Pleban Girls Party - cuz nobody else will start a thread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Yeah, what did you get?? :hyper:

Drea, my family is mostly pretty easy going, not as bad as many families. There can be some frayed nerves at times, but things usually get smoothed over quickly. :)
:lol: I was just about to ask where you went off to Drea! :wink:



the necklace charm says Imagine... Dream... Believe...
My mom and Sister spent some of their hard earned money, though :lol: they have a lot of different products, and really most of them are better priced than other catalog/party groups like that.

Hi Sami :hug: Thanks, I liked it :wink:
HI girls :wave: :( I need Pleba love.

SG :hug: You of all people will understand this. I just got a call from my mom and on Thursday my brother was told by a specialist that he probably will only live for 10-15 more years. And if his liver totally fails then it will only be like 1-3 if he survives a transplant. I don't even know what to think. He probably won't live to see 50. I just can't wrap my brain around it. He is only 2 years older then me. :sad:
Russty :sad: :hug: :hug: :heart: I wish I knew what to say! :hug:

All you can do is Have faith that God takes us when our time is up, no matter what. He gives us the time we need to do what we're meant to do.

Be there for him, however you can. Take it as an opportunity to tell him how much he means to you and don't take for granted the times you get to spend with him.

All things we should do anyway, really - but which come into sharper focus when facing this sort of thing.
and I have to say - this is one of the biggest problems I have with Dr's. I know they are trying to help; trying to prepare you for what may come - but giving someone a deadline, an estimate of how long a patient is likely to live is so destructive.

I'll never forget when one of my brother Jeff's dr's told him he might live to see 30, if he were lucky.
I swear it set this limitation in his mind.
I'm still very bitter when I think about it
U2MaNaIcWeIdO said:
Russty :hug: :sad:

Don't give up hope! If he does get that transplant....he might live longer than that.....I mean my mom is going to be 50 in a couple of months...and she had her transplant for over 25+ years!

Sorry :reject:

Weldy :hug: you have nothing to be sorry for! :heart: you're absolutely right, Dr's don't know everything. There is ALWAYS hope.
Sad_Girl said:

Weldy :hug: you have nothing to be sorry for! :heart: you're absolutely right, Dr's don't know everything. There is ALWAYS hope.

Thanks fact while my mom was in Manor Care the second time...they told her that she didn't need to take her transplant meds...cause her kidney was healthy and totally used to her.....but she doesn't want to cause she's used to taking them and she doesn't want to go off them.
Sorry guys my damn puter locked up! :madwife:

Thank you both so much. Your support means a ton. And Weldy :hug: I'm so glad your mom is doing so well and your sharing is definetly a blessing to me. It gives me hope. :heart:

I'm going to try to just live every moment with him and let him know that no matter the time we have its important. Our baby brother is coming home from New Zealand next week too so he can be there with him. Hopefully this will bring my brothers closer again.
:yes: Hopefully your family will be able to be closer to each other through this, Russty :hug:

As strange as it seems, if you look for it you can find good things even in the midst of the bad things going on
VP he has an illness called PSC. It is a bile duct disease. Its caused by an auto immune disease and so far there is no cure. THey think he has Chrons or Ultacertive Colitus as well. He gets tested for that this week I think.

SG i'm hoping your right that the good in this is that we all become closer.

I am so thankful for you guys though. It was nice to come and be able to tell you what was going on without you thinking you had to fix me. I just feel loved and it sure helps. :love: :heart:
Russty :( :hug: Is this the same brother who was hospitalized recently?

I agree with SG. When giving the outcome of a disease that far into the future, there are SO many variables that could occur that they have no way of seeing. It's so inexact. Sort of like trying to predict the weather two years from now. Enjoy him, love him, and try to keep him and yourself positive. :hug:
^ VP I love that Analogy :yes:

Russty - :hug: We do love you :heart:

Don't ever feel bad for coming to us to talk about things. It means so much to me that you (and all of you) can share your troubles with me and I can do the same
This is a different brother. This is my older brother who was very abusive as a kid to me. I told my SIL earlier....I hate the fucker, but I don't want him to die. We don't have a good relationship. But over the years it has gotten a little bit better. I'm hoping now that maybe eventually I can reach out to him a bit. I feel bad mostly for his wife. They've only been married like 5 years and they never got to have kids together like she always hoped for.

But I think you guys are right that you have to live your life to the fullest and not worry about it. The doctors aren't God and sometimes they don't have all the answers.
Russty - facing something like this can bring about some powerful changes in a person :hug: And I know you have a big heart - and that you love him despite your history. And you care about his wife and how the rest of your family will deal. You're going to make it through all right :heart:

Good night VP :hug: Sweet Dreams
Thanks SG :hug: I knew you'd understand. Life is weird sometimes, but I figure maybe this is the time to just let everything go and just love on everyone I can.

Nighty night VP Sweet dreams. :hug: :heart:
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