You've heard GET ON YOUR BOOTS? - Post all thoughts, reviews, discussion HERE Part 3

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Who else thinks this song will rock live? I think this song will translate better live than Vertigo. It has a certain moodiness about it that I like which U2 haven't done for a very long time. Good depature from HTDAAB. :up: I look forward to the new album!
Heading for the nineties living in the eighties
Screaming in a back room waiting for the big boom
Give me give me wild west
Give me give me safe sex
Give me love give me love
Give me time to live it up

Uh-oh. There's already a little bit of brain fluid leaking out of my ears. Be careful!
I do have one question though that seems to keep coming back to me....if we compare Streets or ISHFWILF to GOYB/Vertigo....there's such a big difference....and I think GOYB, in this case, is missing something that songs like Streets and ISHFWILF epicness factor...Now, in terms of lead singles, where did this vibe go? I don't know...I'll agree that GOYB really doesn't sound like much else...but it has this cheap pop vibe to it in the same vein as Vertigo that is sort of seems like if NLOTH is a brilliant record, GOYB is going to be the low point...
This way we're gonna get to part IV of this thread.

I do have one question though that seems to keep coming back to me....if we compare Streets or ISHFWILF to GOYB/Vertigo....there's such a big difference....and I think GOYB, in this case, is missing something that songs like Streets and ISHFWILF epicness factor...Now, in terms of lead singles, where did this vibe go? I don't know...I'll agree that GOYB really doesn't sound like much else...but it has this cheap pop vibe to it in the same vein as Vertigo that is sort of seems like if NLOTH is a brilliant record, GOYB is going to be the low point...

Not every song has to be epic though...:shrug:

They will still have epic songs on this album, I'm pretty sure of it, but U2 realized in the 90's that not everything they wrote had to have this extremely serious epic feel...
I do have one question though that seems to keep coming back to me....if we compare Streets or ISHFWILF to GOYB/Vertigo....there's such a big difference....and I think GOYB, in this case, is missing something that songs like Streets and ISHFWILF epicness factor...Now, in terms of lead singles, where did this vibe go? I don't know...I'll agree that GOYB really doesn't sound like much else...but it has this cheap pop vibe to it in the same vein as Vertigo that is sort of seems like if NLOTH is a brilliant record, GOYB is going to be the low point...

I think we can expect a similar sound, in terms of guitar, bass and drum work - which does sound very different! But for Bono I think it's harder to say. He could stay in the teasing type of vibe for the whole of the album, then again he could play different personas for each of the songs like in Achtung and Zooropa. Therefore, I wouldn't count on Bono's lyrical direction for this song alone to necessarily represent the whole album - but this is just a guess!
I do have one question though that seems to keep coming back to me....if we compare Streets or ISHFWILF to GOYB/Vertigo....there's such a big difference....and I think GOYB, in this case, is missing something that songs like Streets and ISHFWILF epicness factor...Now, in terms of lead singles, where did this vibe go? I don't know...I'll agree that GOYB really doesn't sound like much else...but it has this cheap pop vibe to it in the same vein as Vertigo that is sort of seems like if NLOTH is a brilliant record, GOYB is going to be the low point...

Why would you compare the creative flow of guys in their late 20's to guys with families and almost 50? They will never ever make such incredible music like JT or AB again and it is okay. They still sound fresh, bono his oice is great for his age and the album will be good (Eno is a never failure).

People who are still waiting for songs of genius like SHFWILF will for ever be dissapointed. Those days are over and again, it is NORMAL. they have an unbelieveble long career and still sound different which is something no one with uch a career can capture.
Not every song has to be epic though...:shrug:

They will still have epic songs on this album, I'm pretty sure of it, but U2 realized in the 90's that not everything they wrote had to have this extremely serious epic feel...

I am praying for that feel and soul in Magnificent, and I'm sure we all are. something that uplifts us and takes us to somewhere else!
I think the chorus is the best thing they've come up with in this decade. So powerful and hypnotic, i can forgive some of the weak verse lyrics. Seriously, the uneasy vocals on the " arrrrrrreeeee" part rule my ass. I like the fact that this song is short and to the point. There's no final chorus, it just rides out on the main groove... and bono's "hey ay ay" adlibs are hell of a lot more fitting and convincing than his 21 Vertigo "yeas". I always said about Vertigo that it sounded too much like a band trying to have fun...on this track not only do they pull it off, but most importantly, i'm having fun.

My only gripe with the song is that it's a little too hippy and optimistic. Like the "Satan loves a bomb scare" line is good, but he deflates the power of that line with "but he won't scare you...or it won't scare you..." whatever he says, it's like come on Bono, were adults, you don't have to let us off the hook. Talk about Satan, be dark, be real. On Wake Up Dead Man, he didn't have to follow "and a fucked up world it is too" with something reassuring like "but it won't fuck you up".

All that aside, i like the song. Not in love with it, but that's what i like about it. It's a single, nothing more or less. Just 3 minutes of fun, and most likely not even close to being the best off the album. At least i hope.
People want feel, soul, epic-ness and at the same time innovative, experimental, groundbreaking new music? How does that work? Or is it simply because we so desparately need something to complain about?

Good luck.
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