PLEBA girls party thread-let's go all night!

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This is for Drea :)


Drea said:

Maybe the germs hitched a lift on the Vertigo plane when it was at Pearson Airport earlier this week :laugh: If that was the plane, then it's entirely possible it flew over my place on the way - airplanes fly over this part of North York daily ;)

The vertigo plane was at Pearson??
Oh Drea...

Talked to Ruff for a bit today. You know that pic of Adam from Tuesday, where he was meeting fans? She met him that day...said he exudes serious amounts of sexiness. :D
VintagePunk said:
It was in the first East Rutherford setlist party thread. I think I remember posting a link to the page for you??

Hmm.. maybe I saw it and looked at it then and have since forgotten it... I'll go back to that thread at some point and look around :)
Hey SG *g* I was just over looking at the RSOC meeting for this week... So many pictures, so little time to save them before I head to bed :laugh:
Sad_Girl said:
:( Awww... I get here and you guys have to go to bed

:hug: I'd stay up later, but I may not get any sleep tomorrow night (and not because of anything perverted either!), so I'd better get some now...
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