Invisible Discussion Thread III (Do not post song requests - discussion only!)

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In the last thread I said there is no auto tune on Bono's vocals on Invisible. After a day of work at the studio, me and a couple of engineers/studio hands listened to it on big monitors.....
There are two words in the first verse where it's almost certainly auto tune....
"I finally found..." that one is defintely raised a bit in pitch.....if you know what to listen for, you can hear the "lift" on the "fi" sound....
"When you see me "again"....that thing was probably the most apparent..."a-ga-ay-ay-an".....he was probably both sharp and flat on that whole run...

But, the best vocal in the song, the "All those frozen days...." part, is certainly NOT autotuned....although it's definitely spliced from another take....

This is all nit picky bullshit that only pain in the ass musos like me care about, and to be honest I don't even care, but I don't want to spread disinformation here.

Carry on.

I realy hope that "MELT away" isnt autotune, I realy love the sound he gets in that word :)


Thanks a lot U2. I just shit my pants cause I've been waiting all morning for this video

I'm trying so hard to make this gif a thing. It's from one of my favorite awful movies: Grizzly. It's about a Grizzly bear that terrorizes a national park.

Spoiler alert: It's note for note the same movie as Jaws, but with a bear.
I'm trying so hard to make this gif a thing. It's from one of my favorite awful movies: Grizzly. It's about a Grizzly bear that terrorizes a national park.

Spoiler alert: It's note for note the same movie as Jaws, but with a bear.

It's great when the bear explodes!!!
Does he shoot it with a rocket launcher?

Does he shoot the bear with a rocket launcher?
Sing that to the tune of did you put it there with a magic marker

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I don't know about you, but I see Timothy Olyphant as the protagonist.

That's fine, but I want Tim Roth as the seasoned old man, who's an expert in exterminating armadillos. He will, of course, die, tragically, 10 minutes before the film's end. Killed by the armadillos he once hunted.
Does he shoot the bear with a rocket launcher?
Sing that to the tune of did you put it there with a magic marker

Sent from my GT-I9300 using U2 Interference mobile app

That's fine, but I want Tim Roth as the seasoned old man, who's an expert in exterminating armadillos. He will, of course, die, tragically, 10 minutes before the film's end. Killed by the armadillos he once hunted.

Well if we're shooting for the moon on this, then I'd say that this tale is the modern day retelling of the Daedalus and Icarus story. Except Icarus lives.
Well if we're shooting for the moon on this, then I'd say that this tale is the modern day retelling of the Daedalus and Icarus story. Except Icarus lives.

I can see this, definitely. Not sure if Roth is old enough to be the father, though. Will father-figure work?
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