New Eze Clips DISCUSSION thread only

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And right before the "Only Love" chorus, is that Bono or Edge singing oooooh, ooooooh. I had just assumed it was Bono, but now listening with headphones it sounds like Edge to me. Thoughts?

I can hear a lot of Lanois and particularly Eno's very distinctive vocals on the clips, especially on #1 & #4
Larry's drumming on #4 is the engine room of the song.

Now how many times have we said that this decade ?

Im more than happy to eat humble pie after the stuff ive said about his recent album showings.
Thank you LarryMullenFan for sharing these clips with all of us . :applaud:

I've gotta say I've been stuck on #4 the ease and complexity of Bono's voice is MIND BLOWING !

eat that Chris Martin .

CMart will never be able to top a vocal performance like that, of this I am certain.

Of course, I think very little of his skills as a vocalist, so I'm probably biased.
I used to hate Chris Martin, then Viva La Vida came out.

I should be going to sleep, but I still lurk, somehow tricking myself to believe that if I stay awake long enough there will be new beach clips.

I'm starting to come to terms with the Sexy Boots title. And I'm beginning to love the song.
I'm going crazy reading all of this and not listening to the tracks. If I can make it one more day, I'll be gone 3 weeks on vacation on some beach without internet access. I'm holding out the real deal on this one or at least until some radio show gig. I figure that the first single will leak or have a world premier broadcast come Labour Day/Bank Day long-weekend (Aug 30-Sept 1). I'll be home right after that. Remember the first single has to be out before Sept. 30th to qualify for a 2008 Grammy. Based on experience, this has got to be the plan. 2 Grammy years of promotion. Always!
To be fair, everyone here (including you) is going to love this album for at least a week. The sheer joy of having new U2 material to listen to will carry the album for quite some time. It happened with HTDAAB, and it's the same with these clips; people will settle down a bit once they've worn them out. Everything looks and sounds a little different the first time. :yes:

Yeah for a couple weeks I'll listen to it nonstop even if it's objectively not that good. Here's hoping it has a longer lifespan than that though.
Thanks LarryMullenFan!

It took a while for me but I'm beginning to get used to them. That's not a bad thing: AB, Pop and HTDAAB needed a few listens too :)
CMart will never be able to top a vocal performance like that, of this I am certain.

Of course, I think very little of his skills as a vocalist, so I'm probably biased.

I don't think your biased . Chris Martin's vocal ability is very limited , and I was a fan at one time , looking back not sure why . :yikes:
OK, I have listened to these enough to get a real good impression and have gotten over the "U2 can do no wrong"/first listen excitement. First these 4 tracks are really nothing similiar to the last 2 albums. They are absolutely more in the atmosphere of AB overall and maybe POP overall.

Clip 1- Has sort of mixture of Acrobat and Stuck vibe and overall a very nice song.

Clip 2- Of the clips this one sounds the least like traditional U2 and probably my least favorite of the 4. Kind of like an STP vibe or something.

Clip 3- This kind of has a Hold Me Kiss Me guitar vibe with some close elements to Clip 2. Also, has a Vertigo vibe to it.

Clip 4- By far the best sounding song and closest to a U2 sounding song. It has an Electrical Storm style to it and the passion that I love the most about U2. This song will have the best live translation of the 4 and can see it being a show stopper similiar to Bad live.

Overall I don't think any of them are a great departure from U2's past but they certainly are interesting. Part of me thinks its possible 1 or 2 of these may end of B side material. Could U2 purposely be making these accessible to get some fan feedback as maybe they are on the fence with a few of these as album inclusions? I would not rule that out though #4 is a no brainer for inclusion. I am a huge fan w/an objective ear and have found something enjoyable out of each album and expect nothing different here. I just have a feeling the songs we have not heard will probably be better overall.
OK, I have listened to these enough to get a real good impression and have gotten over the "U2 can do no wrong"/first listen excitement. First these 4 tracks are really nothing similiar to the last 2 albums. They are absolutely more in the atmosphere of AB overall and maybe POP overall.


Overall I don't think any of them are a great departure from U2's past but they certainly are interesting.

I am a huge fan w/an objective ear and have found something enjoyable out of each album and expect nothing different here.

I agree. I have been listening for the last 24 hours, and I hope I can say with at least a degree more objectivity than yesterday, that there is some seriously promising sounds coming out of Eze! I paticularly love the atmosphere of 4. It sounds like the calm and powerful sound of 00s U2 with the atmostphere of the early 90s.

However the album is received in retrospect, its certainly exciting at this stage.
While I'm honestly loving all of the clips, Clip #1 is connecting the most with me. Ever since I heard that chorus on the Fez video, I've been wildly anticipating hearing a decently clear recording of the song it went with. After hearing it... just wow. The chorus alone guarantees a fantastic song, but with the verse/chorus transition and what may be one of The Edge's greatest solos - sort of reminding me of his work on Miracle Drug except attached to an appropriately deep, driven song - this may well be one of my favorites. Ever.

Don't want to jump the gun, but yeah. It's what I'm hearing.

And the way "Sexy Boots" is placed in the song, if indeed he is saying sexy boots, I don't see it being titled anything else. But I'm probably wrong.

