NLOTH: Do You Feel Leaked???? Leak Thread Part XI

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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they might as well just let it happen now and get the money they can get before its all over the internet. the cats already out of the bag
I'm sure what they'll do is make it availible to you again on March 2nd.

NOrmally when you do preorders, you card doesn't get charged until it is released. And removing the file won't do anything for them, except getting them more trouble. The cat is out there and there is nothing they can do to stop it.
I tried to purchase and sign up an account...service is down...too many U2 fans...? Anyone want to send it to email?
yes yes yes yes and YES

It leaked!!!!!!

The album is here and out there!!!!!!!

Have a nice night....

Take CARE!!!!!!!!!

By the way, those who lost connection and can't resume, you should have a download link in you email. Use that to start downloading again.
I love that there are only 164 people in this thread, while the other leak threads had around 400 at times.
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