NLOTH: Do You Feel Leaked???? Leak Thread Part XI

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Please, once you've got it, as you're listening to it, jump over to the request thread and start it spreading...I've got a T3 line here, can definitely pump it around once I get it (not enough time, methinks, to go and setup a paypal account before they fully wise up, so am depending on the kindness of blue-crackers for my advance digital back-up copy until my deluxe edition arrives from Amazon in 2 weeks).
I was able to buy it with a Mexican paypal account using a mexican credit card, everybody should be able to get it.
Yep, used PayPal and here it comes...92.9mb zip file (I didn't buy GOYB since I already had it from iTunes).
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