Well, let me explain how things went:

We arrived at the beach around 14:00 hours. We just sat near the house 9some 50 meters away from it), did some swimming, reading a book etc. The house was silent. Then, around 16:00, some guy I have never seen before appears on the patio, busy calling on his cellphone. Then, after a while, more people I have never seen before start to show up on the patio. It attracts the attention of more people on the beach.
Around 17:00, some guy spreads his towel on the beach, sits down and looks around. A few minutes later, a French speaking man starts walking up and down the patio, wearing a typical security suit (blue shirt, security badge clearly visible, black letters "security" on the back of his shirt). He starts talking to the guy that arrived on the beach minutes before. They point at some people and are clearly "spotting" people.
Then, Bono shows up on the patio, also using his cellphone, walking around, talking all the time.
All of a sudden, the song referred to as "sexy boots" is played. I was too late to record it, but we moved closer to the house to hear it better.
After the song finished, it was silent for 15 minutes or so. Bono was talking to the others. He also used an accoustic guitar, apparently to jam a little.

Then, at 17:51 (according to my cellphone ;)) "song1" is played. I grab my cellphone, put it on camera and start recording, not really paying attention to the security guy. I'm sitting on the conrete, on the left side of the house, where the sound seems to be the loudest. Near the end of the song, the security guy sees me holding my phone (I was filming the beach, just to have some footage allong with the song) and walks up to me (ok, on the patio if you know what I mean) and he starts pointing at my phone. in French, he asks whether it's a cellphone. I go like "Duh, what does it look like to you?". My girlfriend, who is standing a few meters away from me, facing the house, starts talking to the guy. He says that it is not allowed to record. I pretend that I am making pictures, not filming. The guy keeps looking at me, so I stop the recording and put the phone away.
The guy on the beach is clearly watching my moves. So, with the phone in my pocket, I try to press the correct buttons to record, but it doesn't work. So I have to take the phone out again. Once it is recording, I put it back. Halfway through song2, the security guy again asks us if we are recording, stating again that it is forbidden. The guy on the beach keeps watching us also. From that time, we just act "normal", chatting a bit, making some pictures with our camera, walking around a bit. Some 30 minutes after the last song was played, we left the beach, leving a guitar playing bono on the patio and a security guy who keeps looking our way. I was glad when I got in my car ;)

Thanks for clarifying. I can certainly see how it would be a little intimidating to record while being stared down by security, even if you were in a public place, and fully entitled to.

From what you said, I'll concede that maybe Bono didn't play it purposely for fans to hear. However, I still think that at the very least, he must not be all that concerned about it getting out there.

And again, thank you SO much for recording and sharing. :)
To Rob,

Thats when Bono is my favorite...the operatic style of singing you suggested. Its funny because my friend simply cant get into U2 because he feels that Bonos voice is not fit for rock. He said he would rather hear him sing on like R&B or opera haha.


Well I don't know if I'd go THAT far...but yeah...I'm just saying that for the more up-tempo songs, more operatic melodies a la In God's Country are better suited for B-man's voice...with that said, he has such a ridiculous voice that even if some of these melodies he is singing aren't as operatic as In God's Country, they still sound great....Bono's voice sounds much younger and clearer since Union Chapel...I'd say we can expect some really spine-tingling moments on the next tour! :hyper:

but tell your friend that Bono's voice is DEFINITELY fit for rock ;)
Thanks for clarifying. I can certainly see how it would be a little intimidating to record while being stared down by security, even if you were in a public place, and fully entitled to.

From what you said, I'll concede that maybe Bono didn't play it purposely for fans to hear. However, I still think that at the very least, he must not be all that concerned about it getting out there.

And again, thank you SO much for recording and sharing. :)

Yeah, that's an odd situation.
If you were on a public beach, you can record or film or photgraph anything you want I think......
I don't understand why U2 feels the need to play the music loud enough that it can be heard, and recorded, by anyone nearby, and yet has this charade of security saying "No recording".
We all know that if you want to hear a tune in private, just listen to it inside with the windows closed, at a lower volume!! Why would they do what they're doing? Certainly they knew about the 04 leak.
I really think it's on purpose. I swear I wouldn't be surprised if one or more of them was a member of interference and was monitoring the forum for feedback. Or at least they've got people on the payroll to do it.
They are getting odd in their old age....
Fair enough, but if you look back at the last month or so of your posts you continually say it's going to sound like Bomb based on nothing but gut feeling. Someone gave a description of a song it listed three songs, you pounced on the one that came from bomb and said "see, I told you so" completely ignoring the rest of the description. So it does come off like you are looking for something that isn't there.

who gives a shit people. decide for yourself and let others interpret how they please. I can not make out a ton from these clips except I do like BMAN's voice and Edge is sounding good. Again minus the waves I think I am going to really like WOITS. Song 2 with Bono doing the talk singing sounds pretty cool. I have always hoped they would do a song similar to how they started the fly on Elevation tour. I also am getting a hint of trance on one of the songs.
All of a sudden, the song referred to as "sexy boots" is played. I was too late to record it, but we moved closer to the house to hear it better.

So wait.. if you didn't record Sexy Boots, then which song is song 3 that everyone thinks is Sexy Boots?
Song #4 is just fantastic.

I think it will be huge. It is so layered and atmospheric. Something that has been missing on recent albums. Very haunting. It's been stuck in my head all day. Can't wait for a better version. Love the slide guitar part and Bono's voice is amazing.
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