Trump Part VIII

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That's how parents can promise their kid a pony without ever going to get an actual pony.
"Eventually, but in some other form so we can get started early, we will get you a pony."
So, looks like it's Macron and Le Pen advancing to round 2 in France. I know little about Macron, but I hope he wins in two weeks. I don't want to see another right-wing anti-immigrant victory.
I hear he's polling ahead, and since France doesn't have to deal with a pesky electoral college, it's likely that lead will turn into a win.

Please, oh please, France.
So, looks like it's Macron and Le Pen advancing to round 2 in France. I know little about Macron, but I hope he wins in two weeks. I don't want to see another right-wing anti-immigrant victory.

It's a pretty disappointing run off, probably only preferable to Fillon and Le Pen. I think the issue here is that even if they lose, the far right will have effectively dragged the centrists 'towards' them - and I don't expect much positive from Macron other than 'he's not Le Pen'.

I'm mostly a bit peeved that Hamon didn't drop out weeks ago when it was clear he didn't a stand a chance and his party was in the absolute pits thanks to the Hollande government. Really took away from Melenchon. :(
It's a pretty disappointing run off, probably only preferable to Fillon and Le Pen. I think the issue here is that even if they lose, the far right will have effectively dragged the centrists 'towards' them - and I don't expect much positive from Macron other than 'he's not Le Pen'.

I'm mostly a bit peeved that Hamon didn't drop out weeks ago when it was clear he didn't a stand a chance and his party was in the absolute pits thanks to the Hollande government. Really took away from Melenchon. :(


am 100% sure that Le Pen will not win the second round though, just not possible (i hope)

Vlad, i am also disappointed Hamon didn't step down - he didn't have a chance - he's waged war on Hollande for the past 5 years, so he didn't even have the full backing of his own party... such a shame as Melenchon was soooo close, and ridiculously stubborn as well seeing as both Melenchon and Hamon were originally from the same party, Hamon also to the left of Hollande - it would have just made so much sense... sad for Melenchon, but there is pretty much a third round in June, with the parliamentary elections, so Melenchon voters should hang in there and try to win some seats in parliament, and look to the presidential elections in 5 years' time...

proud of my village, and my region as Le Pen only came third and fourth respectively

already, the other political parties are calling for voters to do the "Front Republicain" against Le Pen and vote for Macron - the "Front Republicain" is our safety net against fascism, where voters of all different persuasions unite to block Le Pen in the second round - this should work... my anarchist friend who vowed never ever to vote for Macron has just popped in, devastated, and says he is going to vote for Macron in round 2

feel pretty sick though - will be an uncomfortable couple of weeks...

am 100% sure that Le Pen will not win the second round though, just not possible (i hope)

Vlad, i am also disappointed Hamon didn't step down - he didn't have a chance - he's waged war on Hollande for the past 5 years, so he didn't even have the full backing of his own party... such a shame as Melenchon was soooo close, and ridiculously stubborn as well seeing as both Melenchon and Hamon were originally from the same party, Hamon also to the left of Hollande - it would have just made so much sense... sad for Melenchon, but there is pretty much a third round in June, with the parliamentary elections, so Melenchon voters should hang in there and try to win some seats in parliament, and look to the presidential elections in 5 years' time...

It just seemed like a stubborn attempt to save the PS as opposed to letting it perish - it is essentially dead in the water and it looks like it's been so for a while. Costly in the end.

I think the main hope for Melenchon and his party is if the recent momentum can produce a strong movement - and one that is not centred on Melenchon himself ideally.

proud of my village, and my region as Le Pen only came third and fourth respectively

I think the main hope for Melenchon and his party is if the recent momentum can produce a strong movement - and one that is not centred on Melenchon himself ideally.

i think it has already - the results were amazing, and i'm sure the movement will go from strength to strength in the next five years - so close this time, so pretty sure they will bounce back, and will be force against the FN in the 2022 elections - hope so anyway!

it's pretty heartening when you add up all the votes for the left, roughly 27-28% overall, no way the left is dead in France contrary to popular belief
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sickening though - the FN instantly started going fishing for Melenchon voters - really hope they hate Le Pen more than they hate Macron... will be interesting to see what Melenchon will say about all this in the next few days... all the Melenchon voters i know would rather die than vote Le Pen at least haha - they hate Macron as they see him as big finance, probably a bit like Sanders/Hilary, but if you need to eat and it's a choice between some stale noodles and a bucket of sick, i know what i'd choose
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Different electoral systems, and Macron is far ahead of Le Pen in the predicted two way run off polls - Clinton/Trump were much closer. Macron winning is a safe bet for now.
National Front winning the election seems much more likely than Republican winning, isn't it? I know Trump was an unusual candidate but he's still from an established party
Bilzzard of bullshit, lol. How are there Americans that don't see how bad he is? Oh wait they must have shit in their eyes.
It seems the page has been removed or renamed. Getting a 404 response.

If you can stomach it, the AP put out the transcript of their interview with the person with the most curious grammar on earth:
(I'm wondering if it's normal for so many things to be unintelligible).

Regarding his tax plans, Paul Krugmann had a nice takedown of the "Zombies of Voodoo Economics":
It’s important to note just how little the tweeter-in-chief has managed to achieve; but we also need to focus on what, exactly, it is that he hasn’t achieved.

For Mr. Trump sold himself to voters as unorthodox as well as effective. He was going to be a different kind of president, a consummate deal-maker who would transcend the usual ideological divide. His supporters should therefore be dismayed, not just by his failure to actually close any deals, but by the fact that he evidently has no new ideas to offer, just the same old snake oil the right has been peddling for decades.
And now we’re seeing it on taxes. Mr. Trump has promised to unveil a “massive” tax cut plan next week. This announcement apparently came as a surprise to his own Treasury officials, who obviously don’t have a plan ready. Still, one thing is clear: Whatever the details, Trumptax will be a big exercise in fantasy economics.
So history offers not a shred of support for faith in the pro-growth effects of tax cuts.
In other words, supply-side economics is a classic example of a zombie doctrine: a view that should have been killed by the evidence long ago, but just keeps shambling along, eating politicians’ brains. Why, then, does it persist? Because it offers a rationale for lower taxes on the wealthy — and as Upton Sinclair noted long ago, it’s difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.
AP: You did put out though, as a candidate, you put out a 100-day plan. Do you feel like you should be held accountable to that plan?

TRUMP: Somebody, yeah, somebody put out the concept of a hundred-day plan. But yeah. Well, I'm mostly there on most items. Go over the items, and I'll talk to you ...


TRUMP: But things change. There has to be flexibility. Let me give you an example. President Xi, we have a, like, a really great relationship. For me to call him a currency manipulator and then say, "By the way, I'd like you to solve the North Korean problem," doesn't work. So you have to have a certain flexibility, Number One. Number Two, from the time I took office till now, you know, it's a very exact thing. It's not like generalities. Do you want a Coke or anything?

AP: I'm OK, thank you. No. ...

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