Caption Thread #18: The Bonosapian Rules

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Dammit! I knew I shouldn't have made a post here.
Sorry for killing the thread girls.

:giggle: Hey that's a great caption Edge_89! :applaud: but you forgot the picture. Here I'll fix it for you:


:bono:: "Dammit! I knew I shouldn't have made a post here.
Sorry for killing the thread girls."
Joint caption. I made the screen cap, Serena came up with the line.

:larry: And to this day, it still haunts me.
Sir Bob: : pats Bono's stomach: Looks like you've lost some weight!
:bono:: Looks good, doesn't it? :flirt:



Sir Bob:
Oh, sorry about that. I thought you were standing farther away.

Bono: Yeahhhhhh..........I get that alot. :doh: :angry: (thinking) And Larry insists wearing these ugly shoes will make me tall enough so that won't happen, that git!
thanks for the pic BC :)


:bono: : Where the streets don't have any names, where the streets haven't got a name, where the........ sheesh, why can't I remember the lyrics?

:edge: : maybe spend less time trying to look like Johnny Cash

:bono: : It's Roy Orbison, Roy Orbison!
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