Caption Thread #20: And The Hits Just Keep On Coming

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:edge: Look I'm turning into a statue!
:bono: ...... No you are raising your hand
:adam: Your not turning into a statue, statues are made out of other substances than you edge.
:edge: I am a statue:|
:larry: STFU or I'll smash all your bleeding statues an pots and pans to pieces.

:edge: ...... Rocks....stars.....Statue, Rock? C'mon I'm a statue:hyper:

:bono: : *lifts up Larry* "Come on now Larry! *pats back* You've just eaten... I know you have to burp! Just let it out!" :cute:

:larry: *thinking* I HATE beeing the youngest. :angry: LET.ME.DOWN.
^:lol: Priceless, Larry would be the practical one and come up with a solution.
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