Beijing Olympics Thread - Part II

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NBC's idiocy continues.

The guy interviewing the 3rd place American asked "ever seen anything like it?"

Obviously he hasn't. That's sort of the point. Duh.
yeah, i am tired of interviewers asking the second or third place winners about the first place person. fer goodness sake!
Okay on to more important matters - seems that Paula Radcliffe went to the bathroom right on the side of the road in the middle of the marathon. Reports are unclear regarding whether it was #1 or #2. Do they not have porta potties? :huh:
true enough. seems like they would just ask you about YOUR game. but then again, i'm no sportscaster.

You'd think so, yes, but when a huge star emerges in an individual sport, that person dominates the coverage here in the US.

You'd rarely see this in a team sport, really....they did not ask Kobe after losing to the Celtics what he thought of the Celtics. You just ask what went wrong and what you'll do differently next season.
oh bob costas, you funny joker you. "tick them off...not tick them off, make them angry..." teehee.
Canada is always a rowing powerhouse. They have probably the fastest men's eight boat - final is Sunday for that one.

And Canada won the race by about a second, with the US winning women's eights. It should be on NBC later today. Should be interesting to watch (as a former college rower).
When I pressed the info button on my remote it listed "track and field" first and I'm seeing basketball on TV! I want to see stuff like javelin, shot put, long jump... classic olympic events! Not fucking basketball which they show all the time anyway. :mad:
Does anyone have a football update for the lazy? Men's and women's, if possible.

Yeah. The Bears right now are struggling to decide whether to start Rex Grossman or Kyle Orton at quarterback. They seem to have a case of typical memory loss, as Rex Grossman led the team to the Super Bowl just two years ago. And Kyle Orton is two steps away from being a full-blown charity case.

Also, people think that the Cowboys and the Patriots will play very well this year.

They won't.
When I pressed the info button on my remote it listed "track and field" first and I'm seeing basketball on TV! I want to see stuff like javelin, shot put, long jump... classic olympic events! Not fucking basketball which they show all the time anyway. :mad:

Well, basketball is not on all the time, of course, but, sucks that you were looking for T/F and it's not there...did you try the other NBC entities? CNBC? MSNBC? USA?
I'm checking those other channels right now... I meant basketball is on all the time anyway as in, we can always watch American sports on American TV. Please show us some classic olympic events for a change! :wink:
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