I watched the live performance a few hours after it happened and said "meh" Sounded decent, but just a one off that I hoped they'd forget.
Holy SHIT is this good with the production!! For all the reasons everyone already mentioned- Lillywhite and the loud drums, etc, etc.
However, did anyone get the feeling that not only is Edge back, he's doing more different things in three minutes than we've heard him do in years?! It has a "War" vibe for a lot of it obviously, particularly Two Hearts, and the classic Edge chimes, but I'm also hearing some "Blackout meets Pop" type sounds!
And Adam! Damn, to me, he continues to be the stand out and may even be breaking new ground for him here!
This is as excited as I've been for a possible indication of a new direction since "Invisible." We all know they walked that back/watered the sound down, but overall, I think we got a very strong album with a lot of that DNA for SOI.