Now that I've had time to recover from the Philly show, I'll share my observations/opinions. First, I was surprised to see so many negative reviews being posted on u2gigs. I knew what to expect going in and was more than pleased with the show. SBS was straight ahead kick ass, not the re-imagined dreck of recent tours. NYD was good as always. Bad is always great to see live. Pride was only held back by the lame crowd response to the sing alongs at the end. Same for the America snippet at the end of Bad. The theme for the night was the only thing lame was the crowd. The band pretty much nailed side 2 of JT and Bono gave maximum effort on Red Hill. Watch his reaction at the end on youtube. Loved, loved loved MW because they brought back the full slide solo at the end. EPIC! Closing with one stadium rocker after another. The band definitely didnt mail this one in. My daughter and I were on the rail at the b stage and you could easily see the band were having a blast. Stadium was full, GA was full all the way to the back, RZ was full and seemed much larger than pics from other venues. Rz at Philly nearly went all the way to the sideline seats, very wide. Oh, and security nearly turned GA into a lottery by allowing multiple streams of GA down 3 separate stairs down to the field. 1-100, 101-200, 201-300 all going down at same time.