Interference Random Movie Talk Episode IX: Fievel Goes Down

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Has anyone seen Cronenberg's M. Butterfly? I had to read the play in college and thought it was brilliant and hilarious. I'm assuming the movie is not as good.
Laz, how's the Ozu coming along? Any thoughts, especially about Tokyo Story?

In other news, I've got The Bourne Ultimatum on the telly and Paddy Considine just got shot. That always pisses me off so much.
Tokyo Story isn't part of the set I have, unfortunately. The only one I've seen so far is Early Spring, which I liked a lot. Much more blunt about the sexuality than I was expecting. I know he didn't normally work with younger characters, but I thought he did a great job showing the generation gap from the other perspective in this one.

Also, I managed to find a cheap used copy of Mizoguchi's Ugetsu on Criterion, and all I have to say is, that is one hell of a fucking movie. Blew my mind. I really can't get some of those images out of my head. Really looking forward to seeing more of his stuff (Sansho the Baliff, especially) as well.



You know what's one of the more beautiful Blu Rays you'll see? The Fall.
Mizoguchi is hovering near the top of my rental list, but something else always seems to get sent out. Really looking forward to Ugetsu though.

Reason I asked is becuase I recently saw Late Autumn and An Autumn Afternoon, his final two. Late Autumn was cool for bringing back "Noriko" in the mother role and if nothing else it's always fascinating to look at studies of temporary versus traditional Japanese life.
Late Autumn is in my boxed set, and I also have a used copy of Autumn Afternoon, which I have yet to watch. However, I'm pretty sure The End of Summer (the last film in my set) was released between the two.
I do like that Where The Wild Things Are trailer with "Wake Up" in it. Didn't like it at first, but it's cool.
We're all taking the Blum's death pretty hard, Maddie. You're not an "idiot" for being broken up about it.
The idiots are the ones who just watched American Pie 2 on TBS instead of getting rowdy on a boat because they're sick.

I'm ashamed of myself.
I wouldn't mind giving her a bigglesworth, if you get my meaning.
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