Caption Thread #18: The Bonosapian Rules

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MoobDay captions are all well and good, but this thread needs a bump.

American cartoons, FTW.


They're Pinky and The Brain
Yes, Pinky and The Brain
One is a genius
The other's insane
To prove their mousey worth
They'll overthrow the earth
They're dinky
They're Pinky and The Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain
:bono: Narf!

:bono: What do you want to do tonight, Edge.
:edge: Same thing we do every night, Bono. Try to take over the world.
Bono-Thank you god for evrything for my life and for the most important thing THE EDGE

Edge-Thank you for Bono and for making me this hot

:edge: & :bono: : Arrevederci, oh Great Gazoo! Have a safe trip back to planet Moop. Say hello to Marvin the Martian for us. :wave:

Hi all :wave:. BC :flirt: Haven't had much time to come here lately, thought I'd drop by and say hello. Hope all you captioneers are well :yes: Plebans are pretty cool :)

:edge: I swear, some day I shall achieve my dream of washing whites and reds in one load and not have them mix! I think this time I may have used a little too much tea tree oil...:hmm:
:larry: Seriously. I swear, this is not the shirt I wanted to wear today. But Edge made me give 'em me white T and now it's pink. I'll try to look as manly as I can in ruffles, but I DON'T do pink, dammit! I'm Larry F@$#ing Mullen!
:bono: :kiss: :love: Make love to the's all about me...
:adam: How much would you pay me to give him a push?

:edge:: "Goodbye mates, I am going back home now, my spaceship has returned for me at last."
:larry:: "What did you put in his soda this time Adam?"
:adam:: :whistle:
:bono:: "Wait! Don't leave me Edge!" :sigh:
I saw this and immediately knew there was a caption here, but I can't find it!!!! :banghead:

Somebody please caption for me! :)


Here's a try....
Uhhh sure Larry, I promise that if YOUR caption thread gets to 1000 posts, we can go back to calling us the Larry Mullen Band. *wink wink*
Quotes actually don't hotlink :) so this is fine.

:lol: and yea, the hands I already noticed on those postcards with celebrity's hands on it Anton Corbijn made, Bob shares a card with Bono, and his hands are HUGE!
It's been a while since I contributed to this lovely thread. I hope this one is not too shabby.

:bono: *writing* Bonobot BB2003: P-O-V-E-R-T -- Oh wait, that's not it, he he. :rolleyes: P-R-O-V-E -- Oh, C'mon!

Edge! How do you spell "property"?:scream:

Ok...I'll get back into Lurker Mode, now. :reject:
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