big set of lovely designed 50ish stories 4 buildings with lower connecting sections - west of the World Trade Center site by the Mighty Hudson River! They have a nice reddish, orange brick with windows set flush to the walls, and neat different rooftop designs on then a dome, a pyramid, and 2 others!

Have had GREAT FUN on the Set List Parties and listening/watching tyhe U2 Vids! OMG!:hyper::drool:

So at least there HAVE BEEN some more :happy: & more :hyper: energetic times! :love:

AND I've been teaching myself MORE crochet! : D
Different stitches, open *& lace work patterns, starting to try Circular patterns, and Amigurumi (Japanese styleD adorable animals, and objects! :giggle::love:)
At least you've had some good weather! I heard about Seattle's unusual weather... I've seen more rain on this trip than I did a couple of years ago, but then I have been in Ireland. ;) Back in the Netherlands now, for another week before heading home. We had a nice day yesterday in Galway, and only a bit of rain the day before when we visited N. Ireland and the Giant's Causeway. I'll have to get some pics online when I get home! There is some gorgeous scenery along that coast, and even when it rained there were rainbows over the sea!
At least you've had some good weather! I heard about Seattle's unusual weather... I've seen more rain on this trip than I did a couple of years ago, but then I have been in Ireland. ;) Back in the Netherlands now, for another week before heading home. We had a nice day yesterday in Galway, and only a bit of rain the day before when we visited N. Ireland and the Giant's Causeway. I'll have to get some pics online when I get home! There is some gorgeous scenery along that coast, and even when it rained there were rainbows over the sea!

ooooo very cool! will look foward to your pics!

glad you had some good trip weather..... considering it's Ireland!
IN amsterdam mostly , or traveling around?

:ohmy: yeah Poor Seattle & Portland 107F is NOT fun!!! :(

HI there KCNDA!:wave:
We're staying here and just taking day trips here and there, I think.

Yeah, I'm a bit of a weather nerd. :D

Wow, Molly and my other friend in that part of the world must be melting!

Welcome Kristen :wave:
We're staying here and just taking day trips here and there, I think.

Yeah, I'm a bit of a weather nerd. :D

day trips are fun, too! :heart:

the reason I asked re clouds is the ONLY good thing for me in these too many thunder storms has been a few that have been EITHER far away enough, or close-by BUT I was by one side of them as they moved slowly along to take some pretty FANTASTIC PHOTOS of the thuderheads, and even the Avil (the flattish cloud on top that forms when they get really big/high ) Tops of some of them.

i'm going to look at other threads.... bb around 6pm ish :wave:
I'm out too... :wave:

I love thunderstorms... I don't see enough of them in Melbourne any more, but we got a bit of thunder before Amsterdam II. :D

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